Asawin Suebsaeng

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Asawin Suebsaeng

senior politics reporter @ Rolling Stone magazine // co-author of ‘Sinking in the Swamp’ // adjunct professor at the University of Cincinnati (go Bearcats 🐻 🐱) // volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul - Cincinnati // Rolling Stones obsessive
Biden's own party is clowning him so hard right now. Homie is getting slam dunked by his own people right now. This is hilarious.
lol, lmao
If you try to take it from Kween Kamala, she will do Project 2025 but only to you. TRY IT BITCH.
New this morning. Inside the MAGA Asylum: Four Days of Worship With the Cult of Trump can’t wait to do this all over again with the Dem convention next month, just kidding it sucks to be away from the wife and kids and cats but I’ll do it for you, precious subscribers and non-subscribers alike 😃 & i talked it over & we needed to do One more piece for Rolling Stone, dumping the notebook on what the week’s Trump convention truly meant & where we are as a country & boyyyyy do I have some bad news for you Please read/subscribe/etc
Inside the MAGA Asylum: Four Days of Worship With the Cult of Donald Trump, MAGA, the Republican National Convention, and the buffoonery of an American democracy in peril.
I see why it is such a tough call for certain Dem consultants & lawmakers because on the one hand Kamala can be incredibly awkward and embody the stereotype of someone just standing by waiting to see which way the wind blows, and on the other hand Trump wants Mitch McConnell in prison for no reason
Every leftists I know: It should be Kamala today fuck it I don't like her but fuck it she can win against this old fascist bitch. Every democrat with power: 16 round tournament, 3 wild card play-ins, cumulative points against total, winner determined on November 10th.
Wait WAIT that was a horrible example to use to make a point, I ..
“If America does in fact elect Trump again — as polls suggest is likely — and the country suffers the authoritarian bent that Trump and so many of the Republican elite are openly promising… & i talked it over & we needed to do One more piece for Rolling Stone, dumping the notebook on what the week’s Trump convention truly meant & where we are as a country & boyyyyy do I have some bad news for you Please read/subscribe/etc
Inside the MAGA Asylum: Four Days of Worship With the Cult of Donald Trump, MAGA, the Republican National Convention, and the buffoonery of an American democracy in peril.
“…that degradation won’t be executed with the fake intellectual foundation of anti-democratic takeovers of past decades. It’s being done with all the charm and dignity of early Bush-era reality TV pageantry, set against a soundtrack of the Village People.”
“And upon accepting the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination on Thursday night, the ex-president and former reality TV star — before speaking of the recent attempt on his life, before talking about the victim of that shooting, before describing a landscape of so-called American Carnage —…
“Yet if the American experiment is headed toward a cliff, the Trump convention…underscored…it is doing so in the most cartoonishly buffoonish, cheesiest way imaginable—replete with aging wrestling superhero Hulk Hogan tearing apart an American flag T-shirt to reveal a “Trump Vance” tank-top beneath…
“…began by thanking Kid Rock, who had just performed on the same stage. The former and perhaps future president was sure to inform the crowd full of Republican supporters and luminaries that Kid Rock is not in fact Kid Rock’s real name. The crowd chuckled and woo’d.”
“Yet if the American experiment is headed toward a cliff, the Trump convention…underscored…it is doing so in the most cartoonishly buffoonish, cheesiest way imaginable—replete with aging wrestling superhero Hulk Hogan tearing apart an American flag T-shirt to reveal a “Trump Vance” tank-top beneath… & i talked it over & we needed to do One more piece for Rolling Stone, dumping the notebook on what the week’s Trump convention truly meant & where we are as a country & boyyyyy do I have some bad news for you Please read/subscribe/etc
Inside the MAGA Asylum: Four Days of Worship With the Cult of Donald Trump, MAGA, the Republican National Convention, and the buffoonery of an American democracy in peril.
“…a performance that prompted Trump to blow Hogan an air-kiss from across the arena. The coronation’s proceedings were occasionally interrupted by a montage displayed on the large screens of Trump dancing (if you can even call it that) at his rallies, as the 1978 disco hit “Y.M.C.A” blasted on the…
“…arena speakers — with delegates, politicians, and Trump super-fans all performing the famed letter-dance, as if this were the most mundanely racist Bar Mitzvah ever staged.”
