
the question was what would happen when all the Dems came back into town after the break was over what happened is the House grumbled a bit and backed down, and individual Senators have put out wishy washy statements and refused to coordinate on anything Biden is the nominee, the end
on the upside, it’s over. unless something unpredictable happens, it’s over, everyone can either shelve their fantasy football takes or at least admit they are just shitposting, it’s done.
I agree…unless and until something else like the debate! That’s the problem and the risk, and it’s the way aging works. But no one really knows. Lots of risk being loaded in right now, though there’s a ton in every direction
The problem fundamentally is we can’t control how we age and Biden is promising something (I’ll run a strong race the next 4 months) that’s to a certain degree outside his control. RBG didn’t *want* to hand the seat to Trump, but in the end she didn’t get to control it. It’s the tragedy being mortal
And it’s totally understandable to be in a bit of denial about this brute fact, but in the end, we don’t get control over it and the blithe waving away of that really is driving me a little crazy, and I say as someone genuinely torn and not clear on the best path forward.
Wait, aren’t you supposed to be on air? I got sucked into a Scientology movie so I missed it
Ohhhh I forgot it’s Jen Psaki day! They won’t let us have Chris AND Rachel on the same day anymore—it’s just too powerful lol
But this is why he's gotta go to me. The starting point is that Biden has a 37% approval rating and is losing in all the polls. So now we're asking him to not just crawl out of this hole, but do it w zero stumbles or health issues - that'd immediately KO him - for 4 months. He can't be worth this.
I remember how the denial and gaslighting from the leadership around Dianne Feinstein.
I always said that lying for her then would mean voters would not trust Dems when they assured people about Biden.
I don't believe this and you're smarter than that. You know dumping the POTUS/presumptive nominee in July, something the GOP hasn't done even though theirs is a felon now is lunacy. Especially since you know as well as I do the GOP will basically filibuster Kamala or anyone else being on the ballot.
Running a walking corpse is the crazy thing, I feel crazy for having to say that
Um yeah you're hysterical
Even cartoons about Genocide Joe's complicity with Netanyahu offends Biden Bozos. #FreePalestine #GazaGenocide #GenocideJoe 🖕😀🖕
It seems Trump is clearly more of a threat to Congressional Democrats whose constituents are people of color vs those who aren’t. And Biden represents them better than he does districts who have more white constituents.
I think there's a bit of underpants-gnomes-logic (Drop out- ??- VICTORY) going on with the idea of him stepping down. A feeding frenzy &all out attack by the right for him to resign immediately would ensue, & the media would suddenly savage WHOEVER was the pinch hitter. It would not be a honeymoon.
It’s been notable that several outside groups and electeds have issued “we support Biden-Harris” statements. I am also torn and am unsure what’s best, but it feels like Harris is not that far away from being the top of the ticket.
And maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but this sounds like it might affect some key people in the White House. No?
I was wrong about The worst feeling in the world
Yes this is all true and reasonable, but also on the other hand just about everyone in your industry is being a hysterical moron, so to the extent that "journalism" is trying to say something the public the democratic party may be reasonably checked out because you fellow travelers are so aweful
I’d suggest that the constituents of the 9 rogue Congressional Democrats want a strong leader to protect them from China, less so to protect a woman’s right to choose. Democrats divisions reflect the difference in perceived threats. If you are a white male or black woman.
Yeah that’s the tough bit 😫 My logic is this though: Having Dem control of the WH is priority #1. If Biden is the one to secure it in Nov, then that’s what we do. If something should happen to him after Nov, there is an established process to deal with that. But a Dem win in Nov is what matters.
Ideally we vote for a candidate’s control over the country for the next 4 years, but I’m rationalizing it in my mind, now, that a Party’s control for the next 4 years is the objective.
Yes. This is very obvious! Yet, they would take the risk. When the alternative is less of a risk. The hubris is incredible. This keeps happening. These people value themselves to infinity, and value nobody else.
If nothing else helps people understand Biden, is his saying 1. Voters picked him. Not true, Voters picked Dem Nominee. Biden was Not nations pick. We got stuck w past VP bc no sure pick. 2. All he talks abt is what he wants & to hell w the rest. 3. What do we do w a great economy & no freedoms??
Which is why your agonistes aren't helping now.
I'm gonna lean into the system, hoping and intending this is the beginning of new beneficial changes that the corpse of Biden doesn't have to out live or even live out if we get past certain gate(s).
RBG let fawning nicknames go to her head and she didn't retire when she had the chance under Obama.
She also had a long history of cancer. The recurrence of cancer was not shocking. She made an ultimately selfish and unwise gamble. Biden is remarkably healthy apart from some normal arthritis. And longevity runs in his family. Joe is not RBG.
Hard to remember now but many people (including myself) did not seriously believe that a Trump victory was possible
Now if your colleagues in the press would only admit that Trump is also old and is either showing signs of significant decline or has always been a batshit rambling fool unfit for office and they just figured it out…
isn't the tragedy that you fundamentally can't control how the NYT opinion behaves or even encourage rationality?
people will come on the skyline and skeet anything. “it was out of rbg’s control handing a Court seat to Trump.” no it wasn’t. that isn’t true.
Not only the next 4 months but the next 4 years! There’s just too little acknowledgement of his age and discussion and preparation of Harris as taking over if/when he can’t do it anymore. Assuming we’re stuck with him.
I mean by the campaign. Obviously everyone’s talking about his age. But the campaign isn’t acknowledging any problem or potential problem.
There has been plenty of discussion of his age. What hasn't been presented is any evidence to suggest he won't still be able to do the job in four years other than "he old"
You can control how you age but only once.
But that's always true of everyone, and he has a strong team in place.
It’s pure ego and it’s our worst nightmare. The response he gave to the question about what happens if you lose was utterly detached from reality. He’ll spend the next 4 months trying to hide his deteriorating cognitive abilities instead of running a good campaign. I’m horrified we are stuck w/ him.
That's why we have vice presidents Chris
The punditocracy is just pissed that Biden isn't obeying them. They thought if they insisted enough in their Dad and Mom voices he would just buckle and do what they told him to. He refused to obey their authoritay.
agree, talked about that earlier - he can't afford another slip, at all, for months and if has one after the convention, well... the risks are what they are now, I guess, not much to be done except hope the worst doesn't come to pass
4) Biden can't afford another night like he had at the debate - which is going to have to hold through November. I hope he can do it 5) everyone not currently onboard in the Dem coalition is going to have to get back on board and on message, soon 6) the message is likely 'Project 2025'
Yeah sorry I very much didn’t mean that thread to be arguing with you! I agree w you and think we’re on the same page. Just time to pray.
oh no I didn’t think you did! I was just like, yes, I had exactly the same train of thought earlier I am not optimistic but I am also not willing to accept another Trump term so here’s hoping
I share your lack of optimism it's causing me quite some distress. 😠