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Apparently stuck with this boring portmanteau handle until I can reconstitute my Twitter following.
Extremely online and leftist but not an extremely online leftist.
You will see lots of photos of my cat and dogs.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
Trump’s VP pick … — demanded the DOJ open a criminal investigation of a journalist for “insurrection” over an op-ed critical of Trump — spouted replacement theory garbage — called for criminal prosecutions of other Trump critics — blamed Biden for Trump shooting — called for Biden’s prosecution
Reposted byAvatar Melico
This is deranged. The press has just decided that criticizing Trump is no longer okay.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
He could unify the country in much the same way that the atoms that form his body could, in principle, spontaneously quantumly rearrange into a ham sandwich
Reposted byAvatar Melico
This admin has pushed through more left-leaning policies than any other in Bernie's 30 years in Congress, and that's in no small part thanks to his own work and campaigns. He probably knows better than anyone what it means to get Biden re-elected.
In Opinion “I will do all that I can to see that President Biden is re-elected,” Senator Bernie Sanders writes in a guest essay, adding: ”With an effective campaign that speaks to the needs of working families, he will not only defeat Mr. Trump but beat him badly.”
Opinion | Bernie Sanders: Joe Biden for Enough! It’s time for Democrats to stop the bickering and nit-picking.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
it's almost as if they realize that despite his faults biden has been the most progressive president in U.S. history (which is admittedly not saying much), and the alternative is the pure unbridled horror of full bore fascism
Why Sanders, AOC threw Biden a lifeline as his candidacy Liberal lawmakers giving the president political cover are aiming to secure his support for a more progressive policy agenda.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
I malaprop - replace one word with another - and yeah fuck a lot of people
Speaking as someone who often gets names flipped - that's something my co-workers can vouch for, I'm sending very strong "fuck all y'all" waves at a lot of people right now.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
Yes, please.
some ambitious young creative should make a series of Schoolhouse Rock-style animated info clips based on Project 2025
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OK but if Warner is worried about Biden losing (or Trump winning), where’s he been? He’s been more vocal about the threat of Tik Tok than the threat of Trump. He’s willing to go to the extraordinary measure of pushing out the Dem candidate last minute, but court expansion was too drastic for him.
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every time you stop making sense David Byrne’s suit grows 2 sizes
Reposted byAvatar Melico
incidentally I am an emergency physician and I use a walker
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
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Reposted byAvatar Melico
Me: look, it's been 45 years, and Star Wars has never been able to articulate what the dark side is and why it's so seductive. Maybe it's time to stop trying? The Acolyte: meet first sith lord Manny Jacinto, with absolutely ripped arms and occasional (implied) nudity. Me:
Reposted byAvatar Melico
This level of societal anxiety was every day of Trump's presidency for four straight years, and it says nothing good about our most prominent journalists that they are jonesing for it like heroin junkies going through withdrawal.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
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I have watched people online for the last 3.5 years find any excuse they could to take clips of Kamala Harris and present them out of context in order to make her seem dumb, vapid, and out of her depth. The idea that the NYTs eye of sauron wouldnt immediately glom onto that to amplify is laughable.
the other thing though is that the NYT would FOR SURE come up with some anti-Harris narrative and beat it to absolute death for the rest of the campaign
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Good day to be someone who recently argued that the contested convention commentary is often driven by self-importance.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
You know the dementia knowers are out in force because they are claiming dementia wouldn't impact your ability to read a teleprompter
Reposted byAvatar Melico
The reason pundits like the contested convention thing is that it plays to their vanities: what if the smart people made a meritocratic decision about who’s best? This is driven, in part, by being mostly isolated from negative reactions to their opinions over the years.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
Also, they seem to delusionally think it’s a good idea to give up a Democratic Senate seat in a red state when control of the Senate is very much at stake.
National pundits are doing their level best to manifest a world in which Kamala Harris does not exist
Reposted byAvatar Melico
It’s still just wild the media is obsessed with the mental acuity of one candidate and it’s not the one that wants to nuke hurricanes and inject sunlight into people to cure COVID.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
lol I love watching what people believe the DNC to be.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
Don't be fooled by the bland headline, Jamelle absolutely bodies Bret Stephens in this conversation. A representative bit:
Reposted byAvatar Melico
just let Bouie run the entire fucking NYT is correct here. We have several historical cases of a party switching nominees to save their bacon and it not working, almost none of it working.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
At least we had people planning for this. Not planning enough, but enough to make a difference. (the Chevron precedent case made regulation a lot easier) Gift link Background for those who need it:
Democrats, anticipating Chevron’s demise, gave E.P.A. more power in recent climate
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"Why does Biden look and sound fine when his campaign is shooting him on film the day after and didn't when it was the news hand of David Zaslav's company?" has its own answer if you just think about it a little bit
Reposted byAvatar Melico
BREAKING: The Office of Congressional Ethics just found there is "substantial reason to believe" that Rep. Ronny Jackson converted campaign funds to personal use or his campaign spent funds that were not attributable to bona fide campaign or political purposes.
Reposted byAvatar Melico
Spoke to a friend who worked on a recent Nicolas Cage movie in a senior capacity and was very very happy to discover that he’s a consummate pro who works harder than anyone else, all the time, and is lovely to the crew. I needed that.
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