Patrick Wyman

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Patrick Wyman

Pod: Tides of History, currently covering the Iron Age. The Pursuit of Dadliness. Book: "The Verge," on the world around 1500. pwymanusc at gmail.
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New Tides of History: Carthage, Syracuse, and the Battle for Sicily. By 480 BC, Sicily had become a battleground for two rising powers, Carthage and the Greek colony of Syracuse. The remains of that battle still survive in the archaeological record.
Carthage, Syracuse, and the Battle for By 480 BC, the same year Xerxes and the Persians descended on Greece, Sicily had become a battleground for the rising powers of the Central Mediterranean: Carthage, on one side, and the Greek colony o...
Reposted byAvatar Patrick Wyman
Incredible that we as a culture are still discovering new types of Trump Guy. It's maybe not surprising given how much money there is to be made in unholy fields like subprime car loans, and also I guess given everything else about the culture, but still. Like discovering new types of horrible eels.
NEW: Trump secured his $175 million bond with a combination of cash and investment-grade bonds, per Don Hankey, chair of Knight Insurance and the "little-known king of subprime car loans." A supporter of Jeb Bush and then Trump, Hankey says he reached out to Trump with the offer.
Trump Posts $175 Million Bond In New York Civil Fraud A company backed by Don Hankey, the California billionaire who made his fortune on high-interest car loans, comes to Trump’s rescue.
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New Tides of History: The Mediterranean World in 500 BC. Around 500 BC, Rome was shedding its kings, Carthage was about to become the greatest power in the Central Mediterranean, and Greece would soon enter its Classical Era. Let's take a tour.
The Mediterranean World in 500 After our long sojourn in Central, East, and South Asia, it's time to return to a Mediterranean on the cusp of enormous changes. Around 500 BC, Rome was shedding its kings, Carthage was about to becom...
New Tides of History: The Mediterranean World in 500 BC. Around 500 BC, Rome was shedding its kings, Carthage was about to become the greatest power in the Central Mediterranean, and Greece would soon enter its Classical Era. Let's take a tour.
The Mediterranean World in 500 After our long sojourn in Central, East, and South Asia, it's time to return to a Mediterranean on the cusp of enormous changes. Around 500 BC, Rome was shedding its kings, Carthage was about to becom...
Photoshopping the Princess of Wales and her children is how a royal dynasty loses the divine right of kings in the 21st century
Proud dad moment: my son’s first bout of delayed-onset muscle soreness
Today’s 3-4-year-old soccer practice featured some real competition from the big hole that had been dug for some field irrigation. It’s not easy to keep the attention of small boys when there’s a hole nearby. The girls, by contrast, were completely uninterested in the hole.
New Tides of History: The Rigveda and the Dawn of the Iron Age in South Asia. The Rigveda is the oldest collection of religious texts in the Hindu tradition, more than 3,000 years old, and a fantastic window onto life at the dawn of the Iron Age.
The Rigveda and the Dawn of the Iron Age in South The Rigveda, a collection of hymns written in the Sanskrit language more than 3,000 years ago, is the oldest religious text in the Hindu tradition. It's also an incredible window onto life at the dawn...
Tons of good stuff coming on Tides of History: Feb. 15: The Fall of the Indus Valley Civilization Feb. 22: The Rigveda and the Dawn of South Asia's Iron Age Feb. 29: Dr. Alena Giesche on Paleoclimate and the Indus Valley Civilization Mar. 7: The Buddha and His World
Jim Nantz and Tony Romo exchanging a heartfelt “I love you” at the end of that game is the kind of normalization of male emotion we should be stoked to see. Tell your bros you love them
Reposted byAvatar Patrick Wyman
The first few notes of Yeah are like sleeper agent trigger words that activate older millennials
Singing along to every word of Ludacris’s verse on “Yeah” with my kids in the room, thought about the content of the lyrics for a moment, then just went ahead and leaned into it. The children have to know our culture
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Reposted byAvatar Patrick Wyman
❌ I’m in a slough of despond ✅ I’m in a freshwater marsh of sadness
My son just: 1) called me “bruh” and 2) beat me in a game of HORSE, I’m both dying of proud laughter and also a little shook about what the future has in store
Working on a bit about Otzi the Iceman as a short king with a skullet
New Tides of History: Confucius and His Age. Confucius is one of the most famous and influential thinkers in all of human history, but who was he, and what did he teach? And how did his age - the closing years of the Spring and Autumn period - shape him?
Confucius and His Confucius is one of the most famous and influential thinkers in all of human history, but who was he? What did he believe, and what did he teach? And how did his time and place - the closing years of ...
The “NO CHILD LABOR” notice on this children’s soccer ball has me asking a lot of questions already answered by the “NO CHILD LABOR” notice
If you want to have a really fascinating experience that will bring you closer to the human past, I strongly recommend reading early texts - Homer, the Rigveda, the Epic of Gilgamesh - under the influence of some kind of intoxicant, to really capture the vibe of the performance.
As much as I respect the move of smoking a fat J while going through the McDonald’s drive through I wish the people in front of me were working with something better than ditch weed
I learned about the concept of poison pills from spending too much time caring about NFL contracts in the mid 2000s and now I understand all deal-making through a framework that features Hall of Fame offensive guard Steve Hutchinson
Reading for the next couple of episodes of Tides of History: South Asia from the fall of the Indus Valley Civilization to the dawn of the Iron Age.
New Tides of History - China in the Eastern Zhou: Spring and Autumn. Spring and Autumn (771-481 BC) marked the high point of both political fragmentation and aristocratic power in early China, and everything that came afterward was a reaction to it.
China in the Eastern Zhou: Spring and The Spring and Autumn period, lasting from 771 to 481 BC, marked the high point of aristocratic power in ancient China. This was an age of nobility and political fragmentation, as the Zhou Dynasty's p...
New essay: Ordinary People Do Terrible Things. The perpetrators of history’s atrocities weren’t a special group of evil sadists, but utterly average bakers, truck drivers, and laborers who made up the unremarkable mainstream of their societies.
Ordinary People Do Terrible Evil acts are easily normalized
Bill Walton is in fine form tonight, rhapsodizing about the wonders of Colorado, the majesty of the buffalo, and the Pac 12