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educational writer, speech pathologist; lover of books, yarn, Tony Stark, and things that smell good. :) she/her, progressive, demisexual, Christian.
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If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
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Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
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There is so much darkness and pain in the world today, the least you could do is use a photo of the the melting Lincoln statue from the angle where it looks like he’s getting insane dome
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On September 29, 1875, Ulysses S. Grant delivered a speech at a reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee in which he argued for freedom of thought & universal education unfettered by religion. Here is an excerpt: (1/n) “I do not bring into this assemblage politics..”
aw, I love it! :)
HAPPY PRIDE EVERYBODY WE WIN And they're Jewish queers to boot lfg
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an ex of mine did wildlife rescue and said the raccoons would fuckin slit a throat for an oreo. One morning the staff came in and discovered the raccoons had managed to open all the cages and let each other out, and were just lying all over in a stupor, stuffed with Oreos stolen during the night
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To think, any felon will violate THEIR terms of probation by associating with known criminal Donald Trump.
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in an unprecedented secondary verdict the jury has also found that Donald Trump is a little bitch
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For a no A/I Google search, use this link; You can also create a default Google search engine with this extension in your browser to automatically use when you search without needing the link: To Filter out A/I images, add before:2023 to your search
We now have a website.
&udm=14 | the enshittification Konami A quick way to get an AI-free search without any extra work.
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"Golden Gate crippled Red Lobster by selling off one of its most valuable assets, the real estate it owned, in what’s known as a sale-leaseback, for $1.5 billion. With that sale, Golden Gate nearly made back its $2.1 billion purchase of Red Lobster, while turning the chain into a permanent leaser"
The Raiding of Red The bankrupt casual restaurant chain didn’t fail because of Endless Shrimp. Its problems date back to monopolist seafood conglomerates and a private equity play.
New at The Watch: Trump wants to deport more people than the populations of NYC, Chicago, and L.A. combined. It would cost $1 trillion+, and require a force larger than the U.S. Army. It also can't be done. But that isn't the point. It's about giving his supporters the human suffering they crave.
Trump's deportation The former president's vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history. Oh, and it would also destroy the economy.
ow, this sums the whole thing up so well. (I was going to start that sentence with 'wow' but I think I'll leave it the way my fingers decided to put it. It fits just as well, if not better. lol)
AI is like a straight white man in that it just knows how to regurgitate other folks’ ideas as if they are its own
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a thing self-righteous newbie contrarians *really* need to understand about Bluesky is that blocking here is like playing Asteroids. "I am just asking questions" pew pew motherfucker.
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I know you’re being sardonic but there was an old game for the Apple II called “Car Builder” and the “ideal” chassis design that would get highest marks in the wind tunnel test looked almost EXACTLY like the Cybertruck
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i swear before god and hbomberguy i have not edited this screenshot
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Trump has a right to a fair and impartial jury, which he will want to frustrate every chance he gets. Because he doesn't want a fair and impartial jury. He wants members of the jury to be too afraid of his violent followers to impartially draw conclusions from the evidence.
Totally normal country. Gift article link:
Best take I've heard yet on this mess. Thumbs up for my fellow knitter Joyce! :D
"Trump, who has appeared to doze off each day of the trial so far, should consider remaining unconscious, former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance commented on her blog. 'Trump would do well to sleep more in court if this is the best he can manage when he’s awake,' she wrote."
Ex-prosecutors: Trump already touched the "third rail" in hush-money trial — and it could cost Trump's outburst toward a prospective juror shows he's learned nothing from the E. Jean Carroll case, experts say.
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Someone left my truck out in the rain And I don't think that I can trust it 'cause it took no time to rust it and I'll never charge that battery again
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Given how much "AI" is just "ppl in another country doing the work and pretending a computer did it" I fully expect to find out that the "auto driving" tesla thing is some folks in a diff country, with joysticks, playing a video game, basically.
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sorry the Boeing Company’s who now
Damn. 0_0
“GPs in poorer areas of the country have reported a resurgence of Victorian diseases such as rickets and scurvy caused largely, they say, by nutritional deficiencies. NHS data shows that about 700 children a year are admitted to hospital with malnutrition, rickets or scurvy in England.” Yikes.
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Reminder that if you are broke, like BROKE-broke, like "food versus electricity?" broke, you can email me and I'll send you a free ebook of your choice. Life can be heavy shit sometimes but books help lift the load.
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this doesn't necessarily disprove the "she's dead" theory
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the mad lads actually did it
The King of England lies dying and one of his sons has been exiled. A princess has vanished. Plague stalks the land and the Treasury has been plundered. NOW is the time for strange women lying in ponds to distribute swords to form the basis of government.
1,100-year-old Viking sword pulled from UK river by magnet Experts have confirmed that a sword pulled from a river in Oxfordshire at the end of last year is an "archaeologically rare" Viking weapon dating to between A.D. 850 and 975.
one of the most classic threads since I joined bluesky. I applaud you, sir. :)
Katie Britt’s kitchen looks like the set they use in nearly every cold open of Criminal Minds where somebody gets ganked