
This is also my advice to folks in their own city during a heat wave. Many museums have a free admission day. Go soak up culture and air conditioning.
And I highly recommend catacombs, if your city has some!
People think they are drinking enough water but on hot days they end up diluting their salt intake and that is what causes them to pass out.
Most hikers cannot/do not bring enough water for hot weather hiking.
That can be a problem, but another one is that you don’t notice how much you’re sweating in very hot, dry weather, because the sweat evaporates so quickly, so a lot of people don’t drink enough water.
Went to South Dakota in 2006. One of the days we were in Rapid City it was 102. We went to a movie that afternoon. Saw the first Cars movie. Was too darned hot to do any touristy thing.
We see so many movies most summers.
We were supposed to be in NYC right now. Postponed, because on those city streets, there’s no place for the heat to go.
common sense? never heard of it.
Many libraries make museum passes available, too! Some don't even require going to the museum in person, you get a digital pass.
i feel like people need to just give up the dream of going outside between noon and 6pm in the summer
That's how we live through summer. Hide from 11a-5p
In Phoenix the hottest June 12 recorded, I asked the taxi driver (as he passed us water from the case in every taxi) how he managed w/o A/C. “We’re like cockroaches” he grinned. We hide in the basement all day and come out at night.”
I was just thinking that, after being enervated by a simple walk to the grocery.
Typical scientist move to pin this on climate change rather than accept that this is the work of the Minotaur.
I work at a garden center. Even during heat emergencies people turn up struggling to breathe and say, "Boy it's hot." Yes, yes it is, and I have no idea why you're out in this today.
Yeah, we just arrived, and it was 95F at 9pm. We are with a bunch of older people, so we’re watching everyone carefully, staying hydrated, and no hiking!
Thank you! Give all the animals pets and kisses from me while I’m gone! :)
I worked in the tourist biz in Greece years ago. No Greek would set foot outside between noon and 4PM at the earliest.
There was some story about a family that “mysteriously died” in a state (national?) park in the southwest positing toxic algae or gasses or something, only printing in one sentence at the end they went on a half day hike with a single bottle of water between them. Heat is so underrated as a danger.
Two years ago — during Australian winter — I visited the Red Centre. The leader of the camel tour was talking about the ebb and flow of tourism in the area. He said “The only people STUPID enough to visit here in the summer are the Americans” and then he grinned at me.
i'm under a heat dome when i wanted to start working out outside, again instead, i am simply browsing the museum of humanity we call "the internet"
That is exactly what I did last weekend. Dad was like "let's go to the Zoo!" I'm like "It's gonna be 94, I don't want heatstroke, we're doing a museum."
or just go swim in the sea closer to where you're staying rather than hike to a bay on the other side of the island, on your own
several of these have happened on small islands with no museums. I've been to Mathraki, the night we were there there were maybe four other tourists on the island, plus >100 locals, and two guys from the phone company. It's beautiful
looking back, that's where i saw this kiwi flagged small (30') motor yacht
I'll do one better than this and not hike at all or even go outside in the sun
They want to brag about how tough they are, like the people who went to Death Valley when it was like 130° so they could take a selfie.
people would still go in palm springs even in 110f. they should close all trails
Or put up a sign “ if you are stupid enough to hike in this heat, emergencies services will not be coming out to save you. Have a nice day”.
It would be an understandable mistake if people are walking out to a nice cool swimming hole and misjudge their tolerance for the trip...dare I hope it's that?
Noooo….you know. 🙄
I don't even like walking the 20 feet to my garage in a heatwave, let alone hike. Eww! There is a reason I have pugs. None of us do well in heat and avoid it at all costs.
up till last year, i thought if you were drinking water you wouldn't get heatstroke but you absolutely can! only physically cooling off can protect you. im a city grrl. i bet plenty of people think a hat and hydration is enough.
i recall that whole fam in CA who died in 2021 on a hike: mom, dad, baby and dog. tragic, preventable. not sure if it's pando that made people thumb their noses at being sensible in the face of dangers. it's rather arrogant and troubling in the even bigger existential threat of climate exacerbation.
i vote aliens it is just as believable as them evaporating because of heat POOF THEY ARE GONE just add water to reconstitute
i don't get it! I live in a place where it gets fucking hot and folks know not to go walking! Ugh.
Back in the '70s, my family went hiking in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, in August! We had a great time climbing around on the White House ruins (which is very sensibly not allowed anymore). Luckily only my sister got heatstroke
"Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-dday sun" (Showing my age here, but it's true!)
It depends on where you are, however. Often a well-forested area will be shady and relatively cooler. As always, bring water and preferably go hiking in at least pairs. Or if alone, stick to well-traveled trails and do *not* stray. But that is always good advice.
And take a tracker or tell someone where you’re going and when to expect you back. I’m sorry but it’s straight up selfish to just go out like that and then rescuers have to go out in the heat too to save some idiot who didn’t know better.
On the bright side there are now loads of free mummies up for grabs