
bringing Bibi to speak is one of the most obvious own goals I’ve ever seen in politics and it is absurd that Dem leaders in congress signed off on this he wants Biden to lose, which couldn’t possibly be more clear, and still - still! - he gets to do this with a bipartisan seal of approval
"The White House has grown anxious about Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming address to a joint session of Congress, believing the Israeli prime minister could use the forum to criticize President Joe Biden for not supporting the retaliation against Hamas in Gaza enough."
‘No one knows what he’s going to say’ – WH fears mount about Bibi’s DC The Israeli prime minister’s video this week, accusing the U.S. of withholding military aid, has raised the stakes (and the concerns) about his July 24 speech.
I am well aware that Johnson can bring him to address the House on his own but make him do that, make this look like the Republican stunt it is, make it clear this guy isn’t actually your guy when he spits in your face
Made me rethink who Jeffries and Schumer think are their base
Jeffries trying to unseat a Democratic incumbent from his own state under order from AIPAC kinda gives the game away
Jeffries endorsed Bowman last month, as did the rest of House Democratic leadership
And who writes the checks for the NY Dem machine, and that maybe we should have taken a second before allowing 2 NY Dems to be the party leaders in Congress.
That's the part that kills me. Schumer wouldn't lose a single NY vote for ignoring Bibi. He might even get a few if he said "The senate is not inviting the single biggest obstacle to and man most responsible for there not being a permanent peace deal to speak"
I'm not even sure why it's assumed Netanyahu criticizing him would *hurt* Biden?
honestly it shouldn’t but the tenor of the media coverage will make it damaging anyway
Netanyahu getting invited to speak to Congress by Democrats and using the time to trash Biden makes Biden look weak.
To whom, though? Conservatives? Biden needs to be seen as pushing back on the Israeli government to appeal to those left of his base. This situation essentially serves as free political advertising for Biden.
I’m not so sure. I have a feeling the normies will be overshadowed by the massive protests that will most likely erupt as soon as Netanyahu’s plane lands in DC.
Yeah that's pretty hard to deny
It's an open question how much it moves the needle. I don't think it changes the anti-Biden left's mind into voting for him, it's not changing any part of the right's mind, it's not changing the left that thinks Bibi's the problem, so how many of everyone else does Bibi/the media sway?
because it will make Biden look like even more of a sucker for granting Netanyahu’s every wish and still getting abuse
Yup, and them doing that under Obama should have made it clear that Bibi was hostile to the Dems and going to be an ongoing problem.
unbelievable political malpractice by Democrats
he's going to cut a Trump ad from the podium of the House, it's going to be a foreign head of state saying "Biden sucks" followed by footage of bipartisan applause political malpractice, top to bottom
It’s truly a slap in the face. Makes me seethe personally. Wtf are the Dems doing?
Yeah fuck this.😡I hate this with every fiber of my being. He will criticize our Senate , scold our POTUS& shit on Congress to its face.
State Dept can pull the diplomatic visa but then I guess he’d give even more vituperative lecture via zoom
People who are bad at politics are supposed to lose elections. When this happens, it's evidence that democracy is working.
It really does make one question the political judgement of everyone who allowed this to go through. I don't think I'd trust them to run a campaign for dog catcher, let alone senator or president.
They tried to middle-ground it by saying that they're inviting the leader of a "US Ally" to speak. Frankly, I think the fear was that the GOP was going to bring him whatever they did and they don't want to be accused of being anti-Israel.
LBJ, to Lester Pearson: "Don't come into my living room and piss on my rug." Biden, to Netanyahu: "Please, save some for the Lincoln Bedroom."
Biden had nothing to with this, and I’m sure he’s not thrilled with the idea at all.
This post of your pissed me off enough to motivate me to write my Rep and Senators (all Dem leadership types). Here's the text, if anyone wants to borrow/modify for their circumstances:
Chuck Schumer is so bad that he makes Mitch look competent when he is just an asshole who needs to be told no