
i don't know whether AOCs call for impeaching the justices will be the right one (it doesn't have a chance in hell of getting through), but the conversation has to start with congress, who are prime offenders in letting the court get to this point, and i'm encouraged someone there recognizes that
given impeachment thresholds, I think "expand the court" or some purely legislative answer is the only realistic one that could get through at the same time, I think the sentiment behind impeachment is the right one, because the message should be that these maniacs have failed and must be removed
I think given the way the right has weaponized centrist Dems' pathological fear of conflict the only answer is to nut up & start to behave with the same urgency as the rhetoric not like Putin & the GOP haven't pushed all the chips into the center of the table FFS
I would ask the DOJ to start serious investigations into any US company taking any kind of money at all from Russia; I would encourage them to impound stuff peremptorily.
McDonalds has a partnership with a 31% stake in the fake McDonalds in Russia? I'm sorry that's ours. Tell the DOJ to prioritize right wing groups since that's not apparently outside the president's executive mandate.
This is realistically probably true, but we don't get hear without AOC and others banging the impeachment drum to move the public on the issue of court reform. At least somebody understands the concept of performative acts to drive the national discourse which seems like an arcane secret to Schumer
Maybe Durbin is the bigger culprit on this specific issue. The point remains, the senior dem leadership don't know how to fight to shape public opinion, they just keep commissioning polls and triangulation for all the success it has given them in 20 years.
not my original idea, but borrowing from elsewhere: never mind if she has the votes or not, do it anyway so people have to vote yea or nay on it. make them show their faces on it. (i am eliding all procedural details here; i'm less concerned with the mechanics than the vibes)
Malpractice for elected Dems not to at a minimum crank up the rhetoric months ago. Rhetoric might have worked
Yeah, I support it in the sense that it seems to meet the moment in a way that Dick Durbin furrowing his brow again does not
She’s using impeachment because the republicans have control of the House. Can’t add to the SC from the minority
What about creating and ratifying a new constitution entirely? The current one's Article VII sort of provides a guideline or outline of what happened to the Articles of Confederation.