William Gillis

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William Gillis


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Anarchist, physicist, transhumanist. Really into exploring the roots of things and expanding degrees of freedom. Incurable moralist. Floating metal sphere. “Radically uncool.”
The entire reactionary wave is The Backlash To The Internet. The creation of the internet allowed anarchist (and similar) ideas to rapidly spread in influence. The resulting catalyzing culture of half-converted liberals (eg tumblr) went wide and irked selfish bastards who in turn unionized.
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me: if people had told me when we negotiated the St. Paul Principles that people would be using this one-time use document in perpetuity, I wouldn’t have believed them. my fellow negotiator @rechelon.bsky.social, who is more sensible than I am: if people had told me that, I would have quit!
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
JD Vance took part in the "National Conservative" conference. "He later speculated that a “post-white America” would denigrate “much of the cultural, political, and social legacy that built the country” and spoke of a need to “reform” civil-rights laws." nymag.com/intelligence...
The Authoritarian Plotnymag.com At the National Conservatism Conference, Republican senators mix with racists ranting about “post-white America.”
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
This is NYT’s portrait of a Trump rally, where the explicit agenda was putting millions of people in concentration camps before deporting them.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Gorcenski said it's inappropriate to compare what is happening in the US to the beginning of the holocaust and let me tell you as the descendant of survivors and as a student of the history that she is full of shit
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
IMHO one of the reasons neoreaction got popular is that reactionaries in america never really created mechanisms of social reproduction in the way that the left did and so yarvin was able to walk in, write a bunch of shit, and get outsized popularity b/c there was no one else
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
thats definitely a valid concern but despite tankies getting a lot of upswell on social media, far left activism is overwhelmingly dominated by anarchists and also anarchists naturally push back against tankies in terms of arguments
That experiencing of watching a small extremist group suddenly grow massively in reach has made me reticent to write off tankies as just nobodies. Neoreactionaries suck, tankies suck. Anything we can do to diminish the influence of either is time well spent.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
2024 Republican National Convention, summarized:
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
the funniest possible outcome is if vance is nominated as VP and then is revealed to be in a groupchat with the shooter
"I despise you. I despise your order; your laws; your force-propped authority."
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
fash allert ‼️ #Nashville nazi violence “man with Nazi flag charged for using flagpole to hit downtown bartender who had been fighting with neo-Nazi ‘protest’ group….Yet another hate rally here — with anti-Semitic/anti-Immigrant/anti-Biden messaging” - The Tennessee Holler (X)
Neo-Nazi protester arrested for assaulting Nashville bartender with flag: policewww.wkrn.com A Canadian protester carrying a Nazi flag was charged Sunday night for using the flagpole to hit a downtown Nashville bartender who had just been fighting with members of the neo-Nazi protest group…
Just utterly ghastly to be reminded liberals think casting a vote to direct the mountain of intuitional violence that is the state doesn't count as violence. You miss your shot more often casting a ballot, but if your vote ever made a difference it would cause far more violence.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
Everyone sneering that the dude was a "bad shot" should be required to make the same sort of shot at that distance and then on a target that twists and moves around abruptly. This is, weirdly, the part of the discourse rn I hate the most. Fuckin critics, man.
Suddenly getting hit with a bunch of emails from gun shops about discounts. So that's fun.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
are you fucking kidding me
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Apparent gunshots reported at Trump rally in Butler, PA, just now. Trump's ear appears bloodied as he's taken off-state. In the video, Trump is speaking, then there are some pops, then Trump touches his head, then everyone jumps on the ground. He pumped his fist a few times while leaving.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
"Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed 'secretary of retribution' is touting a wild plan to arrest politicians, police officers, and journalists he views as disloyal to the former president."
Trump Ally Exposed for Horrific Hit List of Political Enemiesnewrepublic.com Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed “secretary of retribution” is even more bloodthirsty than the former president.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
genuinely excited for Harrison Ford to tell Conan he has no idea what a Hulk is
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
*there being prison. Despite the risk of extended jail time, Cyprus is committed to resisting the grand jury because it believes resistance is the best way to protect its community. This is both incredibly risky and the absolute right move to take, an example for all of us as the state cracks down
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Cyprus has been subpoenaed to testify in a federal grand jury in August, and has decided to resist the subpoena. Grand jury resistance is both incredibly necessary and incredibly difficult as a judge can decide that the act is criminal contempt & hold someone there for the duration of deliberations.
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Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
I just deleted an entire page of sources and argumentation in my book and replaced it with the single sentence: "This is, of course, an audacious and immediately apparent lie to anyone other than guileless white hippies." The book is much better for it. Don't waste time.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Millennials see three (3) zoomers being assholes and start yelling about how the whole generation is just "puriteens." It's fucking embarrassing.
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Now all of you fucking genocide apologists clucking your tongues and defending the New York Times should be ashamed of the day your mother shat you upon this bitch of an Earth
Reposted byAvatar William Gillis
Source for previously-reskeeted claim about Trump releasing a new video calling for trans elimination: x.com/stacycay/sta...