This was cut alas: “As Rolling Stone…interacted with as many Trump apparatchiks as we could -- with the kind of people who are very likely to be in line to craft policy…-- we could not help but recall a line from the 2009 film In The Loop…by master satirist Armando Iannucci, formerly of HBO's Veep…
“If this is how the American empire finally crumbles into the silt, the process is strangely, darkly funny, and alternately humiliating, horrifying, and cruel.”
“…Near the movie's climax, Tucker says to the U.S. official: "You know, I've come across a lot of psychos, but none as fucking boring as you. I mean, you are a real boring fuck!…
“…For how cornily debauched and morally vacant Trump’s movement has grown even after he first stepped out of office, it’s created a thoroughly American sickness that is too psychotic and far too boring for the master satirist who watches on in reserved terror…
““They’re not just boring, they’re totally joyless. Not one of them radiates happiness with life,” Iannucci messaged Rolling Stone as the Republican convention was being held. “The more people are alerted to the tense balls of sadness and rage rattling behind their eyes, the better!”
“If this is how the American empire finally crumbles into the silt, the process is strangely, darkly funny, and alternately humiliating, horrifying, and cruel.” & i talked it over & we needed to do One more piece for Rolling Stone, dumping the notebook on what the week’s Trump convention truly meant & where we are as a country & boyyyyy do I have some bad news for you Please read/subscribe/etc
Inside the MAGA Asylum: Four Days of Worship With the Cult of Donald Trump, MAGA, the Republican National Convention, and the buffoonery of an American democracy in peril.
“In the arena halls, when Sen. Ted Cruz was enrapturing the audience with accounts of undocumented individuals murdering and terrorizing America’s peaceful communities, Rolling Stone bumped into a seasoned foreign and war correspondent who had recently decamped to the United States to report on the…
“…Biden-Trump horror show. They asked with utter disbelief: “Is this normal in America? Is it always like this?” With all the violence-obsessed rhetoric and intense focus on nurturing the Trump personality cult, the foreign correspondent remarked that the on-stage displays…
“… they’d endured at the 2024 Republican convention reminded them far more of the excesses and depravities of authoritarian states they had reported from, rather than regions sustaining healthy democracies. Rolling Stone didn’t have much more to say than: Welcome.” 🤷
Avatar & i talked it over & we needed to do One more piece for Rolling Stone, dumping the notebook on what the week’s Trump convention truly meant & where we are as a country & boyyyyy do I have some bad news for you Please read/subscribe/etc
Inside the MAGA Asylum: Four Days of Worship With the Cult of Donald Trump, MAGA, the Republican National Convention, and the buffoonery of an American democracy in peril.
This is a good and important point. Those of us who despair about movies becoming the sole providence of dopey $200m+ IP aren't saying they shouldn't make (and you shouldn't enjoy) those movies. We're just saying they shouldn't ONLY make those movies. Evergreen:
70s Hollywood produced my favorite movies, but going to the movies in the 90s was awesome too. You get Independence Day and Twister, but you'd also get Fargo and some $20M Fox Searchlight character study, a low budget genre movie, and whatever weird shit Jim Jarmusch was working on.
How the Death of Mid-Budget Cinema Left a Generation of Iconic Filmmakers Editor’s note: This post was originally published in December 2014. We’ve selected it as one of the posts we’re republishing for our 10th anniversary celebrations in May 2017. Earlier this year, John ...
It is amazing how many Trump-skeptical or at least backing another horse Republicans immediately came around to Trump not merely because they realized in late 2016 any GOP president would get them all/most of the policies they crave but also they couldn’t believe that suddenly they received…
…a permission structure blank check to act as menacingly, boorishly, self-satisfied, and bitchily as the literal leader of the free world did, a volcanic joy they never thought their cruel impulses would be allowed, when they thought he could never win and they’d all have to return to pretending to…
…care about quaint play things like laws they don’t appreciate or constitutional clauses they find selectively obnoxious