
Glass half full? Most Americans probably weren't watching that. Right? Hopefully? Give me something, people.
Hit the road running tomorrow keep pumping the great Biden record. And stop the damn hand wringing. Dems can be such bed wetters. Don’t give magats the satisfaction.
I don’t think it matters tbh. Most people know who these two are and both have had a term as Pres. What more is there to learn?
Anybody who's still Undecided needs to drop out of society, jump in a hole, and pour the dirt on up to their neck
And why stop there? Keep it pouring.
The debate didn’t change my mind on whom I’m voting for
I feel pretty confident in that. These are historically unpopular candidates that the general electorate is not excited to vote for Political fans and diehards will have watched, so ratings will be high, but doubt the people they need to earn the votes from were
I wasn’t! I gave up watching those things years ago.
It’s not going to change minds. No one is really undecided. The only people deciding whether to vote don’t care and wouldn’t be watching it anyway. GOP and media will go through another round of ignoring Trump’s lies and fascism to talk about Biden’s age, but that’s nothing new.
I was doing some extra work and listening to the NHL network laud the award winners from tonight's awards show on TV.
I mean another glass half full here is that most people watching seem to be mortified
Most Americans don’t want to go backwards off a cliff; they want common sense & decency & Dem policy. Joe might be Mr. Magoo once in awhile but he’s real. The admin is doing great.
Saw it was around half of the 2020 debate numbers, but CNN said that was because of streamers. I wouldn't trust CNN on that though, because the entire journalism caste was trying to hype this like a cagematch to goose viewership and it just didn't go that way.
Sexually Suggestive
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Worst live political performance since Bud Dwyer
Who was human? Who was not?
poll was 4 in 10 were watching don’t know if that’s of registered voters
I watched the US Olympic track and field qualifiers. Much more uplifting.
I didn’t watch because every time I hear trump I want to throw things but I heard the audience was a lot smaller than in 2020. I think most have already made up their minds.
People I know understand we all have times we are not at our best, esp when we have a virus.
It was so bad I asked an 'apolitical' friend to register to vote for once in his life, and he agreed.