
now that i think about it, the railside pub here in portland might be one of the worst bars i have ever been to in my life
i mean, i've been to worse, i've gone bar crawling in north dakota, but yes, it's very bad
some practice space friends of ours asked if we wanted to book a show with them there and i accidentally blurted out "fuck no, that place is terrible" without even thinking about it (i am not inclined to be rude in person very often)
[location redacted]
Drizzling well vodka over puncture wounds from rusty hardware
The graffiti is a nice touch
In Fells Point. Great bar.
oh no what have they done to the Wharf Rat
Welcome to the Ann St Bunnys drink bubbles fluffle
Wes Anderson looking place.
ok hear me out 1) club charles not in fells point 2) losing wharf rat has been a travesty 3) THAT SAID that place has the most ridiculously good cocktail i've ever had. it's egregiously decadent, and the peanut brittle itself is a dessert 4) it still sucks compared to the wharf rat
There is more light in this photograph than has ever touched the floor of the Wharf Rat
Look what they’ve done to my boy!
It’s like what they’ve done to Fox and Hounds in DC
Not fells point, station north
My coworkers couldn’t pick a place for a holiday party one year so I suggested the Railside and they agreed with a plan two minutes later. Not a great bar, but an awesome threat.
shrewd strategery going on, good work
Probably too famous to qualify, but definitely has dive bar DNA. Sheridan, WY
Have been there as well as Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson WY and a few dives in Buffalo WY and these innkeepers know what they are doing in helping the populace to get lubricated
The lady I’m lookin after helped found an art museum in Sheridan (The Brinson) where her parents and grandparents used to live. She wants to go visit soon; I’ll have to check this place out!
I haven't been since the 90s, but it was cool as hell. Walls and ceiling covered in cedar shingles with brands from ranches all across the West.
One of the only upsides of looking like the gender nonconforming queer I am is that I know full well to avoid most unknown bars in shitty places, because my default inclination is actually “sure, let’s try it, how bad could it be?”
to go to this particular joint, you have to a) drive, and b) hope there's a parking space, because if not, you're gonna have to park in the neighborhood across the street and run across the highway to get there
It’s honestly weird to think of how much of where I grew up involved just letting us walk/run/bike on/across the trunk highways to get to friends, school, sports, whatever.
It's crazy that we have allowed the railroads to make the trains so long & cut the crews so much that they routinely block traffic for hours, forcing kids to literally crawl under them to get to school.
Yes, extremely bad vibes on the outside and you can feel the decay inside. I took an uber there the one time I went
i mean, i love dives, and i know people who love this one, but i just can't, it's the fuckin' worst
Here's the place I used to go to before I sobered up
I have a soft spot for house bars. This was The Silver Slipper the dive my parents took me too a lot as a kid (they did not make good decisions). It was terrible, but I imprinted on on it like a baby duck with a day drinking problem.
this is one of our local favs
Hurray for mixed-use zoning! A lot of neighborhoods in Binghamton still have that going on. This place is actually pretty nice (although it's right next to the neighborhood liquor store)
This is still my standard for a dive
the basement of this house turned German restaurant held a bar I liked so much in college I paid $100 a month more in rent to live near it. They tore it down as soon as I moved in.
Those bastards. Absolutely looks like a place worth living within staggering-home-distance of!
Christys always had a bit too much of a frat vibe for me but playing bocce in the sand courts in back was fun.
the upstairs dive bar my friends and I used to start our nights at, and often return to for last call was bulldozed years ago and is now a row of bougie shops. RIP, Le Bar. Some of the fuzziest memories I barely have were made there.
Lmao I went to high school down the street. There is a new wine and oyster bar on Wayne Ave that took the name.
The Silver Slipper in Missoula actually has a gigantic silver slipper out front. Kind of an uninspiring sports bar/casino, but it does what it says!
It definitely is, in its way
That place! My friend KJed there and I had a very good time, the only time I've gone
some friends from out of town booked a show there when they were coming through, and i was like, "of all the fucking places, why on earth would you book a show *here*"