
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Wrote something to make sense of the Roberts court capitulation to Trump. But it still doesn't make sense.
Yes it does. It makes perfect sense when you realize Roberts wants the Republican candidate for President to win the election. Trump being convicted of serious felonies would have imperiled that outcome, so you get this.
For a time Roberts seemed to worry about his legacy, but that is now far in the past. It is a 3 minutes til molatovs time in the US, and I fear that shooting members of the Federalist society might be overdue.
don i have basically been unable to function since the decision came down
I hate this court so much and even I am astonished by this case. It writes new provisions into Art 2 of the constitution that were unnecessary to decide the case at hand and that cannot be repealed by legislative action or even undone without a new case of presidential law breaking before the court
Six people did the thing that is supposed to require 2/3 of both chambers of Congress and 3/4 of the states to do
I am now doubtful that Marbury v. Madison was correctly decided.
I have been convinced Marbury was judicial overreach ever since law school over 30 years ago
- I agree that it was judicial overreach - However, letting courts review constitutionality of law as well as executive branch actions is a good thing that should've been in the Constitution, and is kind of implied by having a Supreme Court.
It is also important to note that the 3/4s of the states contain ones with less population than a medium large city. Wyoming has as much power as California in the constitutional amendment process.
Very true and I have plenty of objections to the amendment process. But the point is that rewriting the constition normally does—and should—require something more than 6 people who watch too much Fox News just wanting something
Yes. All nine of them voted to gut the 14th amendment in the Colorado ballot case, though, so this is nothing new.
And they've been trashing the First Amendment ban on establishing religion with fairly wild abandon.
Six unelected, lifetime appointees…
goddamned activist liberal judges. Gopers tried to warn us.
I wasn’t aware that the Enabling Act had already passed.
Don’t be silly! We’ve always had an enabling act! It’s why we celebrate our founding fathers giving the president absolute power every July fourth. (Yes, sarcasm!)
I'd say we had a good run, but
Rebalance the court and have them sua sponte revisit it. They basically make their own rules anyway, nothing to stop them from doing it other than tradition, and the FedSoc bloc doesn't pay any attention to that stuff anyway if it stands in the way of what they want.
I have a hard time seeing the libs doing that. A law passed by Congress regulating executive abuse/corruption would be better than not having one, so I think Dems should do that first. Then maybe the administration that signs it could engineer a test case (get a parking ticket or something idk)
That assumes any law regulating the presidential abuses would be in direct contravention of this ruling, which I think it would have to be. Anyway you could get it overturned that way and I think it's an easier path to get lib jurists on board
The Court has never, in the past, reopened cases and revisited its own prior rulings sua sponte. But it's never done a lot of things that seem to be happening right now. And Congress could arrange to request reconsideration if they wanted to, at least as legitimately as... whatever *this* is.
That would be fine by me! But even if Dems come around to court expansion, I find it hard to see that happening. I think comprehensive legislation regulating executive abuses followed by an engineered test case is probably the way to go about it
Just any kind of law breaking? Could Joe go run a stop sign tomorrow and kick off some litigation? :V
He’s gonna rip a tag off a mattress! …in an “official” capacity of testing the law, of course.
🔥🇺🇸🔥 In the face of Monday's #treasonous #SCOTUS' presidential immunity ruling, this #July4th #IndependenceDay is MUCH diminished. We have a new monarch called the "President." King George III must be 🤣🤣🤣 laughing his ass off in his grave. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Steph
I have woken up the past two mornings and the word DICTATORSHIP flashed into my brain almost immediately
I’m glad I’m not the only one who is like, “we’re all just gonna ignore how our government became a monarchy?”
I legitimately wish I didn’t know and could have a nice few months. I know that’s weak but idc
Hey at least you know what's up 😔
It would be way less distressing if I weren’t currently hiding my despair from my 4 year old daughter
Maybe you can think about how you're gonna explain this period to her later when she's old enough. Maybe that won't help her but it might help you? I find I never run out of people to blame but that only helps the internals so much
Sorry about all the fascisms
Right now I’m settled on “work my ass off, get promoted and make enough money to send her to college in a country where she has equal rights”
Where we're at now: Everybody go vote and hope these fascists don't overturn it on equally specious grounds.... And I keep coming back to Bush v Gore. That never should've been tolerated, but nobody had the guts to stand up to them. Seems like exhibit A in "how we got here." Such a bad scene.
To quote the Bene Gesserit" We don't hope. We plan" And we damned sure better have one.
This right here. It's even legal!
I mean, it’s not *illegal*.
I was doing my morning routine - walking the dog, throwing disc golf discs in the park - and I threw one pretty wonky and had to walk way out of my way to go retrieve it when I was suddenly gripped with frustragestion and yelled out "WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO???" Thankfully, I was alone.
Same here. I don’t know how people can just act like everything is normal at this point.
It's easier and more effective a survival strategy than constantly screaming and flailing I think that's it honestly
Me too. There is just no way around it. It’s official that the corrupt, illiberal rot infecting conservatism goes all the way to the top. Most of us have been assuming it for years, but now it’s unmistakably as bad as we feared. Hopefully the apathetic half of our country starts paying attention.
Yes. I’ve been in fight or flight mode since Monday. I’ve never been more panicked in my life. Even after Trump won in 2016, i was not this panicked.