Kate Violette

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Kate Violette


Multipurpose nerd. Engineering manager currently waylaid by a complex illness. On a mission to watch every Katharine Hepburn movie.
🏳️‍🌈 they (🇬🇧), elle (🇫🇷)

Currently residing in Portland OR. Always a Mainer.

Blog at my username!
So the good news is I didn't have a bad flare. I had some light insomnia, which could be due to any number of things. (Could be histamine, could be something else.) I'll experiment again soon but with *two* tiny falafel instead of just one, and see what happens. :)
About to have a couple bites of chickpeas with dinner to see if I can add them back yet or not Will my sleep get fucked up tonight? Will I have a mast cell reaction necessitating use of rescue meds to keep me out of the hospital? Who knows! This illness has so deeply fucked my relationship to food
For fellow lovers of cozy games: I just started playing Strange Horticulture (on Steam) and it is exceptionally good! I'm hooked from the get-go. (Granted, I love plants, and I love mysteries, but it's also just very well made!)
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My toxic trait is buying writing tools and art materials instead of writing my comics ANYWAY look my fountain pen has a new buddy!!! 🧡🍊🧡🍊🧡
Gonna lose my marbles if I have to keep seeing people--even medical professionals!--claiming a disease that affects *at least* ~7% of the US population, and growing!, is "rare" A high single digit percent rate is nowhere near "rare". Medical professionals: understand your domain area better, please
I'm considering the idea of making a bksy Starter Pack for MCAS folks. If I were to do so, who should be on it / who would like to be on it? I'd like it to be a good reference for folks who are newer to the illness, so ideally people who sometimes chat about the illness and how they manage it.
About to have a couple bites of chickpeas with dinner to see if I can add them back yet or not Will my sleep get fucked up tonight? Will I have a mast cell reaction necessitating use of rescue meds to keep me out of the hospital? Who knows! This illness has so deeply fucked my relationship to food
Quebec is the Texas of Canada You may object "but Kate! Alberta is where the oil is!" Sure, but no other province has "fuck you! you can't tell us what to do! we want to be our own country!" energy like Quebec If you need further data, I will point you to a power grid fun fact (1/2)
Please everybody tell me your Texases
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Ah, summer. All the cooped up isolation of winter without the compensation of hot chocolate and other coziness. 🥵
page 35 has defeated me for tonight, I'll try again in the morning 144 pages to go
I have a book to finish reading for a book club on Thursday and I swear to stars if that's all I do this week, (other than my usual trudgery of medical needs), I will be happy. This is like the third time I've attempted to make a French book club and fuck I want to make it happen this time.
I have a book to finish reading for a book club on Thursday and I swear to stars if that's all I do this week, (other than my usual trudgery of medical needs), I will be happy. This is like the third time I've attempted to make a French book club and fuck I want to make it happen this time.
I'm scared to google "how fast does human skin grow in millimeters per year" so is there anyone on bsky that maybe knows the answer? #MedSky
I'm just happy it grew back and filled in well. Except for a tiny circle near the middle of the cut that is a small dent, and every so often flakes a circle of skin as my skin grows naturally. How fast does skin grow anyway? It is possible I'm still pushing up the middle of the actual injury?
Back in Oct I cut my thumb with a chef's knife. It wasn't the worst cut ever: shallow-ish but broad, nicked some nerves near the center. It hurt like hell and I wondered if I was just being a baby about it. Anyway it's 9 months later and the skin still grows in a little funny. Verdict: not baby!
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If any other tarot wonks would like to share their particular takes on the 8 of Pentacles, have at it. I'm stumped.
Anyone else have that experience where a specific tarot card follows around for weeks and you're still not quite sure what it's telling you? like yes I know I've drawn this card four times across three different decks in the last month and I still don't know what you want of me, little guy 😮‍💨
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What most stood out to me in the initial reporting yesterday was how much of the crowd seemed to think it was fireworks at first. (This was corroborated by some eyewitness statements.) They love guns but have no idea what they really are, what they even sound like. Violence is a plaything to them.
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
ok that's enough internet for me today I think
Yet another personal realization thanks to second language learning: In English (my native language), I'm usually taking great pains in how I choose my words, thanks to being autistic and perpetually fighting that herculean battle to be actually understood. In French--
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Here’s one disabled person who was arrested this year for wearing a mask to cover facial scars, these laws are being enforced and most often harming Asian, Black and African American people Fight anti-mask bans, even ones with “medical exemptions” — they all harm www.wdbj7.com/2024/04/04/1...
18-year-old charged with violating mask law: ‘I didn’t even know it was a law. Nobody knew it was a law’www.wdbj7.com The law prohibits anyone over the age of 16 from wearing a mask that conceals their identity in public.
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The last Manhattanhenge of the year is tonight. My neighborhood is perfectly situated for a full-width, cross-island view, and the photographers are already setting up – eight hours ahead of the main event!
Need to pump yourself up for an event you're nervous about? Why not try...
valiant peaches, painted by mary daisy arnold, 1936
I identify as nonbinary but not trans so maybe some people will say I don't have grounds to call-in fellow genderqueer folks but anyway... There's a real mob mentality among some trans folks on bsky, and I think it comes from a place of, "I'm used to being right while others around me are wrong."
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As long as I live i will never understand neurotypical sensory needs why do u all like sirens so much, what about sirens gives u a good cheerful feeling
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Imagine the world if we’d learned from Covid. If we’d… Let long covid disability teach us to abandon the grind for slow living? Embraced WFH and reduced travel to protect the climate? Made public health proactive instead of reactive? Recognized clean air as an urgent human right? We still can.
well la di dah
wealthy apples, painted by deborah griscom passmore, 1905
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flood protection is just one of a huge range of benefits that could be had from building this infrastructure everywhere and more people should know about these
Montreal's sponge parks, designed in a way to deviate as much rain water as possible away from the sewers, have saved a bunch of areas from flooding due to Beryl's rainfall. So you get really nice parks in a major city, with a bonus against flooding. They're making more of them now and I love it
Montreal sponge parks soak up the stormmontreal.ctvnews.ca After over 100 millimetres of rain pummelled Montreal Wednesday evening, some Montreal streets saw less flooding, and sponge parks played a big part in soaking up the precipitation.
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OkOkOk I'm finally getting assessed for #ADHD, officially. I've had it. Anyone with #MECFS + #ADHD who can weigh in on which meds helped w/o exacerbating #PEM? Please share, #NEISvoid 😭
I asked my high school principal if I could wear a tie to graduation. He said he wasn't gonna forbid me to do it but it would probably cause a lot of shit he didn't feel like dealing with. I ended up not wearing a tie. So yeah. If anyone needs decades-old receipts. I got em.
Watching the same generation that ruthlessly bullied gender weirdo kids like me into either the closet or the grave smugly demand evidence of our existence 30 years ago certainly has me feeling Something.