Anna Krasner

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Anna Krasner

I'm a gamedev at Outerloop Games, artist, activist. Codesmith and nuisance, previously at Lighthaus, Ubisoft SF, Adobe, Mixamo

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Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
SPEAKING OF FUCKING COUCHES, the game I did some UI concepts for back at the end of 2022/start of 2023 just got announced! Date all of the furniture you desire, and pretty much everything else in the house too.
Date Everything | Announcement Welcome to Date Everything! A cheeky, wildy interactive, new dating sim from familiar voice actors turned developers Ray Chase, Robbie Daymond, Max Mittelman...
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
URGENT! CALL TODAY: S. 1409, the misleading Kids Online Safety Act, is up for a vote TODAY in the Senate. We oppose this dangerous bill—but our Senator Butler is a cosponsor. We need her to get her name off of it and to vote NO! Call your Senators and tell them: Vote NO on KOSA!
Tell our Members of Congress: Protect free speech online—Stop KOSA | Indivisible We’ve enjoyed decades of online life with strong protections for freedom of speech. It’s a complicated subject of rights and responsibilities, just as life—online and off—is complicated. But while…
Fund a hundred businesses, they won't call you a businessman. Write a thousand words, they won't call you a writer. But you fuck ONE couch,,
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
"Kamala Harris is descended from a notorious slavemaster!!!" Yes. Most Black people with century-plus family history in this hemisphere are. Would you like to try and guess why?
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
S. 1409, the misleading Kids Online Safety Act, is up for a vote in the Senate. We oppose this dangerous bill—but our Senator Butler is a cosponsor. We need her to get her name off of it and to vote NO! Call your Senators and tell them: Vote NO on KOSA!
Tell our Members of Congress: Protect free speech online—Stop KOSA | Indivisible We’ve enjoyed decades of online life with strong protections for freedom of speech. It’s a complicated subject of rights and responsibilities, just as life—online and off—is complicated. But while…
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
We wrote 320 Vote Forward letters last night at Get Active Happy Hour! Our next gathering will be Monday. RSVP here: We're already almost out of stamp money 😅 If you want to support this effort, please donate here!
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Hey folks! The Xbox 360 Marketplace is shutting down on July 29th. This may affect some of our doubly fine fans. Here’s what you should know. First off: your games should still be accessible but we recommend downloading them ASAP. Just to be sure!
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Celeste says Schumer is putting KOSA up for a vote. So I called my US senators to tell them NOT to empower R attorney generals to persecute LGBTQ+ people through KOSA. Project 2025 equates any MENTION of trans people with porn. Rs will use that to censor. NO. #DidThisToday
This is an older script (almost a year old at this point), but please adapt as needed. My original link is here: I'll update it when I can.
U.S. Senate:
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PHILADELPHIA. My STOMACH hurts, does your stomach hurt??? Are you disgusted with the state of our country?? Come drink & eat pretzels with others who are sick of this shit, while writing Vote Forward letters. It's better than posting about how bad we feel I think probably??
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Ever get overwhelmed with the myriad nightmares we've created for ourselves to plague our collective existence? You ever wish you were like, idk, an abyssal sea cucumber? Join me to explore the lives of the denizens of the deep to escape... all this for a bit.
I watched Looper for the first time last night and it... kinda slaps? Whatever they did to JGL's face to make it look like Bruce Willis was extremely wierd and off-putting, and looked different from shot to shot, but that's just about my only criticism. A textbook A+ piece of filmmaking otherwise.
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
I've pitched and got funding for 7 different games over the last ten years. These are indie teams of 7 to 15 from $600k-4M+ USD. Every situation is different of course but hoping this info is useful. Four of them had pitch decks and playable demos. The other three were just decks.
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Gave my website a new look! Find my writing, photography from around the globe, and more. Looking for work in games (editing, writing, consulting), journalism, or content writing. Let's talk, or check out those sweet pictures from around the world!
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Happy #PortfolioDay Im Jordan Mitchell and im looking for work in illustration for Editorial, book covers games and publishing and Animation as a BG painter or visdev Clients: NYT, Cartoon network ,NBC, WBA, HBO, Netflix, Harper Collins Links to everything in my bio [email protected]
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Everyone who supports @SkypeScientist, I'd have gotten a desk job years ago without you all, just FYI. Been absolutely toasted without you. If you wanna be one of those people, $5/month is wildly helpful when enough people do it!
Get more from Skype a Scientist on Connecting people with science through conversations & art
lol, Arctic Eggs is incredible. One of those so-good-I'm-mad games.
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
I see we've finally remembered Ukraine exists and needs our attention. If you want the best options for helping, follow my friend, Ukrainian and awesome person His organization helps people on the ground.
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Still seven slots left!! These have been a lot of fun to write & everyone who's gotten one so far has loved it!
I've got 7 slots left this month for murder commissions - custom death scenes of up to 500 words where I kill you in a fun way! For $30, I choose how you die For $50, YOU choose how you die Plus you get the warm fuzzy feeling of helping a struggling writer escape debt! 2/4
New Month, New Murders! Dianna Gunn published a post on Ko-fi
I see we've finally remembered Ukraine exists and needs our attention. If you want the best options for helping, follow my friend, Ukrainian and awesome person His organization helps people on the ground.
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
I don’t know how to explain what it’s like when your city is being bombed for more than 2 years to people living in the safe Western countries. It hurts even more when it’s a place you’ve been to, it hurts even more when it’s a hospital for children with severe diseases like cancer. #UkrainianView
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for those who were following along with this conversation, Amy is heroically running point on a research/writing/design project to build social media shareable graphics to educate the uninformed persuadable voter about Project 2025. sign up here if you want to share your skills!
Ok, i'm done watching Bridgerton. Every man in this show is an insufferable piece of shit that deserves to die of syphilis, and no amount of sideburns and chest flexing will make me less annoyed.
The inside out characters in my head
Only Ubisoft can take our dark times from tragedy to farce, gotta love em, Papa Yves has done it again
It’s like Ubisoft made an entire game out of the concept of tonal conflict
SO's mom got me watching Bridgerton, this show is insane, they know what their target demographic wants (butts, controversial historical costumes) and oh my god do they serve.
Still feeling this way tbh.
I'm so tired of seeing only darkness when I think of the future. I want to live my life. I often wonder if I'm cursed
Reposted byAvatar Anna Krasner
Bringing the experience of the gallery show to directly to your home, it's Indiepocalypse #54! -10 curated alternative indie games $15! -Zine! -Newly commissioned game by hexcavator -Launcher! Buy it!