
The response the campaign gave here seems like normal, boilerplate "we don't quite have a prepared remark yet and it would be inappropriate to make one off-the-cuff", so I'm not sure what impulse is behind reporting it this way. (I know that you did not write this article.)
In general I think it's very good that campaigns/government officials don't post as fast as we can.
Is your argument that the Biden administration could only just today have realized that the Supreme Court is corrupt/irredeemable as constituted and that radical action is thus needed? Very mainstream liberals have proposed exactly that for many months. None of these recent decisions are shocking.
There are a lot of reasons why they might not have an exact statement prepared. One simple one would be "we're preparing a speech based on the exact ruling and we don't want to scoop Biden's delivery of it"
That’s possible, but they have had plenty of opportunities to speak out boldly about significant reform of the courts, and they have not. Biden ha Ms repeatedly stated his opposition to it in the past.
If your argument is "Biden, and in fact every Democrat, should have favored court packing in 2020", you're not going to get any argument from me. I've been on the court packing train since 2017.
but this has been an ongoing thing, this is just one more corrupt ruling in a whole line.
It is deeply dishonest that “I don’t have any news to share on that this morning" is being published as "brushes off the idea" when it's literally less than two hours until he makes an actual statement on the issue. fucking clickbait news bullshit.
the supreme court has been openly corrupt for years now though, this is just another one on the pile. it's not new.
Exactly. For example AOC immediately announced she would be filing articles of impeachment for the justices in the House. Obviously that’s not going to go anywhere, but it’s not difficult to give a meaningful response along those lines right away.
The headline makes a factual claim that isn't backed up in the article, which I acknowledge is not a new practice but it remains odious.
He could actually woo some people back if he’d just say “the first thing I will do is add x # seats to the court” and he can’t even take that low hanging fruit.
I don't think promises of what he "will do" are gonna fly anymore. We need to see action yesterday.
What could Biden do to reform the court directly? Congress has a lot of powers to reign in the court, but the executive doesn't have much it can do on its own. I guess he could selectively choose not follow their judgements but he can't decree there be more seats tomorrow.
I guess he could sic the Justice Department on Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crowe. Use his new king-powers to jail the justices he doesn't like, but that's a pretty dark path.
jesus christ this is a total layup
These are the types of footnotes about this blinkered administration that make me ok with him immediately dropping out. They are so out of their depth and not up for this moment. You honestly have to wonder if he’s mentally incapable of processing the stakes.
I am BEGGING all the liberals who keep trying to insist we vote for him to instead start screaming at him and their other elected officials instead. This is unsustainable. What remains of our democracy cannot survive this.
So we will just casually walk off into the nuclear explosions of our entire legal system and call it a nice sunset.
They brushed off QUESTIONS about reforming the Court. They didn't brush off the idea of reforming the Court.