Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps on Air Force One. He can't. What we have got to focus on is policy."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Bernie Sanders on Face the Nation: "What we are talking about now is not a Grammy award contest for best singer. Biden is old. He's not as articulate as he once was. I wish he could jump up the steps....
My latest cartoon for New Scientist.
I’m Ridin’ w/Biden to Dump Trump. No denying that track record vs. Trump record and Trump promises. This is a no-brained. When media treat Trump equally, I’ll take more seriously.
A person on their own can kill maybe a few hundred people. White collar crimes have killed tens of thousands. Its hard not to look at the Bhopal disaster (union carbide India was 50.1,% USA owned) and think that wasn't violent
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
"I love America. I don’t think I have ever loved this country more than I do now. Perhaps my affection has achieved greater clarity in recent years because I have been forced to reconcile all that we stand to lose after all that has been gained."
How Could I Ever Not Love America? This is my country.
I have no idea the best path re Biden but I do know a solid week straight of “Biden Old” and “Rich Dems Worried” above-the-fold stories are *obscene* in the face of SCOTUS using the Constitution to wipe their asses purely in the service of reinstating a felon rapist as president. Crazy-making shit.
i drop this when folks are clicking to read a performatively bad take by a fascist in the new york times. 1—that’ll make it the best performing piece of the day 2—guy writes for national review—the mag william f buckley founded 3—i know you like wordle, but the nyt has always been like this
in 1986—peak AIDS crisis; only 6 months after reagan admitted AIDS was real—the NYT ran a william f buckley op-ed calling for all HIV+ people to be tattooed on the arm & the ass for the greater good anyone giving the NYT the benefit of the doubt about trans coverage: this is who they’ve always been
Yascha Mounk tipping his hand that he and the rest of the centrist & right-of-center media would 100% run the Claudine Gay playbook on Kamala Harris
I agree that Harris has significant weaknesses as a politician but this is an incredibly ugly way to put it. Also: A centrist candidate choosing another centrist as his running mate — still not the left's fault! Leftists hate Harris, that's actually one of her weaknesses.
Warming up to VP Harris. She hits the sweet spots for low turnout Dem's - young, black and female. Publicity should knock Trump off the front pages for a change and running now would be like old times for her - putting another felon away. And guess what - the "old man" issues are on the other foot!
The fact that I know more about Joe Biden’s one bad debate night than I do about Donald Trump’s years of raping and sexually assaulting girls within Jeffrey Epstein’s child sex trafficking ring shows exactly what is terribly wrong with today’s political mainstream media.
like the ethos of "respectable" DC is completely lawyer brained which approves of making convincing arguments you don't believe. that's not necessarily lying, precisely, but it isn't good faith discussion either!
Anyhow the best time to address the shit was yesterday, the 2nd best time is today. Demand everyone asking for your vote to support packing the court, stop giving your resources to the police, demand public housing, healthcare, childcare, education, transit, food support and a right to privacy.
Have you ever wondered why Germans didn’t do anything about Hitler? Well, the rest of the world is wondering exactly that about Americans and Trump.
Keeping Trump out of the White House isn’t the only thing that needs doing and it isn’t enough to solve all problems facing the country & world but if it isn’t done then all those problems get exponentially worse in ways I don’t even know how to express and it scares me when people pretend otherwise
Is there a name for the law by which gallows humor gets less funny in direct proportion to how close the actual gallows are?
so which is it do we think, given the various less than confident defenses of him from some unlikely sources today
generally I wish people would explain whether they are worried biden comes across badly sometimes because of age or if his brain is mush because of age - is the election campaign the problem or the governing? (I am not expressing an opinion here, just pointing out that these are different issues!)
What if Biden used his official powers to have the IRS, FBI, and DOJ investigate the Supreme Court justices to find out every penny they’ve ever taken from anyone, ever? Enforcing corruption laws is under his authority. And you can’t question his motive at all.
Nobody loves that Joe Biden is 81. It would be great if he was 35. But you know what I really dislike? Authoritarianism. So I humbly beseech people to get a goddamn grip.
BREAKING: Trump now trying to use Supreme Court immunity to kibosh NYC conviction He will fail — most of the events occurred BEFORE Trump took office One exception: repayments to Cohen in 2017 So repaying your personal lawyer for pornstar hush money is an “official act”? 😂
Correct. A prudent, law-abiding President who appoints qualified agency personnel to enact thoughtful regulations is going to see their agenda inevitably fail. A malicious, arbitrary President who runs around barking illegal commands at people will be rewarded.
So based on decisions from just this week, the President, as long has he has the gloss of officialdom, can basically do anything without legal restraint, whereas the President, acting via duly appointed agencies authorized by Congress, is more restrained than ever? What a coherent jurisprudence!
One thing that annoys me about the Democratic consultant class is how they act like they're brass-knuckle streetfighters and yet don't have the stones to run nonstop ads about Trump's extensive connections to Jeffrey Epstein. It's all true! It's documented! There are photos!
WE THE PEOPLE are the ones who will have to take down Trump. Not the courts - they've been corrupted. Not the media - they're desperate for access and cash. Not the prosecutors - the courts are stopping them from doing their jobs. Us, together, this November. #TakingDownTrump
TWO FULL DAYS. That’s how long Trump’s plane was parked next to a Russian Embassy plane, all by themselves. WHY ISN’T THE MEDIA ASKING ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS?
pro tip: if they can imprison Steve Bannon for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena, they can imprison Jim Jordan for ignoring a legally-issued Congressional subpoena. this isn't fucking rocket science
The Framers: *literally wrote many, many passages that you would swear on your life were prophetic visions of Donald J. Trump, and how such a figure must be guarded against at all costs* John Roberts: surely what they wanted is for this uniquely lawless figure to be placed above the law
"...this opinion depends on an implicit belief that the only person who would act so brazenly is Trump, and that because the majority of the justices on the Court support Trump and want him to be president, he must be shielded from prosecution."
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
"Genocide isn't self-defence" Spotted in Bristol, UK