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sanctuary-seeker, butt admirer
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Congratulations, you are now a orc
I am so tired of people who spend 18 hours a day on social media just making blithe claims about what "normies" believe. I do not think most of these people have been outside since 2013.
look. trying to execute mike pence is the only thing I actually want to give trump credit for
1) it's inappropriate to tell someone to quit their job based on your perception of its moral effect; 2) if you begin to make moral claims about how you make your money you should not be surprised when people are skeptical of them
Look, either Biden is allowed to directly address the Trump problem based on the SCOTUS decision, or the SCOTUS decision is corrupt and he needs to modify the court. These cannot both be problems beyond his power to address.
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I guess you could say I "want a pony" in the sense that a pony is less likely to directly fund an ongoing genocidal campaign with my money.
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MY AAA GIRLFRIEND: C’mere baby. I want you. *time stops* *VFX outline shimmers around her yellow underwear* ME, THINKING: I think she wants something, but what? *2 seconds later* ME, THINKING: Her underwear seems important. *2 seconds later* ME, THINKING: I bet I can interact with her underwear.
one sorta last thing - i watched people blow the whistle on a bad actor months ago and get told that while what they did was bad, it would be personally harmful for community leaders to sanction the bad actor because then they'd look like a bigot (even though the accusations were true).
1) it is self-evidently a bad idea to have a discord where all you do is talk shit about people 2) for the record if you are party to people talking shit about me behind my back, do not fucking tell me under any circumstances
I have no strong opinions about the Stonehenge thing but I do think it's funny to watch all the people who joke about Online Posters who won't "firebomb a Walmart" suddenly becoming the people who talk about how we should all be firebombing Walmarts
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I don't want to vote for Biden, but on the other hand I don't ever want to have to nod politely as someone shows me a Randy Rainbow video on their phone again.
apropos of nothing, "i did this for survival so it's justified," "i did this in a subversive way that changed its output," and "actually this was never bad in the first place" are three different arguments.
it is interesting to discover that people think they can have the benefits of internet fame without any of the downsides
following multiple sides of an extremely online beef and enduring 1d4 psychic damage for every click of the mousewheel
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
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one of my biggest pet peeves is people saying "let's break down toxic standards of beauty/gender performance" when what they really mean is "let's include me and people like me within the standards"
‪extremely cursed: pride cybertruck spotted at weho pride‬
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[At the gay club] HIM: Dude what’s in your pocket? ME: I’m doing the handkerchief code thing. HIM: That’s a semaphore flag. Where did you even get this? [Meanwhile, at sea] SAILOR: Sir the merchant frigate has indicated it’s a bottom into blowjobs
You know this site is doing a good job of replacing Twitter because everyone is trying to riff on an already complete joke.
I cannot control my wretched flagwife. Anyway here’s my ruling on abortion: no one can have one.
I understand not wanting to pay for the NYTimes or WaPo or any other "journalism" output, like hey I don't either, but it is absolutely wild when people link their work and the replies were like "I couldn't get past the paywall so I'm not reading this." "Paid in exposure" vibes.
If Joe Biden wants my vote he has to get a BBL. I cannot vote for a President with a flat ass.
People used to do this on Twitter and it's such an absolutely bizarre display of own-goaling - like, do you really need two lists about how I am "pro Hamas" lol
"The kids are undeniably under the sway of soulful electro-pop ballads."
apropos of nothing, at some point you can just decide that there is a level of community required for membership to a group. if a person continually works against the group, whatever putative membership they have is meaningless.
just for the record it is extremely easy to find people on here referring to Russians as "orcs" in defense of Ukraine, which if we apply the standard applied to anyone defending Palestine means that Ukraine is itself indefensible.
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when it went down i was fucking HEARTBROKEN. i went on twitter. we found the guy. i found a volunteer to host it again. we resurrected this place. i should share it with more people, but i have been selfish. here you go 2/2
Star Trek Gallery on : The Star Trek Gallery, find more than 20000 pictures of Star Trek, Star Trek original, Star Trek : The Next Generation, Star Trek Generation and movies, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Sta...
Adding "make good sandwiches" to the category "skills you lose if you're too performatively self-loathing"