
Me, fifteen minutes ago: Well that's three times in three days I've heard about "Duffy the Disney Bear" so now I gotta inform myself I guess. Me, now: what the FUCK
It's really wholesome and kind of subversive? Like...visitors to Tokyo and Hong Kong Disney are all "gtfo Mickey we love this very average-looking stuffed bear instead of you" but it is a cultural THING.
Mickey Mouse Replaced by Bigger Character, Losing Status at Disney Parks - Inside the There's someone even bigger than Mickey at Disney's theme parks...
Disney: We shall invest billions in the most sophisticated marketing strategies known to humankind, everything tailored to specific-- Disney Asian theme park guests: Duffy Disney: ...the throwaway character we created as a one-shot in 2002 and then discontinued? DATPG: Yeah. And he needs a posse.
This is fandom in a nutshell though.
Anyone who’s DM’d can tell a story of a npc that became the party’s favorite. A shopkeeper, a stray dog, or even an early enemy. The focus of the adventure is changed by the players, and there’s not much you can do about it.
and anyone who's ever written fiction too! in at least one project, every writer has had a minor character just take over, the others are more than cool with it, and you as the nominal creator of this thing find you are just watching what happens and documenting. :D
You see people carrying Duffy merch around here in Sydney, too, though not as much as Tokyo (And I don’t know how many of them actually know what Duffy *is*) - we went to the art gallery last weekend and there was a young woman dressed in full goth loli with a Duffy bag, for example.
I’m impressed that they put a Mickey silhouette on his face.
There are hidden Mickeys on the feet, too