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#Warcraft @CtRGuild @ReciprocityUS / Stage IV Metaplastic TNBC / Co-Creator of #WarcraftPositivity She/Her
Scan was good. That was a rollercoaster of a month, but the chemo break has been extended to the beginning of the year.
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I need some more informative/educational halloween (or halloween-adjacent) videos to watch. Anyone have any suggestions? I already have stuff like how to make soul cakes, what victorians did for parties, how spirit photography works, etc so I'm looking for stuff in that vein.
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💗!!TODAY!! 💗 Join us on Scarlet Crusade-US for the annual Running of the Gnomes! ❣️We'll be running from New Tinkertown to Booty Bay ❣️Event leaves the starting zone at 4pm Pacific! ❣️Show up early and hang with us NOW!! ❣️Info: gnomerun2023.carrd.co 🏃‍♀️ #GnomeRun2023 🏃‍♀️ #Warcraft
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After having some time to think about it, I think I’ve deluded myself that the spot isn’t something. None of the reasons I can see, that one might have a new pulmonary nodule apply to me. I’ve rescheduled the chemo for this week I desperately wanted to skip. 🫤
Most recent scan was not clear. There was only one thing showing and it was small. It could be nothing or something, having a repeat scan right after BlizzCon. I guess for a month I have Schroedinger’s pulmonary nodule. Won’t know if it’s cancer or not until we look at it again.
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Be relentless against your enemies, but be ready to show mercy and grace should the opportunity arise to turn a foe into a friend. People can change, and honor is a path through the complex landscape of life, not a fence to keep out trespassers.
Nyn. You feel brain foggy today, not brain doggy. I’m not sure I would mind brain doggy.
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Begone, needless negativity.
No, I wasn’t searching for “Engines and Dragons,” actually, but thanks. 🤣
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It’s so funny to make a decision so universally loathed that you break a different app
I think Nichelle Nichols would have loved that episode.
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Anyone here doing heroic sark this week? My guild doesn't run it anymore but I still need the kill for the legendary shot. I can PuG it but if I can help a friend out I'd be good with that.
Oh great. Seems like this place is hitting the point where there’s no nuance already. I am not sure where the fun in dunking on people is. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I am really, really over orange/teal. Once you see it, it’s everywhere.
I want to see what people are working on and help promote it!
As this is coming up again: Be proud of your work and don't be afraid to tell people here about it! I personally find it helpful to have it as part of a mix of other stuff, because variety is interesting. Also remember Bsky is still small, so don't expect miracles. But, yes! Share your work.
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I will not promise you that tomorrow will be better. That would be wishful thinking. But I assure you that tomorrow could be better, and that you have it in you to bring it about, or at least make a glorious effort to make it so.
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Cynicism is often the easiest position we can take, surrendering before even putting up a fight. Empathy and hope are worthier paths for a true warrior. After all, it takes bravery to strive for better days, to seek the sun through the darkest of clouds.
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Hey @jay.bsky.team and @bsky.app fix your site and hire a trust and safety team. Oh and issue a real apology while you're at it.
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If you're enjoying Bluesky and you don't want it to turn into the cesspool of hate that Twitter did, you best speak up now. Cut that 'I don't know what to say' shit out and amplify Black and queer voices, because the BS team ain't listening to us.
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Not only did Bluesky remove slurs against disabled people, but the list does not contain anything about slurs regarding the lgbt community. They really need to hire someone who’s job it is to know better ways to do this. Bluesky please invest in Trust and Safety experts.
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just fyi if you are running a social network, your actual product is MODERATION
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ban the fucking racists and then ban the accounts who invited them, bluesky
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any of you cosmetic folks have a good recommendation for tightening/lifting face cream? I already have a regimen that includes cold cream and moisturizer but I want to add to it.
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This isn't extreme. This is the only acceptable position toward Meta. I tried my damnedest to get them to listen about Myanmar during the Facebook "partnership" with Snopes throughout 2017 and was continually mocked and talked over by "product managers" in their meetings. It culminated in my firing
I know I’m an anti-Meta extremist, but working as a reporter focused on tech in SE Asia in the 2010s (my first job) REALLY radicalized me - I was reporting when FB first hit Myanmar. I remember talking to locals who said their new FB accounts were really helping them see how bad Rohingya are.
I remember LJ dying, but I don’t remember why people didn’t move to Dreamwidth.
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Hahaha please everybody, push back against this nonsense with all you've got, we wrote all kinds of great debunkings on these topics to prevent outcomes exactly like this
the opinion is LADEN with conservative grievance brain: Example 1: "Defendants were suppressing speech saying the 2020 election was full of fraud!!!"