Emily Tesh

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Emily Tesh


Author of Some Desperate Glory & the Greenhollow Duology. Astounding Award and World Fantasy Award winner; Hugo, Clarke, Locus and Le Guin finalist.

I read books and play video games and talk about both of those sometimes.
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I've read it three times since it came out. I can't think of a more timely or poignant work of fiction for the current times.
& here’s the self-promotion: SOME DESPERATE GLORY, a book about a horrid teenage terrorist going on a very unwilling voyage of personal discovery, has now been nominated for four major genre awards. That suggests it’s pretty good! Have you read it? Would you like to? www.amazon.com/dp/125083498...
Amazon.com: Some Desperate Glory: 9781250834980: Tesh, Emily: Bookswww.amazon.com Amazon.com: Some Desperate Glory: 9781250834980: Tesh, Emily: Books
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The LeGuin Award continues to have excellent taste in its shortlist! 2024 list just announced. www.ursulakleguin.com/prize24 Congratulations, @vajra.me, @emilytesh.bsky.social, @premeemohamed.com and the others on the list! A mix of stuff I've read & liked & new to me stuff to add to the TBR.
Ursula K. Le Guin — 2024 Prize for Fiction (Shortlist)www.ursulakleguin.com
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incredibly honored to have gotten to be a part of TWO of this year’s @ursulakleguin.bsky.social Prize finalists. @nghivo.bsky.social & @emilytesh.bsky.social are infinitely brilliant (and both of these books are also up for Hugos if you’re still filling out your ballot 👀)
I am genuinely finding it hard to express how I feel about finding SOME DESPERATE GLORY included in the shortlist for the LeGuin Prize. It’s an honour, is the short version. electricliterature.com/announcing-t...
Announcing The Shortlist for the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction - Electric Literatureelectricliterature.com The $25,000 prize celebrates a book-length work of imaginative fiction
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We're delighted to announce — with help from Electric Literature — the shortlist for the 2024 Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction. Congratulations to the authors! The recipient of this year's prize will be announced on Ursula's birthday, October 21st. electricliterature.com/announcing-t...
I’m behind on reading everything because I can’t read and draft at the same time (personal failing) but the last book I read was THE MOUNTAIN IN THE SEA by Ray Nayler and it was so so so so good.
44k into this draft. Absolutely cannot wait to make you all read this book.
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Something that's important to do now is WRITE TO YOUR MP. Particularly if they are new. Not a form letter or autogenerated one. An actual personal one. Not frothy. Just firm and clear. Ask them their views. When they respond, tell them how it aligns (or doesn't) to KEEP your vote.
Happy no more Tories day, everyone!
New house, day 10: three whole rooms unpacked. Twenty unopened boxes of books take up an entire wall of what is supposed to be the study.
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I often see people desperately worried about loud and angry misinterpretation, willful or otherwise, of their work by people with limited experience with fiction, low reading comprehension skills, or malice at their core. And I cannot say this enough: fuck them kids. Do what you want.
ANYWAY: Make black and white comics. Make scarily personal comics. Make weird comics that shock and enthrall and horrify and even disgust, don't be "safe," don't be "easy," make exactly what you want. Thank you, that is all.
the tragic trap of 'absolutely dying to talk about my book' and 'no one else gets to read this book for at least a year'
Replaying Persona 5, a game about 1. what if breeding pokémon was EDGY 2. it's soooo romantic when your serial killer friend tries to serial kill you 🥰 3. to exist as a child is to be human and hideously powerless in the face of indifferent injustice every day and the only sane reaction is rage
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Lady Eve's Last Con is officially out: - TODAY (in the US) - THURSDAY (in the UK) - SOMETIME IN THE LAST WEEK OR SO (or so friends who order from indie bookstores have told me! a well deserved privilege) still tbh flabbergasted that this is really happening but no takebacks now! 😎 geni.us/5unVd
Lady Eve's Last Con by Rebecca Fraimowgeni.us PREORDER NOW:
nothing like being on an enforced break from writing to make you REALLY want to write things.
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Y’all. I’m reading Some Desperate Glory by @emilytesh.bsky.social and i just. Goddamn. Get you this book. Barely halfway and it might be the best I’ve read all year.
