
To say "I oppose teaching gender ideology in schools" rather than "gender ideology isn't taught in schools, shut up" is a failing but I think it's less a political failing or even a moral failing and more a failure of human substance. You are a man with the backbone of a bowl of Angel Delight, mate
It’s so depressing how a single-issue crank billionaire can shape coverage of an entire general election campaign for days, basically just by confirming she’s a single issue crank. Longing for someone to stand up and say “your vote’s no better than anyone else’s, jog on”
I mean, my demands are that someone reprints the J.M. DeMatteis/Liam Sharp Man-Thing run, where's my one-on-one meeting with the Shadow Chancellor
It is also a failing of the press, who fail to ask the question: "how is gender ideology taught in schools then?", to which, no doubt, a woolly convoluted political answer would follows, saying in 8 sentences and 38 seconds what all of us could in far less: "It isn't".
Even the question about teaching gender ideology implicitly accepts that "gender ideology" is some weird cult thing.
I mean, we could have a great discussion about what ideology is and what kind of ideology is involved in *anything* you teach. But me thinks this is not the conversation they want.
I could teach this subject. 101: Quit worrying about it, you are who you are, to hell anyone who says otherwise, the whole thing is a spectrum, self expression is how we express our feelings about our place on the spectrum. We aren't a monocultured hive mind so express how ya like. Class Dismissed.
The fucked up part is gender ideology IS being taught in schools, it's just the conservative, cis-based gender ideology of "boys wear pants and have short hair, girls wear dresses and have long hair"
Of course. Context clues are there.
Plus side, at least Swinney's actually criticised him for saying this.
We've certainly moved a long way from when a Tory minister was quietly getting Self-ID through parliament without a significant fuss, haven't we.