
Searched for #ThisFuckingGuy and the brand is strong
And yet you find new ways to be kind and compassionate to their unfortunate partners!! A true gift.
After the breakdown of society I swear I'm going to hunt these dudes for sport
“How do you like THIS hiking together, bro?”
Persistence hunting is fun for the whole family.
I feel Linda dirty, like that was lefty evo-soc…but it’s not like we’re gonna have video games so..🤷🏽
it will be good exercise AND a reliable source of protein!
Too high in heavy metals and microplastics.
Yeah this is my issue with eating the rich. The rich are full of weird supplements and cosmetic fillers and they probably taste terrible. I only want to eat the organic grass-fed rich.
Keep them in a cage and feed them nothing but cornmeal and distilled water for a month.
We could probably still compost the rich, so not a total waste
We can put them to work on the farms where the golf courses used to be. They love being outside and getting their steps in, right?
Exactly. People like to talk about eating the rich and the rude, but we gotta think carefully about bioaccumulation. Composting, OTOH, can still redirect their nutrient mass into the food chain with less risk.
We could try a fine slurry? It would be much easier to filter out the worst of the toxins that way, and it can then be diluted and used as fertilizer.
I can hear the movie trailer now: "Before the collapse, they thought they were Alphas. Now they're just prey."
i volunteer to join you! we could get some matching jumpsuits, plasma backpacks and couple more friends, call ourselves the “ballbusters”
Need a caddy and/or squire? I also double as a driver/spotter
It would be a public service for sure.
Oh god. I read this and immediately wondered if they had a young child, and of course they do. Not that it's okay to do this if you don't have kids, but this dynamic is so common. While she says he's a good dad, I strongly suspect that the laborious parts of parenting aren't being divided equally.
He's getting to do his recreational activities, his favorite of which are heavy on physical activity. Now he wants her to carve out hours a week to (ideally) do an activity he loves and she doesn't even like or (grudgingly) one she did voluntarily when she had more time but doesn't make the cut now.
I guarantee that if they got divorced and did every other week custody, his hiking time would drop drastically.
Right? I think I read he wants her to do like three exercise based activities a week 😬
I do one (1) exercise based activity per week in addition to my commute and people there often say "you should come more often." But I have a job and kids and something would have to be given up. So uh... What does this guy think should be given up?
I'd actually love to interrogate him about this, because I'm guessing if he actually gives an honest answer, it's something like her favorite TV show that he thinks is silly or getting coffee with her best friend.
Right? I struggle to fit it in and I work part time and don't have kids so agreed. Where is all this magical workout time coming from? (I feel its a bit of a tell on his labour input around childcare and housekeeping 😒)
He's also probably going to be the dad who expects athletic excellence from his child. Or else.
he apparently used to play soccer until an injury stopped him, so yeah, that kid is getting forced into soccer practice as soon as they can kick a ball
OMG. From the heading I thought it would be a (still terrible!) guy who is mad she doesn’t do these things anymore, but NO! She never did these things! He just expected her to become a completely different person than the one he actually married!
Right?! If her not hiking with him was a dealbreaker, why didn’t he SAY SO?
And if this was about wanting quality time together, he’d be suggesting activities she likes. “Babe, my parents can watch Kiddo on Thursdays, wanna sign up for this dance class?”
Dude doesn't understand that no one gets to decide to have "above average health." At some point your body decides for you how healthy you get to be!
Yes! His requirements are not compatible with that whole "in sickness and in health" thing. But he probably thinks he's going to be in perfect health forever because he runs.
He had an injury that stopped him playing soccer, do you think he’s be cool if she was like, “I always saw myself with a soccer star, sorry!”
or, y'know, things happen like getting hit by a car in your early 20s and seemingly getting away with no more than swelling in your knee (the impact site) for a few days and then, 15 years later, suddenly osteoarthritis ask me how I know
Pity dance isn't something you can do in pairs
Wow, this fellow is working really hard to show he doesn't deserve his stellar partner, their lovely home, and their child.
even though she says it almost as a throwaway, I wonder how much he feels threatened by her income/wage level.
Ayup. This guy is the type who will bitch at her to quit her job and become a housewife, then ramp up the abuse because she's not working and money becomes tighter. I realize I am talking about strangers here but the pattern is SO marked.
I really really hope she figures something out sooner rather than later. Clearly the fact that she's writing to CA indicates she has a sense something is not right.
Yeah. And now she has a kid with this guy. It sends a chill down my spine. I hope she gets out. Like, he may be harmless…but why take the risk?
Big advantage to her getting out NOW is that the kid can potentially grow up much healthier than if they stay together.
No, no. I’ve seen it play out too. It’s definitely an established behavior.
It’s so sad that we can look at it and be like, “nope, that’s a pattern, BE CAREFUL.”
“If I tell her she’s not good enough but almost is, that she could be better, that she might lose, she’ll try to meet my unrealistic ever changing expectations and won’t have time to notice other problems!”
The dude not bringing up issues with long dry spell is also somewhat of a red flag, he doesn't sound like a man who would accept his "needs" not being met.