
However bad you think TX republicans are, they’re worse
This shithead was my rep. until the GOP redistricted him to a safer set of Zip codes: "Tell you what – I do want to 'ethnic cleanse' by deporting white progressive Democrats – with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree," Roy tweeted. "I really do not like 'those people.'"
San Antonio U.S. Rep. Chip Roy says he wants to 'ethnic cleanse' white In a tweet defending Donald Trump's plan to deport 20 million migrants, Roy said he wants to deport "white progressive Democrats - with a special bonus for rich ones with an Ivy League degree."
Like Bogart says in The Big Sleep, "The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter"
I keep reminding myself he was an opportunist who was raised and educated in Virginia (same goes for Dan Patrick and Maryland). Too bad we're a haven for them. Ashamed to share a law school with him.
did Mr. Clean sue this shithead for trade dress misappropriation
“Chip”. That’s a rapist’s name. (My sincere apologies to the handful of cool Chips)
So is he going to remove Ted Cruz from Texas too? That ass hat has an Ivy League degree. FFS I have republicans.
Let's start with, in no particular order: 1) John Roberts (Harvard/Harvard Law) 2) Clarence Thomas (Yale Law) 3) Samuel Alito (Princeton/Yale Law) 4) Neil Gorsuch (Columbia/Harvard Law) 5) Brett Kavanaugh (Yale/Yale Law) 6) Amy Coney Barrett (two private schools, Rhoades and Notre Dame)
Ehh not saying this shit at all would be best, but if he's gonna say it, I'd rather he say it about me than poor brown people.
You've misinterpreted him. He hates them too, there's just no bonus for the poors.