
Getting owned that hard on the normie platforms is great news tbh
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
I’m actually stunned that they would delete their account like that
Can you imagine getting owned so hard on Club Penguin that you delete? Good god
"Why I'm Leaving Neopets" by Bret Stephens
No… I can’t. Why would you imply that I know what that’s like?????
Holy crap, lol. You don't want to overstate the case, but there really is some grassroots fury going on at all this exhausting ratfuckery.
And by all means people, trash the NYT but we gotta be sure they aren't made the ONLY scapegoat. There are a LOT of different political actors who deserve this treatment just as much.
I’m comfortable with them being a synecdoche for the larger problem as long as people know they’re a synecdoche.
Fuck, I'll take any indicators that the normies have caught on and are appropriate levels of pissed off.
Right, exactly. See also the beginnings of a normie freakout about the Project 2025 thing. Sure it's maybe an oversimplification but it's GOOD that the basic idea is sinking in broadly. ("These people are malevolent and crazy.")
The truth of course that ANY Republican administration will be staffed by the worst of humanity with goals that are anti-human and harmful to YOU PERSONALLY, but it's nice that they gave it a cartoonishly villainous Evil Master Plan title this time, just on their own!
The weakness of the Republican Party is that the fringe folks that are their most loyal voting block see nothing wrong with a christofascist state. They see the quiet part out loud because they don't get why it needs to be the quiet part.
Having been screaming about fascism since 2015, I'll take anything I can get.
I'm not reading 900 pages of the 14 words either.
For decades, coastal press has aggressively covered the story that main street America has an intense, nearly apolitical animosity towards what are seen as "coastal elites"—a group they have consistently failed to consider might include themselves. It's very funny to watch that bear fruit.
"old people are infirm and can't be trusted" might not be the best thing to argue when old people are one of your largest customer bases
Getting owned on Roblox to own the libs
Wonder if only feeling safe among the Nazis on twitter will cause the to reflect on who they appeal to at this point?
Can't tell if NYTimes is still on Bluesky because we're small and insignificant Or if because they found a much more supportive audience here.
"Posting does nothing." That's not true, a news outlet got bullied into deleting their account because of posting.
I’m too extremely online to tell, but it seems the full court press from the pundit class has caused Liberals to rally around Biden more than it has caused Dem power brokers to abandon him. Had NYT/WAPO kept their hands off the scale, folks would be talking about the debate vs “debate fallout”
Like, it’s important to remember: “The pundit class saw blood in the water following the debate; prematurely throwing their imagined weight around.” and “Binden is in rough shape, polling or otherwise” are not contradictory opinions, but the NYT/WAPO seem hellbent for them to be.
Is this feeling in my chest… hope?
Threads is a bastion of left wing support, i got roped into a "blue wave" group on there my first week and wound up with 900 followers pretty fast, they tend to only engage with politics of course. They were like the first real group of people who left twitter en masse
Little disappointed bsky didn't do it first, tbh
What's the op? I just get "blocked"