Dan Nexon

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Dan Nexon


"'A man without a plan is not a man.' Nietzsche."

Professor in the Department of Government and SFS @ Georgetown.

I study international order, power politics, & empires.

dhnexon.net | https://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com | duckofminerva.com |
Project 2025 should be called "Project 1929." It's not clear from the screenshot if merging the FDIC means eliminating its functions, but the next two paragraphs are truly terrifying; a wish list for people who think the problem with 2008 was that it *didn't* lead to a global depression.
Does this look like "outperforming" the national level polls?
Oh right I need to do another one. The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 4/20
Continuing with my loose interpretation of "one book per day." The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 3/20
Explanation of the term courtesy of @albertsonb2.bsky.social and an abstract to what looks like a cool paper. link.springer.com/article/10.1...
Continuing with my loose interpretation of "one book per day." The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 3/20
Well, I remember to do this after only a gap of a week. The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 2/20
Well, I remember to do this after only a gap of a week. The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 2/20
Ok. I'll bite. Chances that I'll last 20 days? Low. The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 1/20 #booksky
Let's party like it's 2017-2021.
Apropos, my father wrote his dissertation on this 👇. Pretty sure the answer was “racism.”
HarrisX/Harvard has a new poll, the last round ran in May 15. Also no meaningful change, but this is too large a cap to tell us much about any debate effects. HarrisX/Harvard has been a bad poll for Biden, and this one is no different.
“If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.”
He was also about as coherent as he’s always been (here’s the other excerpt I meant to post from 2012). I just don’t see how he gets replaced in a way that doesn’t make things worse. But we’ll see how this shakes out.
It's fine for pundits to tell us what they thought (e.g., that Biden looked old and frail), but for ^&%^& sake don't tell us how "average" people will react or, worse, think that an argument is "persuasive" if it's dropped. This isn't policy debate.
Read the transcript. Watched some clips. This is the answer Biden's been getting the most heat for:
I debated in high school and college. I coached for a bit. I was pretty good. So, apropos of nothing, I'm just gonna say not only that these *aren't* debates, but it's a huge mistake to think of them as such. For example:
Compare it to these excerpts from the 2012 debate against Ryan:
Ok. I'll bite. Chances that I'll last 20 days? Low. The challenge is to choose 20 books that greatly influenced you. One book per day, for 20 days. No explanations, no reviews. Just covers. 1/20 #booksky
So what about "sapping military strength?" This is a difficult case to make re: U.S. military budgets, which in real terms were largely flat (and off peak) during the Trump years.
Overall, Thiessen’s column is a good example of the normalization of fascism in the broader GOP, in that it’s a completely normal piece of partisan hackery, albeit one written explicitly in the form of “I’ll take my chances with Trump because Biden’s such a disaster!”
Thiessen also thinks that Trump’s strikes on Syria were effective and that his Iran policy was a success. Maybe killing Soleimani made Thiessen feel tough; in the real world Iran is a) more powerful in the Middle East and b) closer to having nuclear weapons it was when Trump assumed office.
Is Thiessen a chump or a hack? You make the call.
Biden’s speech, in fact, hews pretty well to this “traditional” meaning of isolationism. He’s talking about NATO, the defense of Europe, and the defense of democracies (especially in Europe) against attack. www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo...
When we moved to the DC suburbs, we threw in the towel. Tried collars with bells. He got those off within 5 minutes. Lev was great (sincerely), but he was definitely a killing machine. Left everyone in the neighborhood headless “presents” @ their doors. All. The. Time. Don’t let your cat outside.
Caturday! Meet Bennu, who joined our household a year ago.
And meet Allani, his not-actual-sister. He is ~14 lbs. She is ~8 lbs. But he doesn’t know that.
Some witticisms are better left unquipped.
👇👇👇 😳😳😳