álvaro postabosta 🚂

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álvaro postabosta 🚂


dad, homemaker, he/him, 18+ content
cis pan non-available mono
Brazilian TTRPG author and game designer
pai, dona de casa, ele, 18+
pan mono casado (flerte esportivo)
autor de RPG de mesa e game designer
sofas have skeletons made of wood and skins made of fabric i will possibly elaborate #tt #TrashTuesday (everyday is trash tuesday)
friendly reminder that if you see people on here sneeringly saying things like “all these ‘activists’ do is post,” a great way to respond is by muting or blocking them, going about your business, and allowing them to continue believing they’re right. don’t be baited into snitching on yourself.
Gente Alguém já usou meia de compressão? Preciso de uma ajudinha pra escolher, pq não pode experimentar é só pela medida. Se alguém já tiver usado, me ajuda 🥲
babe, babe, I know we’re going through a rough patch but can we please remain present with each other and skeet with intentionality
vocês estão prontas crianças? ESTAMOS CAPITÃO eu não ouvi direito! ESTAMOS CAPITÃO oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo vive num abacaxi e mora no mar
Oh by the way, this a great time to read writers with roots in Appalachia who aren't J. D. Vance. I grew in North Carolina, my novel concerns New Orleans, Alabama, & Atlanta, but it's a way better read for y'all than HILLBILLY ELLEGY. Get it from my neighborhood bookstore here. Y'all welcome.
None But the Righteous a book by Chantal Jamesbookshop.org Lyrical, riveting, and haunting from its opening lines, None But the Righteous is an extraordinary debut that signals the arrival of an unforgettable new voice in contemporary fiction "[A] profound de...
A direita tá produzindo meme para atacar o Haddad e assim o Lula? Está, por óbvio. É errado que as pessoas realmente achem ruim serem taxadas em comprinhas? Não é. Enquanto a escolha política for taxar compra da SHEIN e não bilionário, todo mundo tá no direito de fazer meme.
O governo tá liberando jogo de azar e vc deveria pensar em como isso vai afetar tua profissão. Psicólogo? Bora estudar sobe vício em jogo. Advogado? Acordo sobre dívidas. Agiota? Bicheiro? ...tá abrindo aí um grande mercado de merda, participe, são inúmeras possibilidades.
found the perfect spot in a clearing in the woods for ritual sacrifice
I can't speak for all people with big giant heads, but for my part please feel free to attack JD vance about his enormous dome, hypercephalic hitler ass cabbage patch doll, cryin' himself ta sleep on his huge pilla
meanwhile, local Kenyan news has a constant flow of stories of young people murdered and police trying to cover it up. haven't seen any coverage of that in Western media.
also the fact that western media picked up the "serial killer" news so quickly makes it extra suspicious
looking at the judicial shenanigans in the United Strafes i can’t help but be reminded of countries where the judiciary was actually assaulted, with judges getting exiled, killed, so on and so forth lib judges should definitely be thinking about that instead of believing the status quo will hold
estar solteire não é incompetência, não existe necessariamente uma coisa que vc tá fazendo errada e por isso não namora, e as pessoas que namoram estão fazendo certo. tem um monte de cuzão namorando. encontro tb é sorte.
sendo que quem tira mesmo férias duas vezes por ano é juiz mas ninguém tem colhão pra falar isso pra meretríssimo
Estou em recesso escolar. Não falo "estou de férias" porque - as férias do professor são em janeiro - sempre aparece um escroto pra dizer que "professor é a única profissão que tira férias duas vezes por ano"
More people should spend time offline and bold Lego sets or make irl connections in their community
As well-meaning publishers try to navigate the coming storm of state laws against diversity, I hope they'll consider Timothy Snyder's Rule #1 (from his slim book ON TYRANNY).
this was before i watched evangelion for the first time and bonded with shinji “the worst boy in the world” for having a shitty dad and listening to same song on repeat while dreading coming back home and taking endless train trips
yes, also read all medicine’s package inserts and recorded same song on hand recorder to listen on repeat on the fly anywhere
i look like this btw
Labeled by the author
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
weird al presents: the sillymarillion
sofas have skeletons made of wood and skins made of fabric i will possibly elaborate #tt #TrashTuesday (everyday is trash tuesday)
it’s never too late for anything
my friend just told me that her grandmother who is turning 90 soon recently started therapy! 🖤🖤🖤
A curiosity about my novella BUT NOT TOO BOLD (coming out February 2025 with Tor) is that it's a self-translation originally published in Brazilian Portuguese by Dame Blanche, meaning it has two lovely covers, as you can see below 🕷️🗝️
Pépito mencionada (imaginem a menina do anime mas com fundo de torre Eiffel
"Pepito they shot trump"
"Pepito they shot trump"
-Departamento de Gerúndios, boa tarde -Boa tarde, eu quero a maior sequência de verbos que vocês tiverem -Claro, estaremos solicitando -Mas eu quero agora!! -Senhor, não vou estar podendo ajudar mandando fazer correndo -Ótimo, obrigado
Today is International Nonbinary People's Day. There are cis and binary trans people who still don't believe that we exist, that we are trans, that we deserve respect, basic human rights, heathcare. That we matter. But we do exist. We do matter. And more of us should still be alive today. 🧵
Being told that everything you feel about yourself is wrong and dirty; told that you have to dress, behave, groom, feel in ways that are not natural to you; told that the things you like aren't for you; told that there are differences and they are supposed to matter -- all of this is traumatic af.