
like what about this is supposed to make me think Biden is unfit
Yeah, there is absolutely no way to keep anonymous staff from going to outlets like Axios with a three year old story about how they felt like one time a closed door meeting starting was actually aides hiding our poor decrepit president from their view.
Once again...doddering old man or political mastermind who defies all laws of politics in furtherance of his grip on power? It's so hard to tell sometimes. 🙄
I like Elias generally, but it's important to recognize that everything he has written on here since debate night was with one hand while he uses the other to breath into a paper bag
There's a point where it's so clear that someone's mental state is clouding their judgment that only useful response is "sorry man, hope you feel better soon"
[WH butler gossipping to probably every reporter in DC]: "It's weird how they don't give me unhindered access to Biden's personal affairs. Why don't they trust me?"
oh no, the former DEPUTY director of photography has thoughts. Is this a senate confirmed position?
I once fainted from being out in the sun and heat all day in New Orleans when I was 20.
I have fainted or almost fainted from heat stroke more than once. Including when I was about 25.
One time a couple of years ago I almost passed out from drawing a bath that was a bit too hot.
I have low blood pressure so I have to be really careful about heat, even in the shower
Guy went inside on a hot day because air conditioning is awesome. We should call it LennoxGate.
No normal person would see this as a sign of lack of fitness. They'll just roll their eyes and move on to the next article
I don't know that "the president on independence day declared our independence from the crippling virus that a vast majority of the population had been vaccinated against by then" is much of a gotcha so much as a kinda corny rhetorical turn
Only basis to call on Biden to quit is a drop in poll numbers after debate. He is UP in 2 post debate polls these people need to STFU