
Indeed. Biden would've done better to respond to the first thing Trump said, regardless of subject, with, "this guy's the biggest fucking liar on the planet and just got convicted of fraud and when he was in the White House he killed abortion rights and laundered millions from foreign dictators."
I honestly think that the fact that Biden improved throughout the first debate & is still doing well makes me think that something about Democratic debate prep is plain busted. The same thing happened for Al Gore at his first debate. The same thing happened for Barack Obama's first debate in 2012.
Exactly. There's so much to work with, and Biden should just say it. "Hey Donald, remember when you raped someone then lied about her, a jury awarded a hundred million against you, then you lied about her again, and a jury awarded another hundred million against you? You're scum. You're trash."
And then stomped off stage with "I refuse to debate with this rapist, and this guy helped turn over Roe... (fades out)
Democracy dies when Democrats keep taking the high road.
I honestly think Biden should call Trump out for needing bronze makeup and a helmet-like pompadour to appear in public. I think he should dare him to show up like he looks without the makeup and hairspray.
Biden’s brain is too old to be any kind of president. It’s not complicated.
Should have kicked it off with:
Still time for Biden to publicly thank Trump's parole officer for letting him attend the debate
It would have been a kicker that would have POed (no pun intended) Trump.
And then stomped off stage with "I refuse to debate with this rapist, and this guy helped turn over Roe... (fades out)
That part wouldn't work. CNN would be pissed at him and would do a softball session with Trump for the next hour with no rebuttals. Trump would be saying that Biden was backstage in a coma and CNN wouldn't dispute it.
Thinking about the shiv Elizabeth Warren wielded against Bloomberg in that one debate
I rewatch that from time to time, just to watch the light leave his eyes, Ralph Wiggum-style, the moment she ends his ambitions once and for all. It's a masterful evisceration.
oooh, what should I search for in YouTube to find this?
oh gosh that is satisfying. thank you!!
He was briefed for policy. Debates are about style!
Even vanilla Tim Kaine would have dogwalked Trump just by not being the center of abject sttention in that debate. No Indy voter would have paid attention to Trumps insanity (which they have been inured to by now) with Biden looking like a corpse out there.
The prep was horrible. Joe can’t seem to tell a new story and there are so many bad ones about Trump. Jumping too soon to a new point and literally not finishing words and sentences made what he was saying garbled.
I can’t believe his answer to Trump calling him a criminal wasn’t to say literally anything about the guilty verdict on 34 counts and a sentencing hearing in two weeks.
Yup. Biden seemed over-prepared with factoids but underprepared with sound bites and zingers. Did he even bring up how many indictments Trump has against him?