Larry Glickman

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Larry Glickman

Historian at Cornell University and author, most recently, of FREE ENTERPRISE: AN AMERICAN HISTORY. Working on a history of backlash politics in the United States, from Reconstruction to the present.
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If you only trust election results when you/your candidate wins, you don’t respect election results. And headlines should reflect that.
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Show me a Democrat who views the last three and a half years as an era that we all need to move past and I’ll show you a fucking idiot.
This thread lays out links between Don Jr. and Eric Trump and the far right that, while not new, should be huge campaign stories. Will the Trump campaign even be asked to respond?
I generally avoid Trump Kremlinology, but in this case I think it's relevant. By all accounts, Vance got the VP nod thanks to his ties to Don, Jr. & Eric, who are the Trump kids in ascendance as Javanka fades into the background. Don Jr. and Eric are extremist wackos.
Donald Trump Jr plays Republican Son of the former US president has outmanoeuvred establishment titans to elevate JD Vance to running mate
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After Don Jr had to apologize and backtrack for chilling with a white nationalist radio host in March of 2016, Eric then appeared on the same show in OCTOBER. Probably best to chalk this up to incompetence more than malace. But still. Google is your friend people.
Eric Trump appears on radio program that sparked controversy for his brother | CNN Donald Trump’s son, Eric Trump, appeared on a radio show Wednesday that caused controversy for his brother earlier in the year over its ties to a white nationalist.
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In 2016, the press was absolutely sure that Clinton was going to win, which they said was their justification for going hard on her. In 2024, they are absolutely sure Trump will win, which they are using as a justification to run puff pieces & roll over for his campaign whenever possible.
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Seems to be there in the reporter's words - fifth paragraph
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Adam Gurri: “the legal community was nearly united in its assumption that Trump's immunity claim had no basis in law at all, and the Supreme Court surprised them. Who knows how they will surprise us when Trump inevitably challenges the result of an election on some equally invented grounds.”
In rereading this article, the scary thing is that it appears these are the words of the Washington Post reporter, not Vance.
Vance's word choices--"cultural elitism," "infected," "rooted out"--sure seem fine and not worrisome in the least.
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"Our research proves that our postcards will add more than 130,000 votes, which is three times the number that decided the outcome of the 2020 election in favor of President Biden.”
One thing you can do for democracy this weekend | the earlyworm Get more from the earlyworm society on Patreon
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I'm your copy desk. Let me rewrite this headline for you, WaPo: Republicans vow to ignore and overturn election results unless they win. Again.
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"And many of the nation’s most important news companies seem to be submitting their applications to be allowed to function as state media under a Trump regime." -
The totalitarian tell in Trump's "unity" Kim Jung Un and Victor Orban are role models for a type of unity, but not the type you would enjoy
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One thing I really liked abt AOCs long reflection on the election is her repeated refrain “I may be wrong” and THIS is WHY she shares her reasoning process (I don’t see a plan; they want to skip over the VEEP and that won’t work, notice which voices are calling the loudest for this change, etc )./1
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If a Democratic VP candidate had links to someone this extreme, we’d never hear the end of it.
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If you're going to go with Kamala, the convention has to be to reintroduce Kamala to the public. You're not going to send the first Black woman candidate into the general election as the first candidate that got no convention introduction to the public. WTH are people thinking here?
Tressie makes a great point of Alex Wagner Tonight about an open convention -- you have attention of the public for a few days -- do you use that limited attention for arcane process or to highlight party's core beliefs and opponents weaknesses? Why would you throw that attention away on process?
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Do not understand this “don’t want it to appear to be a coronation”argument coming from some of Dems in leadership(re: Harris becoming the nominees if Biden decides to step away) SHE IS THE VICE PRESIDENT,when he was elected in2020 when he was in his late 70’s,was w/knowledge she was there if needed
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JD Vance favors a national abortion ban, shares the ticket with an authoritarian calling for mass deportations, and said he wouldn’t uphold the Constitution to support a peaceful transition of power, so sure, let’s run this bullshit article and pretend it’s journalism.
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the idea that if Biden withdraws from the race it'd be "more democratic" to do some kind of reality TV stunt instead of respecting the will of the voters who elected her to be the person to take over the presidency if needed and simply nominating Harris, is so deeply unserious it makes my head hurt
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Dear everyone craving the excitement of an open convention: Channel it into choosing a VP!
If a Democratic VP candidate had links to someone this extreme, we’d never hear the end of it.
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Entirely predictable that the people now saying “the stakes are too high - Biden must step aside” will start to offer a bunch of qualifiers if Biden does step down.
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Love the idea too that it isn't undemocratic to redo a primary but in a fake way but it would be undemocratic for the vp candidate we already voted for twice to become the candidate even tho that's basically the one essential job of the vp. Very revealing
Entirely predictable that the people now saying “the stakes are too high - Biden must step aside” will start to offer a bunch of qualifiers if Biden does step down.
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Please do not ever forget that here in the year of 2024, he repeated the racist phrase "China virus." Racists beat and murdered Asian Americans during the first years of COVID. This man and his party are perfectly happy to stoke those flames again.
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NEWS: Teamsters VP-at-Large, John Palmer, who has been extremely critical of current President O’Brien’s overtures towards the GOP, has just announced he’s forming an opposition slate and running for president in the 2026 Teamsters leadership election. “We are better than this.”
As Casey Stengel said, “Can’t anyone here play this game?”
Entirely predictable that the people now saying “the stakes are too high - Biden must step aside” will start to offer a bunch of qualifiers if Biden does step down.
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Ross Douthat, just casually linking to Curtis Yarvin, a racist opponent of democracy who adds a third rate intellectual patina to populist conspiracy theories.
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Stunning to me that this image--reinforced by many of the speeches, including Vance's and Trump's-- wasn't at the center of the coverage of the Republican Convention.
Vance's word choices--"cultural elitism," "infected," "rooted out"--sure seem fine and not worrisome in the least.
J.D. Vance’s memo and intensive scrutiny of President Biden’s ambassador nominees reflects his view that cultural elitism has infected America’s diplomatic corps and needs to be rooted out through extraordinary vetting efforts, said U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Leaked memo shows J.D. Vance’s anti-woke ideology on foreign J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, froze dozens of ambassador nominations over LGBTQ issues and diversity hiring, offering a glimpse of his antiestablishment views.
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cultural what now?
J.D. Vance’s memo and intensive scrutiny of President Biden’s ambassador nominees reflects his view that cultural elitism has infected America’s diplomatic corps and needs to be rooted out through extraordinary vetting efforts, said U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Leaked memo shows J.D. Vance’s anti-woke ideology on foreign J.D. Vance, Trump’s VP pick, froze dozens of ambassador nominations over LGBTQ issues and diversity hiring, offering a glimpse of his antiestablishment views.
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"The economics contained within Trump’s speech, however, was worse than tendentious. It was nonsensical."