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Former Air Force Weather Geek. IDIC
Born in the 1900’s.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
NYT back in 2016: “Donald Trump Softens His Tone, and the G.O.P. Hopes It Will Last.” What did he do once he got into office? I recall him stealing thousands of children from their parents at the border, in just one horrific action.
OH FFS. Media is falling for this BS again. Come on....Maybe Scherer and Dawsey don't fear for the lives and their rights, but a lot of us sure do: Trump proposes scaled-back platform that softens language on abortion, same-sex marriage www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Trump proposes scaled-back platform that softens language on abortion, same-sex marriagewww.washingtonpost.com The draft was circulated Monday among members of the 2024 Republican convention platform committee. It will be discussed and voted on later this week.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
“A fire broke out backstage in a theatre. The clown came out to warn the public; they thought it was a joke and applauded. He repeated it; the acclaim was even greater. I think that's just how the world will come to an end: to general applause from wits who believe it's a joke.” ― Soren Kierkegaard,
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/tox... Study: www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti...
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
I’m just a little north of you. Galveston looks crazy. Stay safe.!
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Every August, typeface designers flock to the middle of the desert for a week of sex & drugs, and they erect a large wooden word with all the spacing fucked up. They call it Kerning Man
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
General Mills just paid a $300 million dividend to investors, bought back $150 M in stock to enrich execs+investors and pays its CEO $16M a year. Yearly profit is around $2.1 billion. It's raising prices 20% blaming inflation. MAGA morons can't grasp corporate greed
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
this guy "animagraffs" has some of the most incredibly detailed 3d animation videos i've ever seen. this video about 18th century warships is making me want to rewatch master & commander, aka one of the most Dudes Rock films of all time
me: idk what to do while sick youtube: do you want to watch an hour long professionally animated deep dive into explaining what makes the lockheed sr-71 blackbird so cool me: wellllllllll shucks i reckon i could be inclined
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Saw this on mastodon and it is fantastic. AI in medicine
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
THE TURKISH DETECTIVE, the new TV show based on my mum's Inspector Ikmen novels, premieres TONIGHT at 9pm on BBC 2. Please watch, please share.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
"alpha male" this, "sigma male" that, just admit that you saw trans people inventing cool genders and got jealous
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Rwanda took 240 million pounds from the Uk and that ghoul Braverman to take refugees and at the end got the money and will take no refugees. Well played, Rwanda, and also a wonderful example of how conservatives manage money while fucking citizens over with "austerity" and "spending cuts"
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Decided just now to start rereading Hitchhikers Guide for the first time in many years and uh
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
“Voting is a lot like vaccination: it only works if enough of us do it, and the absolute dumbest motherfuckers on the planet try to talk you out of it.” From @torriangray.bsky.social
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
I want more folks to know about libro.fm as an alternative to Audible or Spotify or other shady corps. It’s 100% employee-owned and works like Audible, except your credits support an indie bookstore of your choosing instead of Amazon. Go listen to a disabled author for Disability Pride Month! 💙📚
Same audiobooks. Different story.libro.fm Libro.fm makes it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through local bookstores.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
“Oh the MCU is…” don’t care. Did I get a capwolf movie? No I did not. So whatever. Whatever! None of it matters anymore.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
AI continues to work perfectly with no concerns whatsoever.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Best to read the entire oped, as it's critical of the Court's rulings on cases related to Trump. Closes with "When dealing with Mr. Trump in particular, the court is so sure that our other institutions cannot be trusted that it fails to look in the mirror."
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
This one tastes like…pine tar and creosote? Liked drinking smoked railroad tie. Oddly compelling. You don’t know if you like it, so you drink more to find out.
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Seems important idk
Maybe we should be talking about credible allegations of Trump sexually assaulting twelve year olds with the assistance of Epstein!
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
I've learned that the current class of med students (at least at the university which I'm employed) are extremely curious about trans Healthcare and have had some extremely interesting questions I wish I had better answers to... Suffice to say, these kids are beyond alright
Reposted byAvatar Wolfenred
The Trump-epstein documents that just came out not being literally on every fucking news cycle marquee right now is is insane Absolutely fucking insane. Everyone should be screaming about this