
idk what's so hard to people about accepting both the idea that some people are going to legitimately hate biden for his complicity in the assault on gaza and the countervailing idea that if they don't vote for him they're being daft
i think the lot of you are doing a kind of pathetic hard campism on this issue that i find it exceedingly hard to sympathise with
If there was a UK Prime Minister who I agreed with on 95% of things and his main opponent was Nigel Farage but the 5% was something that I find particularly grotesque and nasty then sorry, but I am at liberty to fucking hate him while also demanding people vote for him, and you can't stop me
I've come to the conclusion that there are 3 types of people who do not understand why people are mad about Gaza, 1. They're bewildered as to why people care about non-Americans, and are hence racist. 2. They are ignorant of the scale of horror, and hence racist. 3. They're happy with it, and hence,
I suppose this fits under #1 but my father is like 🤷‍♂️ they’ve been fighting each other forever, nothing can be done. (He is racist but he also feels the same about Ukraine so it’s not solely that)
Yeah I mean it all sucks, but here we are and it’s an easy decision
"vote for him" perhaps this is a problem with the system
I mean obviously. But that can't be helped by an ordinary person in the short term
yes it's just so stark in this moment I can't help myself but comment
100% that these two things that shouldn't be true at the same time but are points firmly at the political system not being able to model reality in any kind of sensible way
And yet, I highly doubt even you are going to vote for Biden. Curious! 🧐
I think a lot of the objection to this is based on a willful misunderstanding of how much power is wielded by microbloggers. If a random Bluesky user saying "Biden sucks" isn't actually relevant (and it's not) then maybe I'm _not_ doing the work by scolding people to vote on here