
If a journalist has been consistently reliable, resourceful and accurate when reporting things you want to hear, you don’t get to dismiss them when they report something you don’t. I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules.
The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters.
Ok I’ll keep that in mind when you post an article from someone like that
This is a really funny L to take on behalf of someone else
Starting from the premise: of course we all like and respect Olivia nuzzi,
Do you have examples of good reporting from her? Honest question.
Pretty sure you linked the wrong article there. She is none of these things.
Okay but this was written by Olivia Nuzzi though.
Oh man, Nuzzi is trash. Remember how much she "worshipped" Ann Coulter? I do. Nuzzi also covered the rally where Hillary Clinton announced her 2008 candidacy, and it was openly mocking her for being Hillary Clinton.
I guess you've heard entirely different things about Nuzzi than I have.
Sure, but that is certainly not the case here
I think you accidentally pasted a link to an Olivia Nuzzi article instead of something from a competent, reliable journalist
I get the mental decline. He's 80+. That should have been dealt with by the Democrats years ago. My question is why should that make me (or anyone) vote for Trump?
It shouldn't, but it should make you alarmed that the Democrats decided not to run a real primary to find someone who isn't in decline *now*, let alone four years from now! And that he seemingly has no intent of stepping aside of his own volition.
We ran a real primary. People either chose not to run in it or, if they did, they got beaten spectacularly. Biden won every primary by a vastly larger amount than Trump did. Including primaries where Trump’s opposition had already dropped out.
There were no Democratic Party debates. If there were, the party could have caught this problem much earlier.
Would they though? In a democratic primary debate it would just be Joe Biden up there being Joe Biden, not Joe Biden being over coached and trying to rattle off figures to refute a serial bullshitter instead of the proper approach which is to say “stfu”
My partner’s decidedly-not-tuned-in-to-politics mother who hates Trump watched the first hour of the debate and decided not to vote. That’s the effect Biden’s age is having.
I don't want to vote for either. Give me someone to vote for.
it should make you want him to step down and be replaced by someone who can hit the ground running and campaign in every state in order to beat trump elections are damned hard on the body and you have to have your candidate out there. surrogates don't draw real crowds
Did anyone say it should? There are, however, people who aren't so sure.
Technically, you're right, it doesn't. No voting or voting for a third party are indeed options, but it certainly implies (but, with a hat tip to Peter Sagal, does not beg) the question, "If I can't vote for Biden, what else am I supposed to do?"
The other option is Kamala. She can just step right in, all he has to do is say "I release my delegates and endorse my vice president."
Wouldn't be on the ballot in all states.
Yes she would. We have not yet had a nomination, we only have someone who mathematically clinched the pledges of enough delegates to win it. He can release them from their pledges and then whatever they vote at the convention is as legitimate as any other convention vote.
Would. August 7 is the earliest deadline for party nominees.
Cool. Show me such a journalist. I don’t mean that glibly. I’m gobsmacked with the times. The editorial decision to run this into the stratosphere while skipping SO MUCH is an agenda, not journalism. “We lost Cronkite, we’ve lost the war.” Who has that trust today?
Sure, but this isn't even reporting, just bizarre wishcasting and fanfiction.
what if the salient question is not "is Biden too old?" but "is Trump an authoritarian sociopath determined to destroy democracy?" Because then I think I get to dismiss this reporting
If Trump is an authoritarian, that is a very good reason to ask whether our defender is up to the task of stopping him. The election won't be the end of it, Trump's people will almost certainly stage another coup if they lose.
Fair. But what if the writer is the opposite of that? What if the writer is Olivia Nuzzi?...but I repeat myself.
Lol scrolled back to November before giving up - "RFK Jr is a conservative, and a liberal, and he could turn this presidential race upside down." No he's not. No he won't. That's not true.
Read the article. Find a reported fact that isn’t true. Let me know.
The number of true facts is effectively infinite. The number of facts that fit in an article is limited. The choice of which facts are relevant and worth mentioning is subjective. The framing around those facts is, too. This whole passive "news just IS, it just sort of happens" line wears thin.
You're revealing a deeply myopic & pathetic view of what makes a good and interesting journalist.
“Was funny at a cocktail party I went to”
Genuinely can’t believe I used to think highly of your intellectual capacity
Are you collecting Ls this week because we'll keep throwing them at you
Who is this reliable, resourceful and accurate journalist you speak of?
Nobody gotta hand it to Olivia Nuzzi.
You mean White Supremacist Whisperer Olivia Nuzzi? Ann Coulter fangirl Olivia Nuzzi? OK, cool - I already hated her work and the harm she's done by giving credulous profiles of white supremacist movements and groups, so I'm more than happy to dismiss this latest dreck.
When I read things like this, I honestly think that it's okay if we are voting for the vice president, that these are both old guys and either could die in office, statistically they very well might. Which vice president do I want to take the reins?
But Nuzzi has been none of those things