Rita Hamad

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Rita Hamad


Social epidemiologist at Harvard School of Public Health • Social policy + health equity • Director http://hsph.harvard.edu/sphere • Mama, immigrant
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Health Affairs is planning a theme issue for April 2025 on food, nutrition, and health. Deadline for submissions is July 29, 2024. Check out the call for abstracts here: www.healthaffairs.org/request-for-...
www.healthaffairs.org Can't sign in? Forgot your password?
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Interested in the latest quasi-experimental difference-in-differences policy evaluation methods but not sure where to start? Our new tutorial in Epidemiology is out now with detailed info for beginners! journals.lww.com/epidem/abstr... #episky #econsky @justinwhite.bsky.social @epiellie.bsky.social
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Since Herd and Moynihan's Administrative Burden, Akshay Mangla's Making Bureaucracy Work is the one that really shaped my understanding of public policy and especially policy implementation. Strongly recommended. Read it and assign it to your class!
My favorite professional organization! Check out the amazing conference program and register now.
Registration for IAPHS annual conference is now open! The theme: “Tackling Declining US Life Expectancy: Investigating Social Drivers & Policy Solutions." It will be in St. Louis Sept 10-13, 2024. For more information: iaphs.org/conference/ @drdrtsai.bsky.social @sarahgollust.bsky.social
CONFERENCE – IAPHS – Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Scienceiaphs.org
New paper by former SPHERE postdoc Gabriel Schwartz (now at Drexel!) on health effects of school segregation. Worst effects for Black youth in US South & higher income not protective. Critical to study heterogeneous effects of policies. www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti... @mariaglymour.bsky.social
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This work would not have been possible under the data policy CMS proposed (and thankfully postponed). Under that policy, we'd need to use the VRDC, which was too expensive even with our generous NIA grant. I'm hopeful CMS will keep listening to researchers' concerns here.
Great new piece on how to improve #policy #research to evaluate the #health impacts of US state policies. Eg examine policy bundles, appropriate lags, and heterogeneous impacts. www.milbank.org/quarterly/op... @jakemgrumbach.bsky.social
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🎧 New Podcast episode! 🎧 Professor Marci Ybarra shares insights from in-depth interviews on how COVID-19 intensified the challenges Latina moms who lacked legal status or were part of a mixed-status household faced even before this health and economic crisis. Listen: www.irp.wisc.edu/resource/mar...
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This type of research offers the most robust and straightforward evidence of systemic discrimination. People can harass researchers studying race, or seek to close DEI offices, but the numbers don't lie.
U.S. employers contacted presumed white applicants 9.5% more often than presumed Black applicants, a new study found. This is what researchers found when they sent 80,000 fake résumés with equivalent qualifications but different personal characteristics.
What Researchers Discovered When They Sent 80,000 Fake Résumés to U.S. Jobswww.nytimes.com Some companies discriminated against Black applicants much more than others, and H.R. practices made a big difference.
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New KFF survey finds 23% of those disenrolled from Medicaid during unwinding ended up uninsured. Also noteworthy: 47% of those disenrolled reenrolled in Medicaid, an indication that a large share remained eligible but were disenrolled for procedural reasons. #healthpolicy www.kff.org/medicaid/pol...
Our latest paper finds that even people enrolled in a given safety net program like SNAP have low take-up of other programs. This suggests need for streamlined enrollment across programs with proven health benefits. www.ajpmfocus.org/article/S277... @atheendar.bsky.social @elizabethlinos.bsky.social
Great toolkit from Leong Center at University of Toronto on how to write an impactful and effective policy brief: socialwork.utoronto.ca/wp-content/u... @iaphs.bsky.social @appam.bsky.social
Video abstract now posted for our AJPH paper, with key implications for US #paidleave policy. "Pent-Up Demand for #Breastfeeding Among US Women: Trends After COVID-19 Shelter-in-Place" ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/10.2105/... @maya-rossin-slater.bsky.social @centeronbudget.bsky.social
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Join us for the IAPHS Online Event "Enhancing Productivity In Population Health Science" this Thursday March 21, 12-1PM ET with Dean Sandro Galea of Boston University SPH. Visit iaphs.org/tools-for-su... to learn more!
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Webinar TOMORROW 1-2 ET by U Wisc Institute for Research on #Poverty: "Interrupting Intergenerational Poverty: New Research & Recommendations for #Policy & Practice" featuring Greg Duncan, Mary Pattillo, Michael Strain, & IAPHS member @ritahamad.bsky.social. Register www.irp.wisc.edu/resource/int...
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Medicaid isn't shrinking. Administrative burdens are blocking people out. Excellent article, but critical point not made clear: 70% of those dis-enrolled from Medicaid have been for **procedural** reasons, like missing paperwork or documentation www.nytimes.com/2024/02/24/h...
As Medicaid Shrinks, Clinics for the Poor Are Trying to Survivewww.nytimes.com The end of a pandemic-era policy that barred states from pushing people off Medicaid is threatening the financial stability of the U.S. safety net.
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Check out the first episode of this PBS NewsHour series on the social safety net. I’m always eager to see this kind of important information shared with the public. I’m glad I could contribute my perspective (my comments begin around 2:49 mins) www.pbs.org/newshour/sho...
Exploring America's social safety net and the political fights around itwww.pbs.org Our new series, "America’s Safety Net," is focused on the complex web of programs meant to help Americans in need. Over the coming weeks, we’ll take an in-depth look at the different forms of welfare ...
New commentary w/ Kim Montez & Fenaba Addo on our interdisciplinary committee's NASEM report "Reducing Intergenerational Poverty," including key evidence-based policies/programs to advance child wellbeing: jamanetwork-com.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/journals/jam... @jrothst.bsky.social
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Join us for virtual session w/ Boston Univ SPH Dean Sandro Galea on "Enhancing Productivity In #PopHealth Science" on Mar 21 at 12 EST. Participants will learn to streamline workflow while navigating work & personal demands to be effective scientists. More here: iaphs.org/tools-for-su...
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Our next "Research to Action" webinar is coming up Mar 7 at noon EST! Scholars representing various disciplinary backgrounds will discuss collaborating w/ governments & constituents to advance health equity while improving policy, governance, & ethics. Register & read more: iaphs.org/tools-for-su...
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Our new @commhsp.bsky.social paper was recently published in JHPPL on public perceptions of health disparities in COVID-19. Here's a thread of findings, but take a look at the full summary here! commhsp.org/partisan-dif...
My new viewpoint in Health Affairs Scholar, "Immigrants to US Contribute to Society. Here are Three Ways to Support Their Transition," discusses strategies relevant for ongoing migrant influx, e.g. social inclusion, meeting basic needs, & supportive neighborhoods. academic.oup.com/healthaffair...
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What do you think of when you think of Valentine's Day? If the answer is repelling politicized attacks on the administrative state, then join us @appam.bsky.social for a hot date. Registration is free, 2pm EST www.appam.org/news/webinar...
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If you're interested in the interdisciplinary aspects of #pophealth, make sure to check our IAPHS LinkedIn account too: www.linkedin.com/company/inte...  We'll be posting new content there starting this year!
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Interested in the relationship between education and dementia? Consider applying for a pilot project for our NIH/NIA funded network! drive.google.com/file/d/1v5Cy...
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