
I really thought I was cynical enough about the utter corruption of the right-wing bloc on SCOTUS, but it turns out I was still giving them too much respect.
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
I used to tell my mother that Republicans were Nazis and she’d berate me for going overboard. But it’s all true. All of it. And I take zero pleasure in being right.
This is the messaging Democrats need to be using in their campaigns. I don’t care if it’s a Federal, State or local race. This message will resonate with voters and hurt every GOP candidate in November. Use it.
They really do. Hammer home 'Republicans don't like this country, don't like it's founding ideas. They'll shred everything to get power, power over you and me.'
My constitutional law prof tried so hard to impress upon us the veneer of judicial independence that SCOTUS practices, but by the end of the course, you could tell he was starting to phone it in. He was a lawyer in Colorado, if I recall.
Same. Until Monday morning, I'd assumed the court would still refuse the immunity ask, and would certainly slap down an attempt by the House to throw out a Biden election victory in January. That assumption is dead. This court is going to be part of Coup 2.0
It’s all the same coup, just the next phase.
Biden needs to instruct his justice department to go after the Federalist Society and find the points of coordination that connect trumps legal team, Cannon and SCOTUS.
Why even have laws
The fatal error of liberals, moderates, and even conservatives is the statement, "they wouldn't go THAT far." That sound you hear right now are the ghosts of peoples who said the same of their democracy before it fell to autocrats.
Isn't that one of the fundamental sources of the problems we are facing - we underestimate just how bad they will be so we don't take the actions we needed to prevent such situations. republicans have been very strategic & playing a long game to get their people in power at just the "right" time. 🤬
Like the Heritage guy, the ineffectiveness and incompetence of the Democrats has emboldened them to drop any pretence now. They’re not wrong either: Dems are/have committed suicide by playing Russian Roulette with all cylinders loaded for 4 years 🤷‍♂️🙈
Same - thought they'd delay as much as possible (✅), but eventually give no or very limited immunity (❌), with the understanding that there'd never be a trial before November, and they'd done their duty to clear the way for Trump to win again. Turns out I wasn't nearly jaundiced enough about them!
I think people all the way up to the presidency need to openly say the ruling is wrong, has no basis in the constitution, and needs to be overturned. Label the 6 justices frauds.
"This nation was founded on the principle that there are no kings in America. That each of us is equal before the law. That no one is above the law. ... The decision by the Supreme Court removes virtually all limits on what the President can do. It's a dangerous precedent." Joe Biden email
I thought it was a good statement but didn't go far enough. He's ringing the bell when it needs to be air horns. Actually call it wrong and against the constitution explicitly.
Turns out they only consume right-wing media so any concerns about their reputations are allayed.
It's surprising how much they are done with norms
Re: the SCOTUS justice mindset, when you’ve lived and breathed one thing for your entire life and that thing requires faith in a lifetime appointment system and that system is in a nation showing itself to be one of the worst in the world, you can live in denial, become a mercenary, or fight.
The liberal justices are in denial bc they don’t want to admit their life’s work has been largely meaningless. The rest are just trying to secure enough power that their bloodline will continue if an unhinged troll with nukes doesn’t end humanity during the water wars.
Waiting for one or another country to name the US as the equivalent of a narco state. Criminals are free to run the country.
Not just immunity. It's a toxic cocktail that included "judges know more than scientists" and "it ain't bribery if you postdate the check."
Seriously. Why does anyone give a republican respect? Since the 80’s they’ve been telling us who they are. It’s like social nerd thirstiness to hang with the cool kids (who have figured out how to get all the money).
They have had this planned for many years. They are organized and the only thing that will stop them is keeping trump out of the WH, taking the House, maintaining the Senate and expanding the SC.
The question is, how can they be mitigated, rapidly, and why isn't it happening
Nearly all Republicans are demons out to kill you