Dani cRabaiotti 🦀

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Dani cRabaiotti 🦀


Dr of Zoology
Data Scientist
Science feed co-creator
NYT bestselling author of #DoesItFart🐢💨
Anyone up for taking over the duration of the ecology and Conservation feed? 🧪
Hi all - looking for someone to take over the (very small) task of curating the Ecology and Conservation feed. That simply means adding people who want in, after a small check of their profile to see if they're legit. I'm looking to change my approach to social media, and want to take a step back. 🌎
Hi all - looking for someone to take over the (very small) task of curating the Ecology and Conservation feed. That simply means adding people who want in, after a small check of their profile to see if they're legit. I'm looking to change my approach to social media, and want to take a step back. 🌎
@danirabaiotti.bsky.social My phone doesn't have a test tube emoji but I figured this might benefit from circulation on the science feed!
Hi all - looking for someone to take over the (very small) task of curating the Ecology and Conservation feed. That simply means adding people who want in, after a small check of their profile to see if they're legit. I'm looking to change my approach to social media, and want to take a step back. 🌎
Experiencing an outage. Team is working on it.
I got to hold THE! SMALLEST!! LOBSTER!!!! TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just finished this vibrant Cassowary bird using colored pencils in my Leuchtturm 1917 sketchbook! Did you know the Cassowary is one of the most dangerous birds in the world? Their kick can be lethal! 🦅✨ #sciart
Welcome to the Parrotfish Jungle. The super male yellowtail parrotfish flexes on the competition 💪🦜🐠💪 www.instagram.com/reel/C9YcwHR...
Most grebes have very similar looking black and white stripy babies. Horned grebes build their nests in the reeds and the chicks use the reeds for protection. After a rest, this horned grebe chick decided it was once again time to venture out into the marsh!🪶
Badgers and coyotes often pair up to hunt, but remember that viral video from a few years ago? The coyote looked playful, like it was out hunting with a friend. Yes, people are GREAT at anthropomorphizing animal behavior. But animal friends in the wild are a lot more common than you might think! 🧪
Did you ever look at a couple of animals that seemed friendly, and wonder if non-human animals could truly be friends? I spoke to a couple of animal behaviorists for Live Science and learned that in many types of animals, individuals develop close bonds that meet the human definition of friendship 🧪
Do animals have friends?www.livescience.com Friendship is a key component of human social relationships. Is this also true for animals?
Coyote and Badger: More Friendship (and Waddles) in Extended Video - California Wildlife Camerayoutu.be There's more to the story! The coyote and badger were together for about an hour before trotting off through a culvert under a California highway. See for yourself in this extended video. While coyotes and badgers have been known to hunt together, this video captured a different type of interaction. We see two very different species, right by a busy roadway, using a human-made structure to travel safely underneath the highway together. To our knowledge, this is the first documented observation of its kind. We see an amazing inter-species relationship that seems mutualistic — like they're braving this hazardous situation together. This footage was captured by our partners, Pathways for Wildlife, as part of our research to better understand how wildlife moves across the southern Santa Cruz Mountains. We have more than 50-remote sensor cameras helping us capture and study scenes like this. The findings help us improve and expand safe wildlife habitats and crossings in the Bay Area. Learn more about the video and our wildlife study in Northern California at openspacetrust.org/blog/wildlife. Video: Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) / Pathways for Wildlife
This is another great reason to explain to kids of all ages the importance of libraries and how research works! Libraries need our support, and have actual knowledge!
So I want to talk about this from the perspective of someone who does professional fact checking as part of my work. For some years now I have been paid to check TV and written content themed around animals to make sure it is factually accurate. Chat GPT & AI has made that job so much harder.
