
john roberts would crumble into tears and dust at the first real television attack ad on him and i think dem aligned superPACs should at least do some focus testing on exactly that
the other thing about this is that the majority on the court are playing at being elite, top tier level politicians, but with none of the lifetime worth of training in PR, strategy, comms, communication and consensus building a lifelong politician gets, which is why they look like such sweaty clowns
as we have seen with thomas and alito, judges do not have the sixth sense for covering their tracks through damaging or embarrassing trails that lifelong elected politicians do and don’t have the rapid response skills to deflect when they’re called on it
make their jobs fucking miserable and make them personally miserable doing them. even a cush trip on a cruise ship is gonna turn to ash if you have op research photographers capturing every minute.
Take away their protection. After all, they have a right to bear arms.
keep tabs on them like paparazzi did britney and paris back when. can't provoke their security or try to follow them inside anywhere or anything - but it would be nice to have TMZ level shit like: "look who thomas had in tow arriving at harlan crow's oscars after-party." put it all in the street.
It is an indictment on the DC social scene that any of the 6 are ever able to eat a meal in peace
Thomas and Alito already throw tantrums at the slightest side eye
“Look at these fucking dipshits Trump appointed” might be a good series.
make sure to do so rude & insultingly, with portrayals of the right wing justices as tacky and over the top and greedy which would drive them up the wall
So greedy. So lawless. Christofascistic. Seems like a teachable moment!
My Powerball fantasy has been running attack ads on every billboard I can find in the DC suburbs.
Fuck a focus test, just cut some promos and release them. Hit them with back to back attacks and keep hitting. Eventually, something will stick when it does drill down on that shit.
“Impeach Earl Warren” was a major political position!
Feature some clips of them lying during their confirmation hearings
The ad should also blare his home address. For official reasons.
Tie them to Trump - their smug mugs should be on every ad.
I would love to see a coordinated push with an actual plan to reform the judiciary. Make expanding and packing the courts a direct outcome of handing the presidency and Congress to the Democrats. (No. Democrats have not had Congress at any point during Biden’s term when depending on Manchin/Sinema.)
Democrats are constrained from making the full court (haw) press denying the legitimacy of a court without legitimacy (re the Electora College) because they don’t want to pull back the curtain from the Wizard