Marshall Johnson

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Marshall Johnson

Astronomer (exoplanets & high resolution spectroscopy pipelines), birder, TTRPG player and gluten-free cook. From New Mexico to Ohio. he/him.
Didn't expect to see in an ad on an Italian high speed train
No. We're not fucked. There's no giving up, because if we do THEN we're fucked. Don't just give the fuckers the win, now or ever. Fight for yourself, fight for the people you care about, fight for the people who will be even more fucked than you will be. Be pissed that you have to fight. But fight.
We're so fucked.
If, like me, you think that the clear way forward is to elect Kamala Harris in 2024, this is one of the times I think a direct campaign donation is super worthwhile. This is the link Joe Biden shared on Twitter for people to donate to support Kamala Harris's campaign.
I just gave to Kamala Harris! Pitch in to help deliver four more years in the White House.
I was supposed to be on a plane from Berlin to Rome right now to kick off a vacation. Instead, thanks to the IT crash, I'm on a bus from Berlin to Prague to try to get to Italy eventually. Meanwhile my wife is having to drive to an airport in a different city after her flight was cancelled.
#twohorses conference 🪐🔭 starting off strong with the swag game
Excited to be on my way to Berlin for the "Two HoRSEs" conference on high resolution spectroscopy of exoplanets 🪐 and stars 🔭 next week!
Our annual astro art competition is now open! Submit your art to win gorgeous prizes from our AMAZING sponsors! 😍🎨 We are so grateful to our sponsors and so excited to see your art!
What if you spot a high-heritage Space Unicorn?
Americans don't know the best road trip game: Horse. Let me explain: . 1. If you see a horse, shout 'Horse!' If you're the first one to see it, you get a point a. A pony counts as a horse b. A full-sized statue of a horse counts as a horse c. Anything else (billboard, zebra, etc) is not a horse
After ~4.5 years of hard work, bouts of procrastination, and other normal PhD exasperations, I’m very happy to say I successfully defended my doctoral thesis in peace and development research at the University of Gothenburg yesterday!
Huge congrats to my brother for successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis! So proud of you, Dr. Johnson!
Love to log into my email in the morning and find that our new shared file system sent me 13,000 messages warning me that I was 2 GB over my storage quota
AMAZING aurorae display in northern Ohio right now!
Spring migration is kicking into gear here in Ohio! Had an excellent #birding 🪶 weekend, observing 75 species including lifer barn owl, golden-winged warbler (#450 on my life list!), and prairie warbler. Lots of first sightings of the year.
Police snipers on the roof at Ohio State watching the encampment.
Having meta debates about US college campus climates instead of grappling with the fact that there are no functional universities left in Gaza because of US money and weapons is so embarrassing when you think about it. Bunch of unserious people in the media class and US society in general.
when a picture says a thousand words
Happy Earth Day! Guess what? It doesn't matter how many Earth-like planets we find, we're not getting to them in our lifetimes. There is no planet b for you and me. We need to keep this one going. 🌏🥇
Very cool: detections of CO and H2O in an exoplanet, but at two different velocities! This means we're starting to directly probe the 3D velocity field of these hot planets. Nortmann+ 🔭🪐
World Central Kitchen has shared the identities of the seven aid workers killed by Israeli forces.
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Nothing like pulling up to a new birding 🪶 location and spotting a vermilion flycatcher in the parking lot! (Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale, CA on Sunday).
Tornado watches in Ohio in February, very normal weather we've made for ourselves these last few years for sure
Caprice an amazing astronomer is in a very difficult spot right now after her mother suddenly passed. Please consider helping out and spreading the word.
You were with me since Sol 1. I know I made a lot of jokes, like calling you an Amazon delivery drone or “helicopter Sputnik.” But the truth is I’m really going to miss you. Good night, Ginny.
I'm not at #aas243, but if you are please check out my undergraduate student Calder Lenhart's poster 179.09 at 5:30 PM today. He's showing a thorough analysis of LBT/PEPSI transmission spectroscopy of KELT-20b 🪐 including some preliminary results on the atmospheric dynamics.
Got my first lifer of the year today, a peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus)! Just perching on top of a tall lamp pole in a snowstorm. Excellent start to my 2024 birding! 🪶
Don't talk to me or my son or my son's son ever again.
Reminder: DeWine has a contact form and needs very much to hear from you. Cis people especially, do this now— this is a thing you can do. Sit down, bang out a letter of disgust and unequivocal condemnation, send it, then save to submit as testimony. We need every voice.
Contact Contact the Governor's office.
Oh for ACTUAL fuck's sakes. So much for listening to medical professionals.
Ohio has basically defacto banned trans healthcare for adults using a similar strategy to why there was only a handful of abortion clinics in the entire Midwest before the Dobbs decision (TRAP laws) cis people please repost this so this info doesn't get stuck in the queer social bubble
Happy 2024 from North Carolina! May the god of the year stand between us and the calamities of the next twelve months.