
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
I checked. In their editorial about Trump's 34 felony convictions, the NYT did not say that Trump should drop out of the race. Only Democratic candidates who have a bad debate should drop out of races.
Only Democrats ever have to do things for the good of the country. Never Republicans. Certainly not Trump.
Only Dems can be expected to serve the public. It's clear that Republicans only serve themselves and their moneyed masters.
This is what he was quoting from, not the NYT>
I know. I was contrasting the Philly piece to the nyt piece
After all, quitting while you're ahead is how you lose.
Yes… because they like the chaos of Trump
If you think calling for 45 to step-aside will do anything, put a million bucks on it. I'll give you any odds you like. Where's your cash? This is you replaying 2016, wherein you're too prideful to admit your candidate sucks and so hand the nation to fascism.
This is obviously true and well worth saying. The one other obvious thing they, and seemingly everyone, refuse to acknowledge is that Trump does not, and will never, serve the country, while Biden does. Trump will only exit the stage by being dragged off. Biden has a choice.
Ah, but if the groundswell gets loud enough, maybe the GOP will clue in and act. They will do anything to save their own skins.
Nope. They had their best chance after Jan 6 and didn't take it. The GOP is inexorably tied to Trumpism now.
Quite right. They could've saved their skins then. But they had the leadership of Kevin McCarthy.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh, sorry, I just - the thought of the GOP acting to take out Trump - just made me laugh & laugh & laugh. As if they ever ever ever would. Even if a giant bear were charging them, guaranteed to tear them limb from limb. Nope. They are CRAVEN COWARDS.
They are all for it. It’s only way their minority can hold power
they can no longer tell their skins apart from trump's.
You are saying this about a candidate who is running from his deathbed because he would rather hand the country to the fascist than accept that he is too old to drive, let alone run the country. His ego must be satisfied, whatever the cost to the country and the world.
If only serving his country was a motivation ...
Do we now distribute presidential nominations on the basis of who deserves them?
if it’s good enough for the New York Times 🙄
And it must be. Just like when they wrote puff pieces about Hitler
It used to be that unfit people weren't nominated, for the most part.
would you rather distribute them amongst those who don't deserve them?
Presidential nominations are decided by the oligarchs, as always. The oligarchs are happy with both of the current options and so should you. Know your place. If you are not a plutocrat you job is to shut up and vote for whoever they have selected for you.
Yes? That's sort of how democracy is supposed to work?
@PhillyInquirer should be hosting the next debate
Close! Actually they should both withdraw
Trump never was in it to serve the country. It was all about power and his own self image, unfortunately. That's all it ever was.
Excellent. Fuck The NY Times and their pampered, out of touch spoiled brat rich asshole takes. This is the way.
If you think calling for 45 to step-aside will do anything, put a million bucks on it. I'll give you any odds you like. Where's your cash? This is you replaying 2016, wherein you're too prideful to admit your candidate sucks and so hand the nation to fascism.
This article is election interference.
We should all be subscribing.
I understand the sentiment, but for me as a non American, it is bizar that such a big and powerful democratic nation only has two absolutely unsuitable candidates. They are both unacceptable. Only fit for a clown world.
Both of them should step down. It's laughable what the elites have put up.
Er, both these guys won their primaries. It’s not the elites you should blame but the rank and file who have made their choice.
The tank and file are a tiny proportion of the nation. But this election is even worse. No one opposed Biden, and no serious candidate opposed Trump. It's like the system has broken.
My point is that the rank and file aren’t “elites” and there’s nothing stopping more people from getting involved other than Americans don’t seem to like politics. Biden ran unopposed because he’s an incumbent and no one else thought they could beat him. Repubs prefer Trump over the others.
DeSantis had a shot early on, but it turned out he was a crappy campaigner.
No one outside the very small cheer squad wants either candidate. You have to wonder how that happens in a modern democracy.
I don’t think it’s so mysterious. They are both incumbents of a sort. Voters are capable of making the political calculation that it makes their party look weak and indecisive to change candidates. Also, I think you are underestimating Trump’s popularity among Repubs. They are quite happy with him.
Trump isn't going to withdraw and his party doesn't want him to withdraw, so frankly demanding that he does is pointless. Biden might withdraw with enough pressure, so it is extremely important that we apply that pressure. People who think Biden should stay need to watch that debate again.
I unfortunately agree. Biden lost anyone who wanted to see if he was/is up to four more years.
Use blue eyes to revoke donald trump do it now!!!!!!