
That’s a block.
ON WHAT ISSUES THOMAS LITERALLY ON WHAT ISSUES cuz seriously, to the right of DUBYA? SPECIFICALLY? like even by Biden Derangement standards, the things you can arguably hit Biden for still contrast strongly w/Dubya
like, you usually hit Biden on environment, Middle East hawkness, and LGBT rights even if you buy into the “Biden signed a thing that let some oil companies do stuff” thing you absolutely can’t pin ANY US president as being more pro oil than Dubya
Bet you it's immigration. They're crediting Reagan for amnesty & Bush for not supporting Republican efforts to crack down on illegal immigration
ok, so like, this is also the guy who created ICE though who absolutely ran on antipathy toward illegal immigrants and implemented many of the systems that currently are used to limit migrant employment
Bush Jr. did try to do an immigration thing and ran into his own party. Doesn't make him left of Joe Biden though.
Legitimately struggling to imagine calling the W. Bush administration, which passed the Homeland Security Act, formed the DHS, and *literally created ICE* “better on immigration” than *checks notes* just about anyone else.
Like, do people not remember the anti-Muslim panics? The “randomized” targeted screenings? The way Border Patrol has been acting like a rogue agency since the HSA granted them extensive autonomy? The Minutemen? Sheriff Joe Arpaio running his own little racist anti-Latinx fiefdom in Arizona?
If they do remember, they simply don’t care. They simply would prefer a far-right takeover over any concession whatsoever to the hated libs.
I guess, but man, calling GWB “good on immigration” even in a vacuum is wild, and completely counterfactual. Like saying Reagan was concerned about the AIDS crisis.
Facts don’t matter when you’ve decided that Joe Biden is The Embodiment Of All Evil