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right so you know HIM off Powerpuff Girls? That but for indie comics. But nicer here than on the other place because that's the vibe. [email protected]
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Buying up housing stock on an island might be "just business" - but when an ancient and powerful goddess intervenes, real estate agents Cat & Rosemary get more than they bargained for... Buy my new horror comic "A Gift Of Crows" at @TAGSfestival 2nd Dec! www.tagsfest.co.uk #art #comics #scotland
Hiya! They got gifs here yet? No? Ok well see you in a bit I guess.
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
Supreme work as usual from @comicprintinguk.bsky.social 12 “Small Books” in one brick size lump. Will be at @thoughtbubbleuk.bsky.social DSTLRY Hall D9-A this weekend.
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
It's here!! "(AshlingDraws Presents) Hourly Comic Day 2023" will be launching at @thoughtbubbleuk.bsky.social in Print this weekend! 🎉 Big huge thanks to @comicprintinguk.bsky.social for the excellent print job!! ✨
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
Wallace asks Trump about the financing of a joint venture with Vornado — one building in NYC, one in CA. Trump: “My threshold was China, Russia and keeping our country safe.” Wallace: “And just to refresh your recollection, you were not president in 2021?” Trump: “No, I wasn’t." (SB)
Idea for a horror comic: you start with the panel from The Snowman that shows the little boy waving goodnight to the snowman. You finish with the panel where he runs outside to find it melted. Story is told in first person perspective. By The Snowman.
ey, I just met you elcome to my feed o you understand now, he importance of bleeds?
Hey, I just met you And you seem down Why don’t you go see Famous clown?
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
💥📣Thanks to everyone who backed the campaign so far, we’re over the halfway mark. But we still need to raise 3K or bust! Rewards tiers from $3 to $25 with stretch goals lined up that you’ll ❤️! Go here👉🏻 www.kickstarter.com/projects/sxb... Art by @lizprincecomics.bsky.social & true-ish stuff by me!
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Exec: so what are the names of the gross pasty nerd billionaire and his weird girlfriend? Writer: Musk and Grime Exec: and the embezzler? Writer: Sam Bankman-Fraud Exec: and the politician and his son who do organized crime? Writer: Don and Don Junior Exec: get the fuck out of my office
Hey, I just met you And you seem down Why don’t you go see Famous clown?
“Your Honor SHE is the misogynist. You should see her burn book.”
“I sometimes think there may be a bit of misogyny," Engoron says. Apparently this isn't the first time Kise has complained about something the law clerk is doing. Kise replies: “I am not misogynist, I have a 17-year-old daughter.” via Erica Orden, Molly Crane-Newman, Erik Uebelacker
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You have ~one week~ left to apply for next year's digital SB Comics Fair; applications close on November 9th (8pm UK time) www.shortboxcomicsfair.com/apply
Old Gods of Appalachia is just so *big*. I can’t keep the thread of it without a spreadsheet. An incredible piece of work to stand up on this kind of schedule.
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
1950s guy who just had six martinis for lunch, getting back into his cadillac: i wonder what my bitch wife is making for dinner housewife, completely zoomed out on lithium: [encasing a whole ham in jell-o]
For sale: baby, shoes.
write a four word horror story: we need to talk
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
Republicans have been demonizing serious center left democrats for decades and … it has not resulted in democrats absconding democracy or nominating anyone but … other serious center left democrats.
I’m continually fascinated by Never Trump conservatives blaming the fall of the GOP (as they see it) and rise of Trump on … Democrats running hard against Mitt Romney. From Rich Lowry.
Me: *puts on “the tidy up rumba”* Tilly: “yes. Dance for me.”
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
The thing about twitter is that it wasn’t *good* before Elon took it over, but it was *the best* at what it did. Wading through the dreck was no fun, but it only came up to about thigh high for a lot of people and there was useful news and helpful links and so forth to be found if you looked.
One of Tilly’s self-regulation tics is this high pitched ululating that we call “sirening”. You can probably imagine roughly what I’m talking about but also let me assure you that you DO NOT want to hear it live.
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
I still occasionally think about how Chris Rock in his hottest stand-up years had a whole bit about how there would never be a Black president. "'Oh c'mon, never say never' I'M SAYIN' NEVER!!!!"
me, circa anytime before 2008: “they’ll never allow a black president. What are they going to do—paint the White House black? Cmon”
Listen, I’m too online. I know that. But I can’t imagine being *this* online.
It is true that if you define "hike" in a completely insane way devised exclusively for a single tweet then no, indigenous people did not hike.
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
It is true that if you define "hike" in a completely insane way devised exclusively for a single tweet then no, indigenous people did not hike.
Reposted byAvatar cpuk
The list of frequently asked questions on Musk's Wikipedia page suggests that nobody at Wikipedia is being paid enough to deal with this horseshit.
Hi, I'm Jaime and I've been working for 8 years for the Wikimedia Foundation. The following are personal views and do not represent in any way the position of the Foundation (I don't and cannot speak on behalf of it). However, you may have seen this question by Mr. Musk and I wanted to respond A 🧵:
Someone needs to say it: Haribo are underwhelming.
By the time you’re thirty you should: • have a stable job • be seeking medical help for your depression • be unrecognisable outside your work uniform • because you are great clown Pagliacci • although it could also be Batman I guess. If he did the depression thing.
Trimming Tilly’s toenails, or as she likes to call it “shattering the Geneva convention.”