
The reason the media couldn't really cover this lawsuit extensively is because she dropped her lawsuit on November 4, 2016, just four days before the election, and her real name was never revealed. She had received death threats, according to her lawyer, despite never being named publicly.
Looks like something useful is happening on the Nazi site - this court document about Donald Trump’s involvement in the Epstein case is going viral This is a disgusting read
Credible people thought there were too many suspicious aspects to the case at the time, but who knows? I think we've learned so much more about Epstein and Trump since 2016 that would probably make it more believable. But I didn't see any of the evidence for myself.
It’s worth asking why Trump named Alex Acosta, an otherwise insignificant AUSA but the one who did Epstein’s plea deal, as his Secretary of Labor.
And it’s not like it wasn’t there for the seeing if you were looking. I was a Board member of NCMEC at the time, if you ever want someone to interview about it. Nothing about Trump and Epstein surprised me.
It's on the 'I know enough to believe he would have and could have, but I don't know enough to say he specifically did' Is Trump a pedophile? 🤷 But I think he's entirely capable of harming a kid for "look what I can do" just on sociopathy.
There's something that feels even more fucked up about that.
We will never know why Trump picked him. But I feel like I do.
A good society would have (metaphorically) burnt that entire social circle. Systematically stripped them all of any power, none of them are trustworthy.
i felt a little conspiratorial when i suggested his death should be investigated in depth but lol, lmao
And it’s not like it wasn’t there for the seeing if you were looking. I was a Board member of NCMEC at the time, if you ever want someone to interview about it. Nothing about Trump and Epstein surprised me.
he wasn't on the island for a cup of coffee and a haircut.
I seem to recall at the time there was another underage girl who corroborated her statements.
Similar to what is currently happening to Stormy Daniels. 😡
“It’s become unsafe for her family + her pets ... Her horses have been shot twice now by protesters and even mainstream media paparazzi trying to provoke her out of her home. As if that’s not bad enough, Trump is still tangling her up in lawsuits in an effort to bleed her dry financially... ”
I Stand with Stormy Daniels #WeAreAllStormy, organized by Dwayne Many of you only know Stormy Daniels through the headlines; you’ve heard h… Dwayne Crawford needs your support for I Stand with Stormy Daniels #WeAreAllStormy
This document has been available for a while, correct? I’m sure I have read it sometime before. Why is it spreading now?
Huh. Had seen resistance types sharing the court docs but wasn't sure if they were legit.
I think some have been trying to paint these as newly released in that big batch of Epstein transcripts this week but that's not the case obviously.
Why do people keep questioning veracity of the documents? Get a PACER account, people. They’re right there for us all to look at ourselves.
God, the sheer level of visceral disgust reading that gave me.
I read this story in the late 90’s. It was the 1st time I’d heard of Epstein, and it was a detail of Trump’s rape of this then unnamed minor. I watched the press conference in 2016 that she failed to attend. Her attorney said that death threats had been placed on her entire family if she showed up.
Where did the story get reported in the 90s?
I don’t remember. I read it online. It was the early days of the internet. It stuck in my brain cuz “billionaire sex party” and “Donald Trump”, a man I’d grown to despise working in a family business in Atlantic City in the 80’s.
This woman accused Trump of rape, look how she ended up
This makes me sick, and even more so that anyone had any knowledge of the victim's identify and whereabouts to expose her to death threats. There were a lot of people that did unspeakable things on that island, and there needs to be a reckoning for that.
Someone threatened to kill her family, as I recall.