A rare pleasure to get to work with sea turtles. Today, we had a young loggerhead that was found on a Danish beach a few years ago, thawed out for sampling and prepping. 🧪🐢
Puffin running on water! 😁😍 This is a photo I've been after for years! 😀 The only chance I have is when I'm on the boat, just coming into Skomer Island, or just leaving, and people are so packed in that it's difficult to twist & take pics with a long lens. 😊🐦❤️ linktr.ee/carlbovis
Smooth moves and all the groves! Risso’s dolphins bear scars on their bodies from toothy social interactions with their own kind, and from the beaks and tentacles of their preferred prey, squid.
Even before AI, SEO ruined Google by enabling countless sites designed solely for ad revenue that just copy each other’s extremely basic but high word-count “articles” tailored to every search topic imaginable, making it nearly impossible to find authentic, high-quality information.
But it isn't just about AI - it's about the enshittification of Google. Because now, when the script writers chuck 'how much does an elephant weigh' or whatever into Google it comes up with garbage AI answers. Sp even not using chat GPT you get chat GPT answers.
I needed to double check snake related deaths per year in North America and the AI right at the top all colorful and purple said 5000 deaths. I KNOW that isn't true. But there is no reason someone else should. Ppl will take the shortest path to an answer, especially if it looks correct.
And these things will stick. Not every company out there has the resources or integrity to have a professional zoologist fact check their content. So it will make its way into your kids educational books, into their tv shows, into podcasts.
I was just talking to someone about this that was trying to say "why can't kids these days just look things up instead of asking simple questions", I was like "these days you CAN'T just look stuff up on Google you're actually BETTER off asking random redditors"
You are probably aware of this, but I tried it and it did indeed make the BS AI summaries and links disappear. Doesn’t mean your clients/scriptwriters won’t keep stumbling with it. www.theverge.com/24162621/goo...
You can get rid of AI Overviews in Google Searchwww.theverge.com Getting around AI.
🧵 And just in case you think it doesn't matter- lots of research shows that people learn false facts from books and movies (even when they know the stories are fictional) e.g. tinyurl.com/Fazio2013 and people are bad at noticing errors in what they read and hear theconversation.com/why-you-stin...
And these things will stick. Not every company out there has the resources or integrity to have a professional zoologist fact check their content. So it will make its way into your kids educational books, into their tv shows, into podcasts.
Why you stink at fact-checkingtheconversation.com Cognitive psychologists know the way our minds work means we not only don’t notice errors and misinformation we know are wrong, we also then remember them as true.
hi #PortfolioDay I draw bugs and stuff
I'm always posting, even when I'm not
When my son was about 4, he once woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me he couldn’t sleep because “the black rat man was standing by my bed.” I was not able to go back to sleep.
So I want to talk about this from the perspective of someone who does professional fact checking as part of my work. For some years now I have been paid to check TV and written content themed around animals to make sure it is factually accurate. Chat GPT & AI has made that job so much harder.
Uhhhh… this is probably bad 😬😬
I found this beetle trapped in an abandoned spider web and freed it, because it was essentially in the spider equivalent of a ghost net. Also, it was a very cool beetle - a rugose stag beetle, Sinodendron rugosum.
Take this, it’s dangerous to go alone.
In the early Twitter days science types would show up and post when they had a new paper. Wonderful! But real talk y'all: papers take ages to write. So, post about other people's stuff! You read a paper and it was cool! Or you had a question! Or it tied to this other thing! Tag the authors!
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
There’s a lot more than there is on X now though. I’m hopeful we can improve here. This thread includes what I hope to do about it! bsky.app/profile/kath...
Normalized responses -- the total number of likes and shares, divided by number of followers -- were highest here (yay!) and lowest on X.
Orkney Bird Report 2023 now out! 😮‍💨 I’m so pleased to see my first report out since I took over as county bird recorder last year and latterly, and unexpectedly, as report editor. See Orkney birding and wildlife Facebook groups for availability or DM for info. #ScottishBirding #birding #birds
Can you identify japanese birds, bats, frogs or mammals? We are looking for natural history experts to do *paid* work with Pivotal doing species IDs 🧪🌍 Sign up here: forms.office.com/pages/respon...
Microsoft Formsforms.office.com