Steven Buck

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Steven Buck

Formerly Scottish ex-engineer ex-banker ex-portfolio manager ex-risk dude. Now an African Viking 👍

UK expat since ‘82 😬, South Africa, Washington DC and now (finally?) Cape Town.

MilAv, MotoGP, F1 & Movie (classic horror/gangster) Hist, terrible puns
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Reposted byAvatar Steven Buck
For Bob Menendez, a Prime Day to remember.
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Inshallah, Charles al-Windsor, Caliph of Great Britain, will defeat JD Vance’s America. 🇬🇧
He said the UK was on its way to being a nuclear armed caliphate. So he’s making friends internationally as well.
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Least sociopathic LinkedIn post ever Like infinite monkeys with typewriters eventually you get a LinkedIn post that makes sense
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Just woke up and opened the interwebs: I think me putting the sheets in the washing machine might be the most useful thing humanity’s done today…
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“There’s no place in America for this sort of violence”, because if there’s one thing America is known for around the world it’s the lack of gun violence.
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What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy and the other is a little lighter.
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[guy inventing social media] what if we let short-tempered dimwits weigh in on everything immediately
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The worst part of seeing my grandfather get run over while crossing the street is knowing that I have failed this driving exam
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July 4th is very rough on my dog (he is a royalist and considers George Washington a traitor)
Happy Probably Last Independence Day As A Republic to all my American friends and ex-colleagues! 🤷‍♂️ Hope the weather stays nice at least…😊 What a country it was 😢
Constitutional guardrails are unconstitutional, rules Supreme Court 🤷‍♂️
“If Trump wins in November, if Republicans win both houses of Congress, I have zero faith in any countervailing institution protecting civil liberties, the rule of law, or any of a hundred ontological givens that I had taken for granted all my life.”
‘Slightly Critical’ more likely 🤷‍♂️
I don’t know why people are doing this to themselves. The Biden response to this will be a strongly worded WH blog.
Back in an unseasonably warm Cape Town (it’s mid winter 🤷‍♂️) after 5 weeks in Paris and the UK and you’ll all be glad I’m now available to solve the most pressing issues of the day…🙈
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From Ben Smith (BS) and Nayeema Raza (NR) in their new podcast for Semafor. They're comparing British to American journalism and attempting to size up the moment.
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Seriously, he should absolutely do this.
again, Biden should call a press conference where he offers Thomas $5 million to vote his way. "got it right here, folks. cash on the barrel, this is apparently how this court works"
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I endeavor to such prose.
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FT going for it today.
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my wife: we have to wear what we died in for eternity!? st. peter: that’s right me: [from the back end of our horse costume] what’d he say
Specially for 💃
The world's best scarecrow comes from Gdansk, according to a straw Pole.
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a Photoshop of mine from almost 8 years ago
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just gonna leave this here
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Breaking: In an effort to avoid further controversy, ChatGPT will now be voiced by recently-deceased Iranian President Ebrahim Rais.
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Breaking News:
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This part made me laugh so hard:
There's a video out there of the guests singing "Happy Birthday," and one of the process servers is standing in the group behind Rudy. And he's singing.
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Maybe and will agree this is the ultimate all-terrain vehicle 🚜😎