n highlands ♎ ☮ ☯️ 🐢 ♻️ 💚

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n highlands ♎ ☮ ☯️ 🐢 ♻️ 💚


pacifist, human rights, plant-based, #BanAllWeapons #MedicareForAll
If Trump wins we'll all be part of his reality TV show... Kind of like the "Hunger Games".
The fighting will have to stop before the convention. So a decision will evolve. I don’t care how it goes, I can argue for both sides and I don’t know who’s right. I just know I am voting D.
I don't care if "Shit Sandwich" is on the 💙 ballot, I'm voting for it. Love Biden, wish he was younger, but I would vote for him and there are other Dem.s I could also vote for. Swing voters will be forced to choose corrupt over old? Seems illogical, to worry about one but not the other. 🤔
Trump: I like Hunger Games. When I'm king, I'm going to implement that. MSM: Biden misplaced car keys. Unfit to run.
#project2025 is the beginning of The Handmaid's Tale or the Republic of Gilead We MUST not let tRump WIN!!! Just read this list and it's over 900 pages long.
Many states are Wrongfully Purging voter rolls. Voters deserve to know they can get back on the rolls by simply reregistering. But you must check. Often. www.dontgetpurged.org
Verify your name is still on your State’s Registered Voter Rollwww.dontgetpurged.org You have the power to beat voter suppression, glitches and Russian hacking!
In my experience, some abusive people are great at creating a charming public persona and surrounding themselves with friends who are awesome and kind. It’s part of how they get away with being heinous behind closed doors. Don’t blame yourself for not knowing. But once you know, act accordingly.
We know Biden is old. So is the dimwitted orange shitgibbon. Don't believe Polls, they don't vote. You don't hear MSM asking him to step aside because he's a 34-count convicted felon. I don't see George Stephanopoulos questioning that mammoth mound of orange phlegm. Polls don't vote!
As an old person, gotta point out: BE SKEPTICAL!! I receive scam emails every damn day. Stop and THINK, and EXAMINE what shows up. Never act on anything without verification of authenticity. Same with texts. And stop answering yer damn phone! Lordy. 🙄🙄🙄
They must GO!!!💙🌊
🤨 All's fair in beating the Felonious Mango Molester & Rapist in Nov. If he slithers into the Presidency again, it will be like the 1930s in Nazi Germany here. The #MSM refuses to take on #Trump. He #GishGallops over everyone. He won't hesitate to use #officialacts powers in Jan. '25 as #dictator.
Well, this sure takes Coors light off the 'menu'. Never buy fuel from Exxon because of the Valdez. 53M gallons of oil? How about You?
I already hated all three, but yeah...
This is why I keep posting: “This surreal situation reflects both an information deficit and a disinformation surfeit. …most respondents were unaware of Trump’s criminal charges, dictator threats, use of fascist language…and vows to pardon the “patriots” who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6.“
1/3: "many people don’t recognize autocratic creep as it unfolds. But as Robert Kagan’s stirring essay for The Washington Post put it: 'A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable. We should stop pretending.'" —Ruth Ben-Ghiat #FightFasicsm #TrumpForPrison www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnb...
Opinion | Denial about Donald Trump has reached a new lowwww.msnbc.com Authoritarians have often told us what they are going to do, but people have rarely believed them.
The Fourteen Words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." There it is. Do not look away. This is what the fight is all about. White men and their incessant need for power, control and hierarchy.
Women in Idaho protest the strict abortion bans during the 4th of July parade in Sandpoint, Idaho. Shame on Idaho for treating women with such low regard. Vote for Democrats if you would like to see our government work for ALL of us.
A pedophile, rapist, convicted felon, traitor, grifter, and liar could be the next President of the United States. We need to cover up the Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty. This is no longer a country that represents what these treasures stand for.
1/ More on my growing sense that @nytimes.com may just be irretrievably spiraling down. I'd missed last months NYT Magazine piece by Alina Chan once again claiming the COVID pandemic started w. a lab leak. The Mag pushed that almost certainly false claim seemingly w/out fact checking. Oops:
Lab Leak Maniapauloffit.substack.com Why did the New York Times publish an op-ed supporting the lab leak theory?
In Birmingham, Alabama, Elena Vasquez Garcia sautéed chicken & bell peppers, ingredients for tacos topped with "expensive" avocados for her 3 children at home, after she spent the week at a food pantry catering to folks who can't afford meat, milk & produce. www.usatoday.com/story/news/n...
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry familieswww.usatoday.com Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.