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Finished reading Some Desperate Glory by @emilytesh.bsky.social last night, and I cackled like a madman through the whole thing It's a wonderful example of Everything Getting Worse for the main character, up to and including the entire universe changing to make things worse for her I loved it
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Update: Read a little more and the big cool muscular smart main character is getting absolutely fucked over in the worst way possible. Delightful.
Just started reading Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh, and I'm absolutely cackling at how the big cool muscular smart main character is being set up for failure in every way possible. Absolutely a treat. Wonderful.
Going through all my bookcases and curating down to books I have read and will definitely read again, books I may yet read someday, and books that are beautiful and delightful to own. Everything else is going to the secondhand bookshop in exchange for store credit. Two large suitcases full.
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Hot damn I finished reading SOME DESPERATE GLORY and what a fabulous book. I'm years behind everyone else, but if you somehow *haven't* read this wild ride of a dystopian-yet-hopeful sci-fi, you really should. It's got - escape from a fascist space cult - second chances - cool aliens - VENGEANCE
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I LOVED Some Desperate Glory (it was part of a run of amazing books I read earlier this year) and it very much deserves its place on this list (as do the other books I've read from said list, Chain-Gang All-Stairs and The Mountain in the Sea)
Boasting time: as well as being a Hugo and Locus finalist, SOME DESPERATE GLORY is now a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award! I guess the book is pretty good? Many congratulations to all the nominees - this is an amazingly strong list and I'm honoured to have my work included.
Announcing the shortlist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, 2024clarkeaward.substack.com The shortlist for the 38th Arthur C. Clarke Award for science fiction book of the year.
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I am one again hollerin outside your window at 6 am, banging pots and pans together and proclaiming that you should read Some Desperate Glory
Boasting time: as well as being a Hugo and Locus finalist, SOME DESPERATE GLORY is now a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award! I guess the book is pretty good? Many congratulations to all the nominees - this is an amazingly strong list and I'm honoured to have my work included.
Announcing the shortlist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, 2024clarkeaward.substack.com The shortlist for the 38th Arthur C. Clarke Award for science fiction book of the year.
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✨The shortlist 2024!✨ CHAIN-GANG ALL-STARS by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah THE TEN PERCENT THIEF by Lavanya Lakshminarayan IN ASCENSION by Martin MacInnes THE MOUNTAIN IN THE SEA by Ray Nayler SOME DESPERATE GLORY by Emily Tesh COREY FAH DOES SOCIAL MOBILITY by Isabel Waidner
Boasting time: as well as being a Hugo and Locus finalist, SOME DESPERATE GLORY is now a finalist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award! I guess the book is pretty good? Many congratulations to all the nominees - this is an amazingly strong list and I'm honoured to have my work included.
Announcing the shortlist for the Arthur C. Clarke Award, 2024clarkeaward.substack.com The shortlist for the 38th Arthur C. Clarke Award for science fiction book of the year.
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The adult authors who take potshots at young adult authors are looking down at authors who are visiting schools and working with kids and promoting literacy. That work is essential and good, actually. Don't be twats.
The small people in my house intentionally have as little internet presence as possible till they're old enough to have an informed opinion about it, but just this once I need to show off. Here's a young fellow very pleased with his brand new baby sister.
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SOME DESPERATE GLORY is a Locus Award finalist in the First Novel category! Thank you to everyone who took part in voting, and congratulations to the other nominees. It's an amazing feeling to see a book you wrote honoured with such excellent company.
2024 Locus Awards Top Ten Finalistslocusmag.com The Locus Science Fiction Foundation has announced the top ten finalists in each category of the 2024 Locus Awards. These results are from the February 1 to April 15 voting, done by readers on an o…