Manning Krull

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Manning Krull

BLM. Mask up. Racists/TERFs fuck off. 🍉 No alt text, no follow.
Paper mâché, Halloween, Mardi Gras, New Orleans, birds for some reason? He/him.

pfp: me, a goblin-faced white guy
banner: coffin-shaped Cryptique logo
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Right now commissions are my only income. Any boosting is appreciated!
We're gearing up to announce some new offerings at NikkiMaki, but in the meantime I've been painting pets to get me through a rough patch. Just look at Petey here!
If you see this, post something fantasy/DnD from your portfolio!
If you see this, post something fantasy/DnD from your portfolio! People used to ask me to draw their fave #MtG cards a lot, and I miss that! This was a commission for a Loading Ready Run playmat. It's so 2013 and I really need to stop showing decade-old art, but it makes me smile.
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Reposted byAvatar Manning Krull
I didn't accept this suggestion from the Microsoft Word grammar checker. Worried now they might've be right.
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Head like a hole black as your soul I didn't like when Reznor got swole
Overhauling my life and becoming an astronaut just so I can live in 63 degrees Fahrenheit forever.
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Me when I’m having a little giggle with another hot babe
A cool story from my youth
I'm by no means an expert on birds but I've identified about a hundred species here in Louisiana and something I've learned is that the tinier the bird the more likely they are to have a gwumpy widdle face
Extremely hot tea spilled on the classical station just now; the DJ said it's no secret Mozart had little respect for the harp as an instrument. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Frankly I'm always surprised to hear about anyone singing *worse* when they're drunk.
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Reminds me of a punk album cover
Thinking about becoming an oil exec so at least while I'm watching (and feeling) the planet boiling and it's killing me and my loved ones I don't have to feel like a helpless sucker. 🤗
Always nice to hear from him
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You look like you could use a super cute birb. Here. Have yourself a black Phoebe basking in some bright sun, the black all faded like a death metal concert shirt after twenty years of washing. 🪶
Jack Black all buying a bunch of shit from Sticker Mule
Trump out here lookin like Lobot
In the director's cut of The Lost Boys they go through dozens more different types of Chinese food, with each one turning into a different gross thing.
I saw something incredible this morning: a squirrel, sitting up, eating a big mushroom(?!), he was holding it like a steering wheel, rotating it as he ate the edges. #blessed 🤗
Friends invited us to go watch The Lost Boys tonight and my wife wants to know why I replied with 🎷 and why our friend replied to that with 🤣
Always nice to hear from him
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Jesus, stickermule sent me an email telling to buy a shirt to support trump, I'm done
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Anyone still ordering at Sticker Mule? Don’t!
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idea: a Dracula movie, where he's dead and loving it
Finally talked our way into the secret vampire speakeasy on Bourbon last night! Silly shit, sweet people, good times. 🦇
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On the way to a work meeting and a quick stop by the English Heritage Blue Plaque commemorating Lou Reed and Iggy Pop's first UK gig at the Scala in King's Cross, London. #OutsideBroadcast #MusicSky
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If you’re still regularly on twitter I wonder where your lines actually are, honestly.
Two juvenile yellow-crowned night herons.