David Naimon

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David Naimon


Host of the Between the Covers podcast & Crafting with Ursula series, co-author of Ursula K. Le Guin: Conversations on Writing.
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Shze-Hui Tjoa has written a memoir that is like no other I've ever read. Not an essay collection, but not not one. A nonfiction book, where, improbably—fiction, fantasy— make it a memoir. Don't miss today's conversation! Audio📻: tinhouse.com/podcast/shze...
Shze-Hui Tjoa : The Story Game - Tin Housetinhouse.com Today’s guest, Shze-Hui Tjoa, has written a book that is remarkably unique. Is it an essay collection or a memoir? A detective story or a fantasy? A journey of self-individuation or an examination of ...
Shze-Hui Tjoa has written a memoir that is like no other I've ever read. Not an essay collection, but not not one. A nonfiction book, where, improbably—fiction, fantasy— make it a memoir. Don't miss today's conversation! Audio📻: tinhouse.com/podcast/shze...
Shze-Hui Tjoa : The Story Game - Tin Housetinhouse.com Today’s guest, Shze-Hui Tjoa, has written a book that is remarkably unique. Is it an essay collection or a memoir? A detective story or a fantasy? A journey of self-individuation or an examination of ...
"Vance’s love of Lord of the Rings is of a piece with rightward nationalists abroad. Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, used to cosplay as a hobbit. “I think that Tolkien could say better than us what conservatives believe in,” she has said. www.politico.com/news/magazin...
How Lord of the Rings Shaped JD Vance’s Politicswww.politico.com ‘A lot of my conservative worldview was influenced by Tolkien.’
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Happy 57th anniversary of signing the first contract for A Wizard of Earthsea, which you will note was titled, at the time of signing, The Wizard's Quest. Narrow escape!
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Little bear, big lion. Europe, early 1950s.
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“No, I don't mean love, when I say patriotism. I mean fear. The fear of the other. And its expressions are political, not poetical: hate, rivalry, aggression.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness
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Just when I thought I was done book shopping today, I went back in for a bit of poetry and this is what came with me. 100% thanks to @davidnaimon.bsky.social & Between The Covers!
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Don't miss today's conversation with Chilean poet & artist Cecilia Vicuña. One like no other on the show. We center Deer Book, a bilingual collection (translations by Daniel Borzutsky) of 40 yrs of her poems & drawings to discuss her art & poetics. Audio📻🔥: tinhouse.com/podcast/ceci...
Cecilia Vicuña : Deer Book - Tin Housetinhouse.com Today’s guest Chilean poet, performance artist, visual artist, activist, and filmmaker Cecilia Vicuña, joins us to discuss her latest work, Deer Book, or Libro Venado. A bilingual collection, with tra...
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Don't miss today's conversation with Chilean poet & artist Cecilia Vicuña. One like no other on the show. We center Deer Book, a bilingual collection (translations by Daniel Borzutsky) of 40 yrs of her poems & drawings to discuss her art & poetics. Audio📻🔥: tinhouse.com/podcast/ceci...
Cecilia Vicuña : Deer Book - Tin Housetinhouse.com Today’s guest Chilean poet, performance artist, visual artist, activist, and filmmaker Cecilia Vicuña, joins us to discuss her latest work, Deer Book, or Libro Venado. A bilingual collection, with tra...
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Excited to welcome Lance Olsen back to BTC to explore his latest multiverse novel Absolute Away & his new collection of philosophical essays on writing, Shrapnel: Contemplations. History, memory, physics, language, self, death, beauty & books. Audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/lanc...
Lance Olsen : Absolute Away & Shrapnel - Tin Housetinhouse.com Lance Olsen returns to Between the Covers to discuss his two new books, his uncategorizable multiverse fiction Absolute Away, and his new collection of philosophical essays and interviews on writing S...
Excited to welcome Lance Olsen back to BTC to explore his latest multiverse novel Absolute Away & his new collection of philosophical essays on writing, Shrapnel: Contemplations. History, memory, physics, language, self, death, beauty & books. Audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/lanc...
Lance Olsen : Absolute Away & Shrapnel - Tin Housetinhouse.com Lance Olsen returns to Between the Covers to discuss his two new books, his uncategorizable multiverse fiction Absolute Away, and his new collection of philosophical essays and interviews on writing S...
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Calling @davidnaimon.bsky.social and guests.
I received an interesting call for fables from the project 'Rethinking Fables in the Age of Global Environmental Crisis'. Call is attached. The general website for the project is research.kent.ac.uk/rethinking-f... but I don't think the call itself is on there. #animalhist #envhum
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Another phenomenally captivating episode of Between the Covers. @davidnaimon.bsky.social talks with Amitav Ghosh about his latest book, "Smoke and Ashes." 📚🗃
Don't miss today's episode with Amitav Ghosh. We talk about the history of extractive colonial economies, how plants have agency within history, & about the geopolitical forces that led to the rise of realism within fiction, and at what cost. Audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/amit... @amitav.bsky.social
Amitav Ghosh : Smoke and Ashes - Tin Housetinhouse.com For nearly twenty years Amitav Ghosh has been writing about opium and the opium trade, first in his fictional Ibis trilogy, and now in nonfiction with Smoke & Ashes. This is a story that brings togeth...
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Happy birthday to Hélène Cixous, born on this day in Oran, Algeria in 1937. We talk about her multiple impossible origins, about Lispector & Kafka, about dreams & exile, about the three steps on the ladder of writing & more ICYMI here's the audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/hele...
Happy birthday to Hélène Cixous, born on this day in Oran, Algeria in 1937. We talk about her multiple impossible origins, about Lispector & Kafka, about dreams & exile, about the three steps on the ladder of writing & more ICYMI here's the audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/hele...
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Don't miss today's episode with Amitav Ghosh. We talk about the history of extractive colonial economies, how plants have agency within history, & about the geopolitical forces that led to the rise of realism within fiction, and at what cost. Audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/amit... @amitav.bsky.social
Amitav Ghosh : Smoke and Ashes - Tin Housetinhouse.com For nearly twenty years Amitav Ghosh has been writing about opium and the opium trade, first in his fictional Ibis trilogy, and now in nonfiction with Smoke & Ashes. This is a story that brings togeth...
Don't miss today's episode with Amitav Ghosh. We talk about the history of extractive colonial economies, how plants have agency within history, & about the geopolitical forces that led to the rise of realism within fiction, and at what cost. Audio: tinhouse.com/podcast/amit... @amitav.bsky.social
Amitav Ghosh : Smoke and Ashes - Tin Housetinhouse.com For nearly twenty years Amitav Ghosh has been writing about opium and the opium trade, first in his fictional Ibis trilogy, and now in nonfiction with Smoke & Ashes. This is a story that brings togeth...
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Yep—this is how we do it♥️ When it feels impossible to bear the leaden, stupefying reality of war, climate breakdown, genocide, and the sublime stupidity of our oligarchs, there's poetry🙏 Thank you @davidnaimon.bsky.social and @joyellemcsweeney.bsky.social. Breathtakingly good—this convo IS a poem!
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finally got around to reading this story and god i'm just sobbing and sobbing —what was courage? She had never figured it out. Not fearing, some said. Fearing yet going on, others said. But what could one do but go on? Had one any real choice, ever? To die was merely to go on in another direction.
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