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Reader, graduate student, sci-fi nerd, mom, animal lover, passionate about social justice, neuro spicy, Aotearoa newbie, 🌈🇳🇿🇵🇸💚🐶🐱👩🏻‍🎓
I haven’t felt this crappy since I had Covid Christmas 22! I know it’s not Covid but this flu is a jerk! I hate winter!
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
AGREE. I don't give a crap about Biden. I'm voting, not for HIM, but for all the people who get SCREWED if he doesn't win. I'm voting for us, for people who deserve to live their lives. I don't care if Biden dies, I'm voting for his corpse. It's not about him.
I could give negative a million fucks about Biden and his circle, we’re fighting for people’s lives I don’t give a shit if we need to wheel his ass over the finish line
Boys are feeling better today and I am feeling awful. Ugh this flu has not been nice to our family. I hate being sick! But glad the boys are feeling better!
So my cats are afraid of the tower that has a cushion with a top so we tried moving it but they didn’t fall for it. Alien moved to the top and princess plum moved lower and river song hates the cat tree so she’s in a box 🐱🇳🇿🐱🇳🇿🐱🇳🇿
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
JD Vance is on the ticket because he wants the government to kill trans people. Vance has been more vocal in his transphobia than just about any other leading VP candidate. That's a deliberate choice by Team Trump.
J.D. Vance's horrendous record of homophobia and Donald Trump's vice-presidential pick hasn't been a senator long — but he's been in the public eye long enough to accrue a strongly anti-LGBTQ+ record.
America is so screwed 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
No words.
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
Both boys are still feeling awful from the flu. It’s hit both of them really hard! I’m so glad I got my flu shot and that it seems to be working thus far! Hoping they feel better soon!
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
if you’re not into tabletop role-playing games you may not know that when you play in person you often have a miniature that represents your character Hero Forge is a site that lets you make custom minis, and they just added chest binders as an option, and that’s SO GREAT 🏳️‍⚧️🩷
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
National, ACT & NZF digging deep everyday #nzpol
I am so over the rain! I know it’s normal for winter but my driveway and backyard are already flooded and my dogs are annoying when they can’t go out. I’m feeling very blah with this weather and my RA is killing me 🤦🏻‍♀️⛈️🌧️☔️
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
the general vibe at the moment
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Reposted byAvatar Lauren
It's Non-Binary People's Day! Non-binary people have always existed, both historically and culturally. Their identities and experiences are real and deserve respect. Today, we amplify their voice and pledge to fight alongside. More on our OpenCollective. #NonBinaryPeoplesDay #NonBinaryVisibility
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
RIP Shannen Doherty aka Prue and Brenda 💔❤️😢
I love how awesome the kiwi 🇳🇿Bluesky folks are! Every time I ask a question I get so much help! Thanks for the laundry help y’all! Going to get a dehumidifier and some racks and we shall see how that works out. Also this weather today is just yuck! ⛈️🌧️☔️. I’m ready for winter to be over 😂
Pretty flowers in my front yard and my kitties Alien (orange) and Cayde (tux) hanging out in the cat tree today. Just for a nice timeline cleanse cause the worlds a shit show 🐱🇳🇿🐱🇳🇿🌹🥀💐
Ok kiwis what’s the secret to getting your laundry to air dry when all it does all winter long is rain and be humid AF? If I try and air dry clothes I feel like it takes a week for them to dry? Do yall have a secret I just don’t know? Trying to save money and use the dryer less but I’m failing 🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿🧺
As someone who has been shot and forced to flee their home due to the anti-trans violence I don’t condone violence but I feel like this attempt is just going to make things so much worse for everyone who’s not a white rich Republican. 💔💔💔
My big giant baby dog Skye. She’s huge but thinks she’s a lap dog and is the most dramatic dog I’ve ever met but I love her so 🐶🇳🇿🐶🇳🇿🐶🇳🇿
My four cats being adorable today. Tuxedo is Cayde, orange is alien, black cat is Princess Plum, and gray and white cat is River Song. 🐱🇳🇿🐱🇳🇿🐱🇳🇿🐱🇳🇿
Reposted byAvatar Lauren
"Takatāpui identity, which is shaped by cultural and spiritual influences. Takatāpui identity is one that honours our ancestors, respects our elders Those who identify as takatāpui must be accepted as part of whānau, hapū, and iwi" -Byron Rangiwai
Ugh woke up with a headache today. Hopefully I can get it to go away soon. Managed to catch up on sleep last night so that’s good. Just going to cuddle the zoo and relax today and try to stay warm.
Forgot I had scheduled an eye appointment for today but remembered in time to make it. My prescription apparently changed a lot and now I need bifocals (welcome to getting old) and now I need exams every 6 months to monitor my eyes cause of my EDS and RA meds. Gotta say the care here is so much
Got 4 hours of sleep before the zoo woke me up. Kiddo is still sleeping which is good. I found from our experience that AONZ ER’s seem more efficient than the US. We got back quickly to a room with consistent updates and they showed more concern than we’ve ever gotten in the US. No harassment 1/?
Finally home and headed to bed 😴😴😴
6am and still at the ER. I would really like to go home and go to bed please. 🥱🥱🥱
Lucky kiddo got strep and the flu which caused his POTS to flare up. He got some meds and hopefully we will be heading home soon. 🥱🥱🥱I’m too old for these all-nighters
First trip to the ER since moving to Aotearoa. We shall see if it’s better than the US. Pretty sure the kiddos strep is causing a pots flare but his doctor was insistent with his current HR we come in. Better safe than sorry I guess.