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Your favorite PNW Everyday Antifascist Punk Rock Dad. They/Them, Comrade/Anarchist. Mutual Aide in a Mutual Combat state. We keep us safe. FAFO.



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Venmo: @RiotDad
Midwest Emo Mutual Aid crews!!! Minnesota nice folk and my personal favorite #MinneapolisBaldies come together and help some folk! #MutualAid
Minneapolis, please help! Not my graphic, the city has added a third eviction (the camp on Cedar). Bring an empty car to help people move, if you can, and/or bottled water, snacks, cigarettes. Sugar and cigarettes can both help people struggling with cravings and nothing is more triggering than this
shit load of arrests tonight at the north precinct. jail support needed at the ijc. come support comrades wrongfully arrested and roughed up protesting police brutality and cold blooded murder
this wagon Wednesday, let’s all tip SWers sharing images. like even if it’s a few bucks. even the free content they share is a result of labor.
snagged tickets to Coraline in 3D for the 15th anniversary re-release in theaters last night since it’s RiotKid’s favorite movie. super stoked.
today in 1868 the 14th Amendment was ratified, granting citizenship to Black Americans & today, in 2024 they can still be murdered in cold blood after calling the police to their own home because they heard a prowler outside. #SonyaMassey #SayTheirNames #ACAB #TotalAbolition
"Throughout all this madness over the last decade I have seen, read about, and reported on a lot of police killings, but this one is the worst, the dumbest, the most heartless, the most shocking and callous I’ve ever seen," writes.
What else can we do? Today Justin Glawe reports from Springfield, Illinois after the release of bodycam footage showing police murdering a woman named Sonya Massey in cold blood in her own home. It is one of the worst suc...
Albuquerque ComicCon attendees, you now have a new side quest from RiotDad; snap a photo next to this POS rapist holding a sheet of paper calling him out & post it here. Or, now hear me out… a picture where you [redacted] him right in the fucking mouth. XP to be issued depending on creativity. #KYLR
I just saw Kevin Spacey announce that he is going to be at Albuquerque Comic Con in Jan 2025 in case every one in New Mexico wants to be sure to avoid him.
instead of donating to the war machine and the genocide it produces, send that money to comrades in need.
if you can afford to give 50 to a presidential campaign without blinking an eye we challenge you to give another 50 to any mutual aid requests in the skyline. give all 50 to one. 10 to five. whatever. give people money who need it without requiring they genuflect to you.
the older we get the further left we try to persuade others to go. there is nothing left for us to gain but total abolition.
“It's so funny how older generations still think that young people are going to become more conservative as they grow older. Generations only grow conservative as they grow older because the system bribes them with financial comforts. But you all pulled up the ladder behind you.” - Daniel Baryon
jesusfuck I hope my therapist blocked me
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also I'd LOVE to see the social circles of people who tend to decry "echo chambers" online. I'd wager many/most are in very white, ideologically similar circles.
gm bluesky. just thought I’d remind everyone that; you are a beautiful & powerful individual worthy of all of the things you desire, and the fact that Ronald Reagan is dead is proof that wonderful things do come true.
aaaaye Biden dropped out. Now oh he and Trump would just drop [redacted], the world would be a slightly better place.
is it wagon wednesday already?
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a comrade still needs help even AFTER defeating Andy Ngo in court.
tho personal growth is always possible & should be the goal as an abolitionist, survivors deserve safe spaces. if an abuser does the work required for growth they would understand & respect that by vacating our scenes until they explicitly receive consent from those harmed. But also; #KYLR #WKUS
What’s In A Slogan? “KYLR” and Militant William Gillis What’s In A Slogan? “KYLR” and Militant Anarcha-feminism June 25, 2024 William Gillis:
gm bluesky, on todays date in 1935 the worlds first parking meters were installed in Oklahoma City, OK. if you happen to pass by one today, show it the kindness and love it deserves. just like these parking meter found in Seattle. ❤️🏴↙️↙️↙️🏴❤️
Reposted byAvatar RiotDad
"There's no place in America for political violence."
remember kids; Be Gay, Do Crimes, Hail Satan.
good afternoon bluesky, just a reminder that; a. practice makes perfect c. if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again a. you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take b. el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido
discussions of this book have been making the rounds throughout chats lately & for good reason: the unveiling of sheer numbers/organization of Neo-Nazis to the general public openly by themselves & media is to normalize them, not to strip up public outcry. it is to normalize & empower them. not us.
a verrrrry belated ‘this looks incredible!’ to
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Reposted byAvatar RiotDad
A reminder that the Reichstag fire actually _was_ started by a revolutionary communist, history's big example of a false flag wasn't a false flag, its a false flag false flag. Still a helpful metaphor for talking about wrenching political events toward building your own innocence + victimization
found out why I had such a gnarly earache… pics in comments