
look I understand an aversion to things like dog and cat and stuff, but if youre gonna try and make eating goat a taboo, you will simply be laughed out of the entire rest of the world. YOU EAT SHEEP
There is, although I will note that the taboo against eating goats is a peculiarly white American thing, not shared with Europeans, Black Americans or, as far as I know, anyone else. (Canadians?) It's a very strange one.
Most Americans don't eat sheep either. Lamb is a rare luxury here unless you know a sheep farmer. But it IS about race/class and about it being something brown people eat, unfortunately. They're missing out!
I mean you get lamb in basically every meat store in every large city, its sheep right?
For $20 plus a pound if they have it. It might be different in sheep producing regions. It used to be more reasonable before the pandemic, but it's been price gouged into "special occasion" range here.
“i don’t want to pay for it” is not how you spell “taboo”
White Americans have a taboo against scallops
except when they have a costco membership!
Where do you live?! I feed leg of lamb every Easter to 30+ people - two legs at 8 pounds each and it's usually about $125.
East coast, in a city. Food isn't cheap here, but lamb chops used to be about $11 a pound, which wasn't too bad. Now, though...
Huh. I'm in LA and they're still about that
So, I looked a couple of things up and found out why. The five leading sheep producing states in the U.S. are Texas, Wyoming, Utah, South Dakota and, drumroll... California. You're much closer to a sheep producing area than we are.
Yeah, it's like, a Special Occasion Meat, if you eat it at all. A lot of people don't know how to cook it and thus, never get it. (My white american ass would eat goat if I could find it, but my child might protest--out of love for the animal.)
1.5 lbs per capita sheep ingestion in the U.S. So while not chicken, not uncommon either.
much in the way you can "get" caviar in most of those same stores, as in most americans have never tried it, never met anyone who's tried it, never met anyone who's met anyone who's tried it. this country's huge dude, lots of things here are both "common" yet still exceedingly rare
I think most "lamb" sold in the US is technically mutton, it's not literally a juvenile animal, but it's labeled "lamb" for marketing reasons.
thought to be more tender or something. I don't know, I haven't really done any comparisons side by side between lamb and mutton. I think the main thing is that it's relatively uncommon to serve at home so people aren't used to cooking it.
Wait, are you sure? I don't know where you live, but places that do gyros are *very* common here and I'm in central Indiana.
True, but I know that the Greek places near me *definitely* use lamb.
Oddly, when I was a kid growing up in NE Ohio in the 70s, lamb was fairly common in the supermarket. We ate lamb chops or roast periodically. Then again, where I grew up there were a fair number of Greek and south-European immigrants, which may have influenced the availability
can confirm - have only eaten lamb at an Arab restaurant but it is very good
Gyros in America are usually lamb or a beef/lamb mix, right? But then again they're Ethnic, hardly a stone's throw from doner kebab and (gasp) shawarma.
And all delicious. But I grew up in the U.K., where doner was a regular thing you got at a hole in the wall as fast food.
Mutton is pretty common on the Navajo Rez.
I realize I'm only saying my family history but we've eaten lamb and goat. Goat has been much rarer but lamb has always been in rotation, especially for holidays/something fancy.
This is... Not my experience. Our local Vons carries lamb chops, leg of lamb, and ground lamb which I'm glad for because I like to eat it?
Oh, our supermarket CARRIES all those things. Just at prices similar to filet mignon. It's not that I can't get lamb, it's that I can't afford it!