
For real though it sucks that Britain, a damp rock the size of one of my city's medium sized parks, has a legislature with more representatives than the United States. We deserve better.
No but I love when all you beautiful sickos start posting shit like "Bogroubler flips Hambarn upon Gwynyychlyyrah! A huge result!" It's like hanging out with people being poisoned by carbon monoxide. None of those places are real
We should have 1 rep for every 250,000 people, which would place us in between Mexico and Japan. (This would be 1340 representatives in the House)
List of legislatures by number of members -
My favorite thing from 2020 was the DNC video showing the nominating delegates from all 50 states voting remotely, you really got to see the breadth of the country
lmao meanwhile India has 1 lower house rep/2.6M people 😭
Avatar had a great comment on that in their episode about constitutional amendments that failed, where they pointed out that the amendment capping House district population would mean a couple thousand House Reps... which means none of us would ever need to know or care who MTG is.
Call your representatives and push for the repeal of the Permanent Apportionment Act. The US *needs* better, and that change can be done without a constitutional amendment.
In British cozy mysteries people are always meeting with their legislator to demand speed bumps. My CD is three-quarters of a million people. To my knowledgeI haven’t had a rep hold a Town Hall since 2017.
Hey, how dare you, we're a damp *windy* rock.
We need like 1,503 House Reps, not 435.
This would mean lager states get more reps and we can't have that
It's a given at this point that representation given to the ale states is obscenely out of proportion
Look don't take my typo and porter it into your own narrative
Would also mostly fix the electoral college problem
"Damp rock" 😂 We've come a long way since the "British Empire" times . Love it.
Even my quick and dirty answer to how to keep Congressional apportionment fair (divide each state's population by the population of the smallest state, then round to the nearest whole number) doesn't get us to the size of the Commons.
House should be 2k seats and the senate should be abolished
It doesn’t matter, and UK is no better. This country is carved into two halves of equal size. Each side intransigent enough to vote for, currently, a sadist or a corpse.