Bearded Stoner

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Bearded Stoner

what's left of bearded stoner, former historian, once decent poster. he/him
To a despot, the only unity is fealty.
If a sitting Senator becomes vice-president, what becomes of the seat depends on the context. For example, if JD Vance were to become vice president, his Senate seat would be discontinued because the Senate would be disbanded by President Trump, a bloodthirsty tyrant who will rule as a dictator.
I don't know how to understand someone like this. Sorry for being a mean, heartless monster.
President Biden tried to call the widow; she wouldn't talk to him. Trump didn't bother.
JD Vance is a bad person and Donald Trump is a bad person, even if someone tried to shoot him.
If I'd just been shot at, I'd be tempted to pick JD Vance as the guy who takes over my job if I die too.
Reposted byAvatar Bearded Stoner
If you want to block all the people who harassed Jamelle Bouie off the site at once, this list is handy. Hit subscribe, then block.
Weird Bouie reply guys
What the name says. Some accounts on the list are truly horrible all the time and some just made a muteworthy skeet one time. This list is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Jamelle Bouie or anyone other than myself.
Jamelle is literally my favorite WTF
There are no "Shelley Duvall types." RIP
The other brain currently running for president...
Trump: "Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing & hosp--lee. We will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, 'What can I do? Help me God, what can I do?' We are a nation whose once revered airports are a dirty, crowded mess."
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on Trump in Doral: "Mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hosp--lee. And we will never allow mothers to watch their child hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming,...
Reposted byAvatar Bearded Stoner
Get. Caught. Trying.
Doesn't matter if it doesn't work. Now it has to be addressed, discussed, covered by the press (LOL). Show your values. Fight for something.
Doesn't matter if it doesn't work. Now it has to be addressed, discussed, covered by the press (LOL). Show your values. Fight for something.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has introduced impeachment articles against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito
Age 25: Are my friends having fun without me? Age 49: Ugh how do I get out of this thing tomorrow?
The last 4 words you hear before you die: "Acting Governor Dan Patrick."
Heard James Inhofe kicked the bucket but I'm not sure the science is in on that.
I don't think Biden's all there. I KNOW Trump's not all there, and what is there is like the mold at the bottom of a compost bin left too long untended. Anybody they replace him with besides Harris dooms us. And Biden's done something none of his current Democratic detractors ever did: Beat Trump.
Making corruption easier to do doesn't make me think you're not corrupt.
Sorry to the other dads, but I won Father's Day.
They milkshake convicted felons, don't they?
I really think this border thing will be the policy that finally makes Republicans switch their support to Biden. Kudos to him for cracking the code at long last.
"Previously on RENO 911..."
Police in Prosper, TX, celebrating their new MRAP which will protect officers from deadly IUDs.
US political discourse would be completely different today if every pundit who was wrong about the Iraq War was never allowed to pundit again.
[interrupting my doctor during an annual wellness visit] "I hear you, but the salt I use is from the Himalayas."
You should really do your research before buying the "cybertruck." And if you still want to buy it, you haven't done enough research.
The argument of these people, no matter how many different ways it's been stated, has never advanced beyond "If we don't give them everything, they'll take everything!"
this is so pathetic. can't risk even the appearance of retaliation, well Trumpers will believe any accountability is exactly that, so better not do anything!
I ever get my hands on some Fashion Shorts, it's over for you hoes.
gotta show you all something
If only there was a major U.S. political party interested in pursuing this messaging...
A strong majority of Americans think Trump should drop out of the 2024 presidential race because of his second indictment involving his alleged "willful" possession of classified documents, according to a poll by the Marist institute of Public Opinion.